Beginners and Beyond


Tuffragette Penguins TuesDAILY (Read 24 times)

    Hey everyone!


    Been off the grid for a few days, staying at the inlaws (no internet) while moving our oldest into college.  I am officially the parent of a college freshman, man does that make me feel old!  It went smoothly tho, he's already adjusting well, he ditched us for dinner the first day we were there to eat with a girl from his orientation group. lol


    Did some nice easy running in the mountains over the weekend, great weather, wish I wasn't tapering, would have been nice to do a long run.  Only six miles this morning, stupid taper.


    Zel, I still haven't timed a plank, maybe tonight if I remember. Smile


    Hope everyone has been doing well!


    My running blog

    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


    Former Bad Ass

      Hi!  In between hearings.  Everybody seems to be doing well.  Keep it up!



        Mel, what about a spi belt for a gift?  I love mine. I put my cell phone in it and sometimes my mace.  It comes with a little removable waterproof pouch to put your cell phone IN. I use that pouch when I'm running in the rain.




        Jack K.

        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

          Wow... Natties, kayaking, planks, mace... I think you're the bad ass around here. Wink


          Mel, what about a spi belt for a gift?  I love mine. I put my cell phone in it and sometimes my mace.  It comes with a little removable waterproof pouch to put your cell phone IN. I use that pouch when I'm running in the rain.


          Barking Mad To Run

            Good luck to your DD in her swim, Jack.  Back to school night?


            Yes, Zelanie, I actually do like bananas. But not banana cream pie, as you said.  Or banana splits....cuz I don't like whip cream or cherries.   As for your QOTD:  As Mitch said, gift card to a local running store; if she runs at night or early a.m., maybe some kind of reflective thing she can wear, blinking light, knuckle lights, etc;


            Sorry about the foot, Lauren, hope that resolves quickly.  Hope it is NOT PF, I had PF some years back and never want to have it again. Mine was so bad, I ended up getting injection for it.  The thing that helps me keep it at bay is wearing OTC insoles - sturdy ones, like Superfeet and Powerstep - and doing my golf ball exercises every night as I sit and watch TV.


            Welcome back, Traci!  Sounds like y'all had a fun time!  Dang, Gail and I did weight training yesterday and I forgot to do my plank.  So much for my streak.  Oh well.


            Nice running on the beach, Kristin!  Loved doing that when I lived in Hawaii.  Closest beach now where I live is a 2 hour drive.


            Glad you had an easy effort-run, Bin,maybe the cough is finally starting to leave your system.


            Good luck with your miles tonite, Margo.  What's a slide deck?  I get this mental image of kids sliding from a deck into a pool, lol.


            Enjoy the RD, Mitch, good luck with the upcoming yard sale.  I wish someone would buy my yard...then they'd have to mow it instead of me....I really hate doing that yard-work stuff, lol.  I like being in a house, just don't like all the yardwork, maintenance, etc,, that goes with it, lazy sod that I am.  I need to win the lottery so I can hire people to do all that for me. Joking

            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


            Barking Mad To Run

              Hi!  In between hearings.  Everybody seems to be doing well.  Keep it up!


              Speaking of aunt ended up having 6 kids cuz she was a little deaf.  Every time she and my uncle would turn in for the night, he'd softly say "You want to just sleep..or what?"  And she'd say..."WHAT?"   Joking

              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                If I were a TRUE bad ass, I wouldn't need mace. Big grin


                Wow... Natties, kayaking, planks, mace... I think you're the bad ass around here. Wink






                Smaller By The Day

                  On the phone, but just a quick howdy.  I got my plank upto 70 seconds.  Tonight's run has a total of 52 minutes at tempo pace...yow!  I am a little concerned about Saturday's run.  It has a good amount of marathon pace in it, and I was almost at what I THOUGHT my marathon pace was last weekend every time I quit trying to slow  I think all of my paces need adjusting.  First world problems.


                  Weight 100 pounds lost

                  5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                  10K 48:59 April 2013

                  HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                  MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                    tuffragette (noun) : A person who has weathered the storm and has gotten tougher with experience.


                    Good morning tuffragettes!


                    Docket-- Hey you, glad you took a moment to breath and say hi.  Hope you're not working too hard.


                    Mickey-- wow, sounds like you're having a tough week at work too.  Hang in there.  Good job on your workouts!


                    Scotty-- I'm hugging you today because you're probably a little less sweaty then usual.  Hope you enjoy this cooler day, and I'm doing a little rain dance for you.


                    Zelanie-- QOTD: What would be a good present for somebody who is just getting back into running?  My sister (who has run a marathon as well as many shorter races) is just getting back into running after having her second baby.  Since having kids, she's definitely more of a casual runner.  Any ideas?

                    Sunscreens, tubes and balls for rolling massages, massage gift card, gym bag, socks, runner's belt for her keys, a rain shell ... some things I use for running are such that only I would want to pick them out from myself such as my shoes, my sunglasses (they gotta fit just so-so),  so in some ways it depends on what she's picky about.  So awesome that she's starting to run again too!  Hopefully you both will be able to do a race together.


                    Lauren-- wow, it sounds like you're doing fantastic in your training.  I just hope you're not going to get sidelined again.  Hopefully your diligence will be enough.


                    Traci-- ahhh, your beach trip sounds so lovely--- except for the car ride that is.  Glad y'all are making such wonderful memories for the children.  If you run tonight awesome, otherwise don't worry about it,  You have tomorrow.


