Beginners and Beyond


1/2 off Bottles of Wine WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed


    That's grounds for an ass kickin right there.


    delicate flower

      Run #2 in the cold rain today complete.  43 degrees and raining.  7 miles at 8:10 pace.  12 bullshit miles total today.  FTS.



        45 and rainy here, so I did six on the TM.  I'm just not the badass that some of you are.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          4 on the treadmill. It was misty, foggy but 58 when I was driving home. Really low visibility, so not gonna chance running outside.


          delicate flower

            45 and rainy here, so I did six on the TM.  I'm just not the badass that some of you are.


            Actually, you gotta be stupid to run outside in that crap.




              Actually, you gotta be stupid to run outside in that crap.




              For me, it depends on a lot of stuff. But yeah, those conditions would not be ideal.


                I ran 9


                  I ran 9


                  You're back at it I see.

                  From the Internet.

                    I also ran outside in that nonsense, and I waited until it got dark to boot. Mystery number of miles with long sleeves, capris, gloves, hat, headlamp, and reflective vest. FTS indeed. I need it to be summer again where you don't have to think about what to wear, you just get dressed and prepare to sweat.



                      You're back at it I see.


                      I don't know. My legs are still getting sore in the later miles of my longer runs.  But nothing feels injured *knock on wood*


                      Former Bad Ass


                        I don't know. My legs are still getting sore in the later miles of my longer runs.  But nothing feels injured *knock on wood*


                        Sounds like recovery is ongoing.  When is your next race?




                          Sounds like recovery is ongoing.  When is your next race?


                          5k, Dec 31


                             5k, Dec 31


                            8 weeks post-marathon? Oh yeah, watch out bitches!



                              8 weeks post-marathon? Oh yeah, watch out bitches!


                              Last time I did this series it was my slowest one. There was so much snow it and they couldn't clear the course in time.


                                 Last time I did this series it was my slowest one. There was so much snow it and they couldn't clear the course in time.


                                Yeah that's the one variable we have zero control over. One can't even speculate about the weather at this juncture, it's way too early for that.
