Beginners and Beyond


Multipotent Monday Penguins (Read 31 times)


Return To Racing

    3.5 with dw.  Felt good at start, but tired fast.  Went to the gym too and did my random weight machines.  I workout same as you Traci.  I do try to do the machines slow in either direction.


    Holiday Streak is continues.


    Glad you're better Hopesmom. Take Care....



      Hey everyone. I did 3 miles on the dreadmill at the gym. I also did some strength stuff. I have no clue what Im doing though. Do any of you have a ssample weight lifting schedule ? I looked for one online but didn't see anything. I basically want to do weights/ machines 3x a week. I don't want to alternate arms or legs just wanna do whole body a few times a week. And What order do I go in? I can't afford a personal trainer as they are 50-75$ per hour.


      When I was going to the gym, I just did 3 sets of 10 on each of the machines I wanted to do. I started out light, then incresed just a little for each set, but not too much that I couldn't finish the 10 reps. I did the same as your thinking too, I did not seperate legs, arms, etc.


      Look at the Smoky Mountain Half, you know you want to do it! I think we'll stay in Wears Valley for this trip.


      Awood used to be a big weight lifter, maybe he has some pointers.


      Former Bad Ass

        FYI. My Facebook account was infatuated earlier this year by a troll so I had set up a new account:



        Oh, I noticed your account was no longer active but felt too shy to ask for your new friendship.  So, off I go!  Hope you accept.



        Former Bad Ass


          That kind of messy training seems right up my alley. I only want to finish, I've been considering a 1 mile run/ 1/2 mile walk schedule for the actual "race". He did excellent beating his expectations! I'll only be 16 weeks pregnant on race day, but it's this blasted all day sickness that will probably last until 12-13 weeks.


          Hope that makes you feel better.  Just try to keep a consistent LR, which is what he tried.  Even if the shorter runs are horrible or you never do them, try to finish a distance of up to 10 miles before the race.  Good luck!



            Dan- Haha! Evil

            Bin Running

              Mel, thanks.. Legs are sore and I hated doing anything that required me to squat including going down the stairs..

              Mitch, legs are sore.. esp the calf and thigh.. The area around my right ankle is pain to press.. Probably a mild SS.. Hope it will not flare up now.

              Obie, I am doing ok.. Maybe I should postphone it.. ha

              Cherie, pretty good exp but need to rethink if I wanna put myself thru this long training and run again.. Will try to put up a RR soon.

              Scotty, need a lot of skill to be able to build an umbrella with those small bricks.. Need professional help on those..

              Coralie, recovering well I suppose.. Haven't run yet.. maybe a light jog tmr.. Planning to go for some blood donation later this week.

              Dan, thanks.. Adding you on FB.

              2015 Races

              2XU HM - 29 Mar
