Beginners and Beyond

A conversation about RWOL, the beginners forum, L&O as was and anyone else who wants to join in. (Read 273 times)

Mr MattM

    There is a certain kind of sadness that accompanies this repeated expression of 'internet forum fiefdoms', as if they are real things, worthy of allegiance and defense.


    Carry on, brave soldiers.  Carry on.

    be curious; not judgmental





      As we all know, I am not real smart, what does this translate to?

      ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

      “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




      Goddess of the Cuisine

        That makes me feel a lil better. Most of us are grown ups, although I try to act like I am still a kid at times.


        So am I wrong to say that the fun police was in effect in a meltdown thread?


        Yes. I can maybe understand how you interpreted your comments to be funny, but that wasn't the way everyone else interpreted them (including myself). Saying that the "fun police" shut the place down makes it sound like you don't want to acknowledge that your comments just weren't accepted, and many told you so. Nobody tries to "ruin the fun", I assure you.


        That's all.

        In transit, arriving on time. 

        Meat Wagon




          As we all know, I am not real smart, what does this translate to?


          Many of the women here can tell you exactly what that translates to. There's also Google.


          I hate to even bring it up, as I'm sure that it will open old wounds for some people here. However, it might be worth it if you're a not a creepy stalker, but a decent guy IRL who truly can't figure out why he kicked a hornet's nest. Also, we all can use a refresher course that there are people like JHPark out there.

          Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.



            No. I was just wondering why kk is posting here. That's all. Nothing to do with you. I've posted in L&O before but I wouldn't call myself an L&Oer. Just as I do not think of you as a member of this forum.


            If someone is listed on the member list, and posting in this forum, wouldn't that make them a "member of this forum"?


            Should we have two categories? i.e., "Members in Good Standing" and "The others, who are welcome to lurk, but please refrain from posting, as you're not a "Member in good standing"?


            This is the attitude that many in L&O mock, and for good reason.

            No more marathons

              There is a certain kind of sadness that accompanies this repeated expression of 'internet forum fiefdoms', as if they are real things, worthy of allegiance and defense.


              Carry on, brave soldiers.  Carry on.


              Bravo, brave sir, bravo.

              Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

              Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

              He's a leaker!


                Many of the women here can tell you exactly what that translates to. There's also Google.


                I hate to even bring it up, as I'm sure that it will open old wounds for some people here. However, it might be worth it if you're a not a creepy stalker, but a decent guy IRL who truly can't figure out why he kicked a hornet's nest. Also, we all can use a refresher course that there are people like JHPark out there.

                I missed that deal. I am not much of a PMer. Because i know there are creeps out there. Also why i have a real picture and my name on here. I can be annoying, a jerk, and make bad jokes but consider myself decent IRL.


                Kicking a hornets nest can be fun, unless you ass gets stung.


                Btw- that's a pretty cool google trick. As you can tell, I don't get out much.


                Thanks for the info.

                ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”





                  If someone is listed on the member list, and posting in this forum, wouldn't that make them a "member of this forum"?


                  Should we have two categories? i.e., "Members in Good Standing" and "The others, who are welcome to lurk, but please refrain from posting, as you're not a "Member in good standing"?


                  This is the attitude that many in L&O mock, and for good reason.


                  How I regard people on this forum is my business. Baboon posts on both forums. To me, he is a full fludged member of this forum and of L&O. So is JustBeth. Cookiemonster on the other hand isn't a real member here, even though he may have visited many times. It's just my own feeling about it. He can call himself whatever he wants, I realize that.


                  Also, I understand the kk breakdown. And I understand that it is sending a lot of people into a frenzied panic... But was it really necessary for these people to follow her here? And do we really need 3 or 4 threads explaining how L&O works? I mean... we just don't care, really.

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  rather be sprinting

                    I'm a little mindboggled that being a 'member of the forum' is like some exclusive club thing... why?  Seriously, I don't really understand.  If you get along with certain people and like talking to them, aren't they just your friends?  And others who are posting on the same board may not be your friends, but who cares?


                    Call me naive.  Or someone who didn't really have a high school social life with cliques.  I don't get why this matters and may be missing out on some huge social online subtext.


