Beginners and Beyond


Friday Penguins Wear Sunglasses! (Read 29 times)


    DH felt up for a short ride, so we took our mountain bikes out on a trail that leads to a rocky overlook of the Lehigh River.  We've been there many times, but today was a little more exciting.  We approached the overlook from the bottom of the rocks, and scrambled up to get a better view.  As we looked down, we could see a big black snake hiding in a crack that we had just stepped over on the way up.  Then I looked to my left and saw a big timber rattlesnake curled up under a rock ledge!  Needless to say, we did not sit around on the rocks to enjoy the view.  


    6 miles of trail riding, with a 50-yard sprint to get the H*ll away from the snake den.  It' s little ironic that the 5K I'm doing tomorrow is called the "Rattlesnake Run".

    on my way to badass

      Phillie- your snake den trumps my bear!

      Still waiting for the perfect race picture. 5K PR-33:52 , 10K PR 1:11:16, First HM 2:42:28


        Omgosh, he's such a cute mascot for us!


        Hi, hi, Damaris!  Good luck with your run tonight.  Hope your asthma is being kind.


        Scotty-- congratulations on the 30th anniversary of your meeting!  Y'all met only a few months before me and my sweetie met.  It seems like we met in Aug. of 1984-- coulda been early Sept.  I didn't expect him to be The One, so my memory is fuzzy on the exact date.  I'm so glad you and Gail have made history together.  Even though you're not doing a race, enjoy your running club run & luncheon tomorrow!  ( LOL @ the cat pic!)


        SF-- great job on the miles!  And yay@ starting training this weekend.  Its fun to work towards a goal.

        Margo-- "working from the mountain house"  sounds so fancy and nice!   I still say we need a Penguin get-together at your mountain home one day!  Good luck with your race this weekend.  Looking forward to hearing about it.  Yikes @ the rattlesnake.  I didn't even realize you had though out there.


        Jerry -- Sad  sorry your knees are bothering you.   Hope the rest does them good.  Enjoy the day with your DD in the city!

        PAD-- good job on the miles.


        Bin-- It must be bedtime for you now?   Getting the miles in just isn't so easy when you have a young family.  How are your kids and wife doing?

        HsM-- hey ya!   At least you have the weekend off!   What will y'all be doing in Washington?  Going to the ocean or visiting relatives?


        Jack-- hope you're having a great time!  Good job on the miles.


        9-1/2 miles today on the TM.  Its my longest run for what seems like a long, long time.  I'm pretty happy with that.


        "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

        Singer who runs a smidge

          HsM-- hey ya!   At least you have the weekend off!   What will y'all be doing in Washington?  Going to the ocean or visiting relatives?



          Visiting relatives.  DH's family is from the desert side, near the Tri-Cities.  So we'll stay with his folks, and his brother and his family will come over from Seattle to hang out on the weekend.  A good time will by had by all!

          When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.



            Visiting relatives.  DH's family is from the desert side, near the Tri-Cities.  So we'll stay with his folks, and his brother and his family will come over from Seattle to hang out on the weekend.  A good time will by had by all!

            Very, very nice.   I hope y'all do have a wonderful time.  Its weird though, I really did not realize that Washington had a dry deserty side until this past year when I saw a documentary where they visited there.  For reals, do take pictures;  some of us don't know much at all about that area.


            "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson

            Singer who runs a smidge

              Very, very nice.   I hope y'all do have a wonderful time.  Its weird though, I really did not realize that Washington had a dry deserty side until this past year when I saw a documentary where they visited there.  For reals, do take pictures;  some of us don't know much at all about that area.


              Yeah, not many people know about Washington's desert (though I know Scottydawg does!)  They know Seattle, and rain, but they don't know that the plutonium for the atomic bombs was made in Hanford, in eastern WA.  The site was chosen because it was sparsely populated and any nuclear waste leakage would move through the groundwater really slowly.  And then the army trains out past Yakima for desert combat.

              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


              Barking Mad To Run

                Well, feel free for any Penguin who has the know-how to make him (her?) a permanent fixture of the Penguin thread intro.


                Omgosh, he's such a cute mascot for us!


