Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES - A Psychoaquadiscobetabioaquadoloop (Read 39 times)


    'Sup yo!


    No I have not gone coo-coo for cocoa puffs, just feeling a bit funky this morning.  No doubt a result of seeing the temps which are currently at 48 degrees.  Shit, that's running weather.  Hold that thought mother nature!


    Aqua Boogie Baby


      It's been rather cool around here too lately. But the steady downpour made it less fun for running. When it rains like that, my shirt gets wet (duh!) and it sticks to my body and I get sore nipples. I would never have thought that I'd get sore nipples before I started running.


      Today is grey, but it's not raining at the moment. 15 C (59 F). If it stays like that it'll be perfect for my ~7-8 miles this morning in which I'll throw in some MP. Haven't decided how long I'll run at MP yet. Probably 12-15 minutes.


      I wish you all a great day!


      delicate flower

        Hola!  70.3 relay has started.  DW is in the water.  I estimate four hours until I start running.  No pressure on my team, but winning the relay division would be nice.



          Morning!  Quiet in here today.


          Today I have an easy 8 on the schedule.


          My BIL posted a video of part of Mia's rescue.  You'll probably need it on full screen to see anything.  You can't see Mia- she's in the shadow along the grassy edge of one of the rocks, but you can get a sense of the cliff and see the guy working his way down to get her.  You can see his feet slipping on the loose gravel, too.  I think that's what scared her up in the first place.  I think she climbed up a bit, hit a patch of loose gravel, panicked, and bolted uphill until her paws were on solid ground.  But by then she was up and over from where she came up, so there wasn't a path back down.




          LRB- Enjoy the COLD run! Wink


          Eric- Vaseline is your friend.  Enjoy the MP run.


          Phil- Good luck to you and MBC!



            Last night's race was fun, got 2nd place female out of 9 and I probably would have gotten first had I not gotten stuck behind two douches that wouldn't let me pass on some very tight single track. In fact, they had even slowed down once we got off the levee and on the single track . I ended up finishing 36 seconds behind the female finisher, I just lost too much time and distance to catch her. Got 1st place in AG, but I was the only lady 20-29 years old....... so not exactly thrilled.  Anyways, I'll make a report sometime today.

            I ran the 6.2 miles in 54:15 with an average pace of 8:42 min/mile, that is if their GPS thingies were correct because my garmin said 5.8 when I crossed the line and it has never been that far behind a race calculation, then again this was the trails so you can't fully rely on them.

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  9 tonight.  Just woke up and I needed the rest.


              I am jealous of your weather, LRB.  Right now it's 85F feels like 95F (this is not a typo) and 77 dewpoint.  It's 10am!!!!!


              Take that, Scotty!



                 I can see you hitting sub-40 in the 10k. You already know how to get there. Just keep training smart!


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  Hi Dailies.


                  Baboon: Good luck and have fun.


                  just a few easy miles for me. The Gumbyfest is going on today so we might go to that.


                  Come on England!


                  Have a good day.


                    7 miles this morning....watched LA Kings win it again last nite! and saw spain get their *ss handed to them yesterday by netherlands...good day for the alternative sports...have a great saturday everyone.

                    marathon pr - 3:16


                      7 miles this morning....watched LA Kings win it again last nite! and saw spain get their *ss handed to them yesterday by netherlands...good day for the alternative sports...have a great saturday everyone.


                      This makes me sad to see hockey referred to as an alternative sport 


                      It's 54F and I'm heading out for 14.


                        Hockey is by far the biggest selling sport in Canada. But I hear there are more kids playing soccer than hockey nowadays. Both my kids play soccer. My son used to play hockey, but he quit to play soccer all year long.


                        So to me, they are both very mainstream sports.


                          Beautiful day, nice & cool so I didn't have to drag myself out too early. And actually got a decent night's sleep last night for the first time in about a week. 10 miles. I have done nothing but easy paced miles since my race last Saturday (unless you count all those hills in CT), I think I am OK with that for now.



                            'Sup crew!


                            I am off for yummy pizza and wine so I'll have to play later.  Today's feature is The Edge of Tomorrow with Tom cruise.


                            See ya! 


                              Congrats FreeSoul on 2nd female!


                              Just back from my 10K, I didn't do as well as I wanted but I felt like I did acceptably for the conditions.  About a minute slower than my 10K in April (50:05 vs. 49:13) on a similar course.  Molly Huddle set an American record for a 10K road race, which was very exciting!  I got to see her, Desiree Linden, Lauren Fleshman, Deena Kastor, Kathrine Switzer, and a ton of other extremely awesome runners.  I never do well at this race because it's in June and it's always too warm and humid for me, but to be among some of the best women runners in the country is always a special opportunity.


                              delicate flower

                                1:40:17.  75 degrees and humid as a warm turd.

