Beginners and Beyond


so whose racing this weekend? (Read 281 times)


never runs the tangents

    I have a 5k, taking the dog. It should be fun but annoying in that it's going to be in the 30's for the race then warm up to the mid 50's later in the day. Then, nothing until March.

    “Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!” Doctor Who


    Chief Unicorn Officer

      I have a holiday themed 5K... The overall male and female get golden Santa Claus trophies. I WANT A GOLDEN SANTA CLAUS TROPHY.

      Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54


        Pine Mountain 40 Mile Trail Run this weekend. 


        I am still recovering from my big race three weeks ago, so this should be...interesting.  I am going into PM 40 with no expectations, though, and I just want to see friends while going as far as I can.  I ran PM 40 as my first ultra back in 2009, so I love returning to the tradition.


        Good luck with your races, everyone!

        You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  

        andrew jerald

          Either 5k reindeer run or a dash not sure yet.

          Hip Redux

            Santa Claus/Jingle Bell/Christmas-exploded 5K.  Assuming the knee holds up.



              Jingle Bell 5k, weather should be just about perfect. 


              My running blog

              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                Jingle Bell Run 5-miler on Saturday. It is the first of three races in our YMCA's winter running series. And DS has the Rudolph's Dash later in the morning.

                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                  I'm hosting a 10 mile fake race to replace the annual Freezer Burn race that was cancelled.  I'm calling it the Freezer Bummed informal run.  I'm trying to make it as race-like as possible including having an aid station, marked course, photos, and honor-system time tally-race results.  Hopefully the race-like adrenaline will get flowing & everyone will have a good time.


                  If you're going to be in Montana this weekend (although you probably aren't) you should come out & run with us!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I have the RnR Las Vegas Marathon.


                    Bin Running

                      Running Standard Chartered Half Marathon this Sunday..


                      2015 Races

                      2XU HM - 29 Mar


                        5K Reindeer Run on Friday! It will be my second 5K and I'm hoping to beat my very slow 37:20 Smile

                        Penguin Forever

                          I'm running a Rudolph Ramble 5K on Sunday. Just did a Gobble Wobble on Thanksgiving so not expecting any change in my time.
                            I have a Reindeer Run 5k! It's my second race and I don't think I will beat my time of 31.23 but one can dream right?! I bought a set of headband antlers that I plan on wearing! Should be fun!

                            Completed my first half marathon 2:09:04!!!


                            Team TJ

                              I'm running in the Savannah River Bridge Run on Saturday morning.

                              Running for TJ because he can't.



                              delicate flower

                                Don't know yet!  I may run a 5K Sunday, or DW and I may head north to ski for the first time this season. 


                                If I run the 5K, it'll be a PR effort or blow up tryin'. 