                Hi, hi, Damaris!  Good luck with your run tonight.  Hope your asthma is being kind.


                Scotty-- congratulations on the 30th anniversary of your meeting!  Y'all met only a few months before me and my sweetie met.  It seems like we met in Aug. of 1984-- coulda been early Sept.  I didn't expect him to be The One, so my memory is fuzzy on the exact date.  I'm so glad you and Gail have made history together.  Even though you're not doing a race, enjoy your running club run & luncheon tomorrow!  ( LOL @ the cat pic!)


                SF-- great job on the miles!  And yay@ starting training this weekend.  Its fun to work towards a goal.

                Margo-- "working from the mountain house"  sounds so fancy and nice!   I still say we need a Penguin get-together at your mountain home one day!  Good luck with your race this weekend.  Looking forward to hearing about it.  Yikes @ the rattlesnake.  I didn't even realize you had though out there.


                Jerry -- Sad  sorry your knees are bothering you.   Hope the rest does them good.  Enjoy the day with your DD in the city!

                PAD-- good job on the miles.


                Bin-- It must be bedtime for you now?   Getting the miles in just isn't so easy when you have a young family.  How are your kids and wife doing?

                HsM-- hey ya!   At least you have the weekend off!   What will y'all be doing in Washington?  Going to the ocean or visiting relatives?


                Jack-- hope you're having a great time!  Good job on the miles.


                9-1/2 miles today on the TM.  Its my longest run for what seems like a long, long time.  I'm pretty happy with that.

                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                Return To Racing

                  How's the ear Scotty.  HOW's THE EAR SCOTTY.  HOW   IS    THE   EAR,   SCOTTY.?


                  Hope you are in not too much pain.  Get well soon.    



                  Former Bad Ass

                    I don't know how to make the Penguin a permanent part.  Maybe copying it to the introduction paragraph?



                       The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)

                      Maybe just copy something like this?


                      "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                      Former Bad Ass

                        I second the suggestion.



                          Hi guys!  I had another Scottydog-style day today!


                          I started off by running to the gym, and I caught a bit of sidewalk with my toe and wiped out!  I wasn't hurt, and honestly didn't fall hard, but I landed on the pocket where I had my phone, and the screen stopped working.  That's when I started thinking that it was going to be a Scottydog day!  But at least there aren't any deer to jump out at me!


                          I got to the gym, ran 7.25 K on the TM, and then ran home again (no accidents this time).  Felt really good and easy inside, definitely have to be careful outside!


                          Then I had to drop some more paperwork off at one of the kids' schools. This time I was able to find it by bus, no taxis needed.  It took two buses and then about a 1/2 mile walk through streets with no names that aren't in any kind of grid.  Let's just say that on the way there I probably walked a lot more than 1/2 mile before I found it, but I did it!  Plus I went back to the cell phone store where I was able to buy another copy of my phone for $20.


                          Then I made it back to downtown on the bus, met up with the other chaperone, and we had a chance to have coffee together and catch up.  I did try to show her around downtown and got all turned around and lost there!  We eventually figured it out, I walked her to her bus, and then made it back to mine.  It is Friday night and payday even so downtown was really starting to be hopping by that point.


                          I also ate a ton of delicious food.  I was going to put the photos in the dailies per LRBs request, but could post here if you guys also want to see them.


                            Greetings to everybody.  Just a quick check in from southern Montana.  I'm not doing much running this week, but have had three good hikes, so I'm not losing too much conditioning.  Still snow in the mountains, but the lower country is covered with wildflowers.  Rain every day though, off and on, and a couple of good hail storms.  I'm hoping southern Idaho (tomorrow night's destination) will be dryer.


                              Scotty, congrats to you and Gail. This is also my wife's birthday.


                              Jack, my wife and kid set me up too.


                              Margo, your story is quite impressive too.


                              Wow, bunch of ole timers up in here.


                              I took a rest day today. Taking my wife out of town for her birthday, nothing too fancy, just an over night stay with some sight seeing and quite time. Hoping for a long peaceful bike ride.


                                Ginny, thanks for the update!  We'll have to call you GinnyOutOfPA!


                                Mitch- Happy birthday to your DW!