                    Hey Dave... glad you got some mountain runs in.  I swear you're not old to even older farts like me Joking


                    Told DH to get me outta bed when he got up today so my LR would be better (cooler) then last week.  Then when he woke me up today, I said, "Oh nevermind."  But he wasn't giving up easy, and he harassed me until I finally got up.   I'm SOOOOOOO glad I did.  I did 13-1/2 and although it was still warm it was at least bareable.  Traci Cry, I have to confess something.... I got busy yesterday, and I didn't realize until I was in bed last night that I forgot to plank yesterday.  I guess you now get Docket's shoe collection, my bad!  Oh, and I DID do one 90 sec plank today.


                    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

                    Amazonian Princess

                      Hello! Just a quick "Howzit?" while I'm taking a late lunch. Forgot DH and I were supposed to try for a Meatless Monday and had grilled chicken on my salad. Today should be Try Again Tuesday Smile


                      Celebrated my one-year runniversary by running twice on Saturday. Only 2 miles each time but the second time felt much easier.


                      Our 12 year wedding anniversary was yesterday and we spent it driving my SIL to Oakland and back so she could see her husband who was hospitalized for heart problems (severe blockage and he'll need surgery) Made me very grateful to have a DH who's trying to get healthy with me.


                      Trainer tonight for core and weights. Might get crazy and run to the session while DH rides his bike alongside!

                      I can. I will. I am. 


                      Return To Racing

                        3 indoor miles today.  At least the heat kept the walkers away.  Not too hot to nap on the deck though (taking a break for a few minutes catching up here)


                        Congrats on the college freshman, Dave. Sounds like he is off to a great start!!!


                        Love your pictures, Kristin.


                        Congrats on the 12th Bacon.



                          Hey Jerry, too hot outside for DW?


                          Docket, no apologies needed, sorry you are so busy though!


                          Bin, poo monster and squeeze in the same paragraph made me chuckle like a child. Glad you got three in!


                          MNMickey, another Penguin with a tough day. Audits suck! Hopefully today goes smoother, and nice work on the 4.


                          Scotty, low and 92 just does not belong together. Hope your run of 3.5-5 went well!


                          Jack, enjoy your SRD. Hope your daughter has a blast.


                          Zelanie, busy few days for you! Dogs sound a lot like kids. Whenever I get on the floor to stretch, kids climb all over me. Sounds like dogs lack the idea of personal space too!


                          Lauren, sorry about the issues with your foot. Sounds like you are doing the best thing possible with treating it aggressively before it becomes a big problem.


                          Traci, what w wonderful vacation! Minus the drive with the kids, lol. Definitely nothing wrong with letting a holiday get in the way of running for a while.


                          Kristin, I'm sure I've missed a lot. What took you to Florida? Nice work on the run!


                          Philliefan, nice work-out last night! Hope today goes smoothly for you.


                          Mitch, enjoy your rest day! You're a good guy for letting GS win, haha.


                          Dave, kids in college sounds frightening. Hopefully the transition is as smooth for you as it seems to be for him.


                          Awood, hope you survive your tempo run!


                          Cherie, good for you on having the motivation to get up and do an excellent run! Kudos to DH to for the nudging Smile


                          Baconista, sorry to hear about the family member with heart troubles. That's always so tough to see. Congratulations on your runniversary though!


                          I was up at 5:20am to have enough time to make it to the CT scan, so needless to say I'm knackered. Follow up appointment isn't until September 10th. I did manage to do 3 miles this afternoon, felt pretty good just tired. I had only planned on 2, so it worked out well. I'm feeling more of a treadmiller than a runner lately though. I'm hoping I can start running in the morning, after I get my oldest on the school bus and before my partner leaves for work.


                          Evening all!


                          Smaller By The Day

                            Well, the tempo run was ditched.  P3 still had to get her run in, and the "Real Feel" outside was 96.  She can't handle 96 degrees if she's sitting in the shade.  So, I told her to take the treadmill.  I stepped outside, and after the first mile I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere near my tempo pace.  If I did, I wasn't going to stay there very long.  I was able to pull it off last week when it was 84, but this was not nice.  On top of that, there was a steady and persistent hot wind.  I'd almost rather have no breeze than a wind blowing that hard, and still that hot.  So, I'll run my tempo run tomorrow.  If it's like this, I might hop on the treadmill.


                            Dave - Good to get off of the grid from time to time.


                            Docket - You're hilarious.


                            Traci - Those spibelts are pretty awesome.  I think I left mine in Chicago though.


                            Hi Jack!


                            Hi Scotty!


                            Weight 100 pounds lost

                            5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                            10K 48:59 April 2013

                            HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                            MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                            Smaller By The Day

                              Jerry - I wanted to stay inside today.  It was not nice out.


                              Bin - You probably shouldn't use the term "squeeze in" so close to the term poo


                              Mickey - Great job on the planks.  Sounds like it was a rough day.


                              Zel - My dog is finally leaving me alone during planks.  They are good about messing with you whenever you're on the ground.


                              I'll have to try to catch up with everybody else here in a little bit.  I have to get going.  Sorry guy!


                              Weight 100 pounds lost

                              5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                              10K 48:59 April 2013

                              HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                              MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

                              Bin Running

                                My bad.. Squeeze and poo monster in same sentence is causing lots of laughter.. haa

                                2015 Races

                                2XU HM - 29 Mar
