Beginners and Beyond


NRR. What are you addicted too besides running? (Read 484 times)


    Ketchup. I can put it on anything and eat it. I'm also addicted to my phone because it's connected to all of you. Smile

    Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


      Shoes.  But you all knew that.

      Do you even run?


        Ketchup. I can put it on anything and eat it. I'm also addicted to my phone because it's connected to all of you. Smile


        Oh, and +1 to my phone and the reason.  Without it, I wouldn't be able to stay in touch with people here. <3

        Do you even run?

          Phone- i dont use the computer at home anymore. I play words with friends too much and read crap on facebook.

          It was beer- not really addicted, but i was going to have a good time way to often. I dont drink nearly as much since i started to run. I guess this is a good thing.

          ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

          “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




          Not a dude

            Ditto on the phone....and Thai food! Oh how I love Thai food.


            levitation specialist

              My iPad.

              CNN on TV(it is always my background noise when I get the TV)

              Watches and jackets.

              Shoes, but not fancy dress ups, mainly as many Converse All Star designs as I can get and comfy house shoes. 

              Bikes of any kind. I have a road bike, a fixie, a fat snow bike, a Green Machine, and a mountain unicycle. Unicycling is my newest thing....I dream about it all the time but unfortunately I took it up at a really crappy time of year. Windy & cold is no fun to learn in!


                Yes, I've gone through a large bottle of ketchup 32 oz. all by myself in just 2 weeks. I've got a problem. lol.

                Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 





                    My wife and daughter.


                    Big grin


                    I hated this last week being away from them, probably more than they hated me being away.

                    5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                    10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                    HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                    FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18


                    Just B.S.

                      Cycling, gardening, photography, kayaking, knitting, re-decorating and renovating, crafting,

                      spending time on collecting ideas for my next house......


                      and organizing,,,,,especially my closet, everything has to be folded just so and organized

                      by color


                      Way too many addictions, not nearly enough time!


                      The last scarf I finished a few days ago.



                      The scarf I am knitting right now.



                      My latest re-decorating project, done yesterday. Spray painted this wicker rocking chair to match my family room. Cushion in



                      delicate flower

                        My wife tells me I am a "clothes hoar" and buy too many clothes. 


                        Yes, I am a man who shops and cooks and does the laundry and doesn't fix things.


                        Jess runs for bacon

                          My wife tells me I am a "clothes hoar" and buy too many clothes. 


                          Yes, I am a man who shops and cooks and does the laundry and doesn't fix things.


                          I'd rather have a man who cooks and does laundry than fixes things. MtnBikerChick is very lucky!


                          My phone, reading, pepperoni pizza, alcohol.


                          delicate flower

                            MtnBikerChick is very lucky!


                            And I tell her this all the time!



                              My wife tells me I am a "clothes hoar" and buy too many clothes. 


                              Yes, I am a man who shops and cooks and does the laundry and doesn't fix things.

                               My husband is an engineer and cooks and cleans. I wish he loved shopping. Sad  He is the jack of all trades and can do just about anything. We've never hired a mechanic and we built our home from scratch. 

                              Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 


                                Well, I'm going to be Morbid Mary for the day. I was addicted to self harm. I got to the point where I couldn't push limits anymore, so I stopped. I have an addiction to skin picking, I think a technical term is dermatilamania. Also writing lists. I menu plan and write budgets several times a week, then I rework and revise them.
