Beginners and Beyond


1/2 off Bottles of Wine WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


Former Bad Ass


    At my work, it's a fireable offense. With no proof who did it though, a memo would go to everyone warning, them of the consequences.


    There are actually a kazillion fireable offenses where I work, none are ever actually enforced though, they are just there. In the case of a problem employee however, their ass would have to walk a straight line.


    She has done so many things that would get fired in the private sector. Including the time she banged her door so hard my Paris painting fell off and people thought there was a shooting. All because she was scolded for not doing her payroll on time.



    Former Bad Ass

      But she is the one that has the EEOC complaint against the office. A charm to work with.




        She has done so many things that would get fired in the private sector. Including the time she banged her door so hard my Paris painting fell off and people thought there was a shooting. All because she was scolded for not doing her payroll on time.




        Former Bad Ass

          Sadly I was not kidding. We all showed our heads out of our offices like da fuk?


          Slymoon Runs

          race obsessed

            I love running in the rain, but as Damaris said, only if it's above 50, like it was this morning, 55* with a light rain that got heavy towards the end of my 7 miles, that was great!  Warm rain in the summer is even better!  But cold rain is the worst, I'd rather run in 100 degrees than cold rain.  Or snow, snow is always better than cold rain.  Actually love running in the snow!




            Enjoyable rain runs at 50 and above agreed!


            below 50 not enjoyable but Bonus points for the 'badass feeling'.






            The constructors are still here so I might get them to redo my door.  But fuck, this door has been done for 5 weeks.  It's not fair to them.  Maybe she should fix it.


            that is as odd word...  do you think they are autobots or decepticons?







            10 done decent pacing all ranging from 6:59.0 - 7:10.8    (except for the last, I had to stop for a car... 7:14.0 grrr...


              I don't get how people enjoy running in the rain.  Quite frankly, I think they are lying.  I was up at 5:30 this morning and ran 5 easy miles in the dark 35 degree rain, and there was absolutely nothing enjoyable about it.  Happy I got it done though.  I have another 7 to do after work.  It'll probably still be raining, but at least it'll be daytime.


              werd up g.


              Rain runs are only pleasant when it's hot (and it has to be a light rain).  35 degrees and rain? FTS.


              Former Bad Ass



                Enjoyable rain runs at 50 and above agreed!


                below 50 not enjoyable but Bonus points for the 'badass feeling'.






                that is as odd word...  do you think they are autobots or decepticons?







                10 done decent pacing all ranging from 6:59.0 - 7:10.8    (except for the last, I had to stop for a car... 7:14.0 grrr...


                Haha.  It was probably because I was talking in Spanish at the office when I was writing that and did a Spanglish Puerto Rican word.  Contractors.


                Slymoon Runs

                race obsessed


                  Haha.  It was probably because I was talking in Spanish at the office when I was writing that and did a Spanglish Puerto Rican word.  Contractors.





                  kudos to you - If I speak another language and try to type I'd have the crucifixes and rosary at my door.


                  Former Bad Ass





                      Haha.  It was probably because I was talking in Spanish at the office when I was writing that and did a Spanglish Puerto Rican word.  Contractors.


                      We have a woman at work who takes orders for our French Canadian customers, I'm always amazed that she can be talking to the customer in French while she's typing the order into our system in English.  I can barely keep my thoughts straight in one language! 


                      My running blog

                      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                        Last night, temperature was right at the freezing point and it was raining. I had to decide if I'd run my Tuesday double or not. Some spots were slippery and I was afraid the temps would fall 1 degree or something, making everything a nice skating runk. Skipped the run.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          Rain & below 70 = treadmill or no run.


                          Yesterday UPS forgot to unload my 220, delivery was delayed. Today they forgot to put it on the truck FFS.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            FFS, Half!


                            Took off work this afternoon and just woke up from

                            a nap. I have been sick since Sunday night, GTFO, cold.



                              Yesterday UPS forgot to unload my 220, delivery was delayed. Today they forgot to put it on the truck FFS.


                              That's grounds for an ass kickin right there.


                                SRD which is good cause I feel like crap. The stomach issues are worse and now I think I'm feeling even worse because I'm eating so little and my body is probably all out of whack. I can't get into my gastroenterologist until January 22nd. I might starve by then, FFS.