                    Oh well, carry on with your confusing conversation, I'm off for a long run. Smile

                    PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                    Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb

                      I'm a little mindboggled that being a 'member of the forum' is like some exclusive club thing... why?  Seriously, I don't really understand.  If you get along with certain people and like talking to them, aren't they just your friends?  And others who are posting on the same board may not be your friends, but who cares?


                      Call me naive.  Or someone who didn't really have a high school social life with cliques.  I don't get why this matters and may be missing out on some huge social online subtext.


                      Oh well, carry on with your confusing conversation, I'm off for a long run. Smile




                      not affiliated with you

                        I don't post here regularly, but I'm posting in response to KK here because this is where she will post her garbage, now that she's vowed to never return to L&O until she gets her mod powers back, which for obvious reasons (she's crazy) is not likely to happen.  So, uh, good luck, you guys.  She'll probably be posting here now and she's got a bit of a persecution complex, based purely in delusion.


                        It's just really bad that I feel that I can't post somewhere, where I've been years longer that those 'in charge', without being treated like a threat and banned. 


                        The only person who was "banned" was Jammin... and you were one of the people advocating that he be banned, simply because you think he's mentally unstable, which is the way many of us feel about you.  Still, I haven't seen anyone seriously request that you be banned.  If you feel like you can't post in LnO because you're treated like "a threat", stop going on crazy tirades like this.


                        It's insane and has driven the old school L&O posters away.


                        That's not what's driven them away.  I can think of one long-time poster who was "driven away" and it was because she couldn't stand your crazed weekly meltdowns.


                        Which is why I'm conflicted about us all moving away from RWOL.


                        Then go back, no one is begging you to stay.


                        I'm pissed off that the "L and O" on here is now 'administered' by people that (a) are not part of the history, and (b) don't do anything about online bullying, or even have the intelligence to recognise when 'banter' actually IS bullying.


                        Actually, you're pissed because no one respects you when you feel you're deserving of the utmost respect.  You think that as "part of the history" (lmao. seriously?) that people are suddenly treating you unfairly and it has nothing to do with your behavior?  You are not being bullied.  You are being treated like an unstable buffoon who gets black out drunk in front of her computer and repeats the same baseless complaints ad nauseam (and now, you post them in LnO, B&B AND in the RWOL facebook group - just give it a rest, it's not that serious)... because that's what you are. 



                        Again, good luck, people of B&B.

                        She might be one of yours now. 


                        not affiliated with you

                          MrNamtor 5/2/2013 Banned
                          SinisterGates 5/2/2013 Banned
                          Wayne LaPierre 12/26/2012 Banned
                          China Doll 1/9/2013 Banned
                          TakeOverTheWorld 12/24/2012 Banned
                          Jamezilla 6/9/2013 Banned
                          ih8d_r 6/8/2013 Banned
                          PTRuns 6/9/2013 Banned
                          StormCrow 5/2/2013 Banned
                          cwoodsrun 12/26/2012 Banned
                          FreeSoul87 6/8/2013 Banned
                          Better I Leave 5/2/2013 Banned
                          perfectform 6/13/2013 Banned
                          scrape 6/10/2013 Banned
                          Docket_Rocket 6/8/2013 Banned
                          asdkajhd123 6/11/2013 Banned
                          Gallowalker 3/14/2013 Banned
                          chandakitty 6/14/2013 Banned
                          ruppNum1Fan 6/5/2013 Banned
                          fappage 5/7/2013 Banned
                          Whee 6/8/2013 Banned
                          run dog 1/17/2013 Banned
                          BuchananBrigader 4/29/2013 Banned
                          el perrero 1/17/2013 Banned
                          NeilPeart 1/30/2013 Banned
                          katylane 6/15/2013 Banned
                          dotstar 6/14/2013 Banned
                          LRB 6/8/2013 Banned
                          Beeman548 12/23/2012 Banned
                          UsednAbused 1/31/2013 Banned
                          TOBSeton 5/2/2013 Banned


                          No idea who banned Docket_Rocket or why, but I suppose she is banned.  In an abuse of my mod powers, you'll see the complete list of people banned from LnO above.  Most of them are Jammin trolls, KK is not one of them.


                            6 pages of L&O Confessional in B&B makes perfect sense to me.

                              This has been a busy month. Almost Half of the ones booted were this month.

                              ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                              “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



                                6 pages of L&O Confessional in B&B makes perfect sense to me.


                                Spreading wisdom and joy.

                                ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

