Beginners and Beyond


Pasta Penguin Weekend (Read 25 times)

From the Internet.

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails! What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." And some penguins don't run at all, we just hang out for the company! It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)

    From the Internet.

      In scoping out silly holidays, I found that today is National Pasta Day! Carb load away, Mitch and PAD and any other racers we may have who are not in the October thread!


      Sipping a small amount of coffee and eating a Clif bar, and then I'll be heading out for 10-11 miles. My first double-digit long run since my toe broke! Big grin


        Walking a 5k with DW first thing this morning, we are waaaaaay early! Then heading over to see an uncle I haven't seen in about 4 years; prior to that if was maybe 20 years. He smokes non stop and we dread going to see him bc we don't like being around ppl that smoke. After that I just hope to take it easy all afternoon.


        Penguin Power!

          Morning Pens!  Busy weekend around here, 5 miles today followed by family (in-laws) birthday lunch.  Tomorrow I'm doing a group run early -- the last 11.4 miles of the marathon route (which I'll run to from my apartment).  Then I'm hosting a birthday party for my husband in Manhattan.  It should be a blast.


          Lauren - enjoy your first double digit run since your digit broke =P


          Mitch - enjoy your time with the chimney uncle.  I think that (finally) everyone in my family is a non-smoker other than my father who knows to never smoke around me because of my asthma.

          Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 


          Return To Racing

            'Morning !!!


            Have a good double digit run, Lauren.


            Hold your breath, Mitch.


            How is the Mandarin coming along, Jill?  Happy birthday to the hubby.


            Too cold for DW so we ran 3 inside.  Still spoiled by all the nice fall weather, I guess.


            Have a great weekend !!!



            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I have an RD!


              From the Internet.

                11 miles done! 9:37 pace, conquered my least favorite hill, pretty solid effort. Very happy with that. Showered, stuffed some leftovers and coffee into my face, going to make a big travel mug of hot chocolate and then off to stand outside for an hour while the kid plays soccer.


                  Hi penguins!  Got a few miles and some strides later on.  It's a bit rainy here, but I suppose I won't melt.  I ran on the TM last night, so I got to try out the "non GPS mode" from my watch.  It was pretty close to what the TM said, which is nice.  So, I'm thinking I can use it indoors reliably, without having to have a footpod or anything.


                  Congrats on getting back to the double digits, Lauren!  Hope the soccer game goes well!


                  Mitch- Have a good family day, and good luck tomorrow!


                  sapf- Sounds like a fun weekend!  Happy birthday to Mr. Sapf!


                  Jerry- Cold already?  Boo!  Hope you have a great weekend as well!


                  D- Enjoy the RD!


                    Lauren - great job on the long run today.  Any twinges from the toe?


                    Mitch - my mother smoked until she died at 83 and my brother and his wife still smoke, but they do it outside, so their house doesn't smell.  I'm very glad I gave that up long long ago.


                    Jill - have fun with all the birthday celebrations.


                    D - I didn't think you did rest.  Are you worn out from last week's race, or from the asthma at work?


                    Jerry - the first real cold of winter is a little hard to take.  By mid-winter, 35 will feel balmy, but not yet.


                    AFM:  I'm hoping to get 7 or 8 this afternoon to make my 40 for the week. It's harder when you don't do a long run.


                      Morning, I volunteered at a 10K/20K Trail run this morning. Sly had a great race!


                      I was just thinking about what to have for dinner tonight. I had a homemade burrito bowl last night with red beans, potatoes, & guacamole.


                      Maybe a sweet potato, quinoa  & black beans for lunch and some cereal for dinner.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Lauren - great job on the long run today.  Any twinges from the toe?


                        Mitch - my mother smoked until she died at 83 and my brother and his wife still smoke, but they do it outside, so their house doesn't smell.  I'm very glad I gave that up long long ago.


                        Jill - have fun with all the birthday celebrations.


                        D - I didn't think you did rest.  Are you worn out from last week's race, or from the asthma at work?


                        Jerry - the first real cold of winter is a little hard to take.  By mid-winter, 35 will feel balmy, but not yet.


                        AFM:  I'm hoping to get 7 or 8 this afternoon to make my 40 for the week. It's harder when you don't do a long run.


                        I do take one day of rest per week but since I just ran a marathon and have another one soon, I wanted to follow my recovery plan.  The fact that I'm ending up with more miles than I had planned is good.  My asthma is a bit better but it will get fucked up again on Monday when I get back to the office, mark my words.



                          Hello Penguins,


                          Lauren congrats on your long miles!


                          Mitch, hope the smoke isn't too bad.


                          Jill, sounds like a really fun weekend!


                          Jerry, too cold!?  I can't even imagine.  Glad you got some miles in.


                          Damaris, enjoy the rest.


                          Zel, I'm glad your TM seems to be accurate for you!


                          Ginny, hope you had a nice run.


                          PAD, hope it was fun.  I'm volunteering at an ultra next month.  Just to see how much pain every one is in when they come in to my station, to cure me of the desire to ever run one.


                          AFM - 10.8 easy done.  My toe is feeling all better.  Still looks awful.    We are going to a wedding tonight and I'll have to wear a bandaid to disguise the toe (yes all my wedding shoes are open-toe)

                          From the Internet.

                            Ginny - not a single peep from the toe, haven't felt anything since the first couple short runs in late August! Smile I was actually thinking about it while I was running this morning - very grateful that I have had zero long-lasting effects from that stupid injury.


                              Well my uncle was very understanding and didn't smoke at all while we were there. He should really quit since his wife is taking chemo for just having had surgery to get rid of cancer.


                              I'm down here early stuck in line for parking. If you go to the Detroit Marathon main page it has runner tracking. I don't think it will post to my FB, so feel free to cheer me on. Bib 1578


                              Penguin Power!

                                Well my uncle was very understanding and didn't smoke at all while we were there. He should really quit since his wife is taking chemo for just having had surgery to get rid of cancer.


                                I'm down here early stuck in line for parking. If you go to the Detroit Marathon main page it has runner tracking. I don't think it will post to my FB, so feel free to cheer me on. Bib 1578


                                Yay!  Good luck today!  You'll crush it :-)

                                Upcoming Races: Run as One 4M (4/24) * Japan Run 4M (5/8) * Brooklyn Half (5/21) 
