Beginners and Beyond


Art & Orchard 10k Race Report (Read 77 times)


    Wow- very nice win!  I'm hoping that someday I can channel some of that LRB toughness when things get hard towards the end of a race.


      I'm hoping that someday I can channel some of that LRB toughness when things get hard towards the end of a race.


      Sometimes the difference between a great race and a not so great one fighting back mentally.  It is something we talk about all the time; those damn mental demons.


        Thanks everyone!  It's back to the lab and getting my ass kicked at the track this week.  lol


          Approaching the finish, about 10 meters away.



          Former Bad Ass

            Nice pic!


            Slymoon Runs

            race obsessed

              Nice form especially at the end!


              My last sprint form blows chunks...


              delicate flower


                Somebody had to win, might as well be me. 


                This point should have been stressed more in your report.  Don't get too nonchalant about winning races, son.


                Great job, LRB!  Reading your recent reports just keeps reminding me that I really need to get to the track for speedwork.  I'm planning that later this week.


                Seriously though, the race leader having to dodge 5K joggers and walkers seems totally asinine to me.  How could that happen?



                  Love that pic!


                    Really great pic. I bet it was free, which is the best part.


                      Great racing!  Smile  Determination takes the day!


                      Runners run


                        Wow, that's really fast.   I can't believe you had to fight going through everyone like that.  How frustrating that had to have been.  Well, despite it, you did great.  Congratulations to you!


                        "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                          And such an awesome speed photo!


                          "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


                            Nice form especially at the end!


                            Knowing that poor form can cost you seconds per mile, which can cost you precious minutes overall, maintaining form even while in distress is something I have worked exhaustively on.  To the point where I do not even think about it consciously anymore.


                            Looking at that pic I could not tell you a single thing about the moment captured there, which is a result of hours and hours and hours at the track practicing form and visualization.


                            It is definitely worth the effort to work on that as once your form goes, everything else follows.


                              Thanks peeps!  That pic came from the race directors cell phone and no it did not cost me "eleventy trillion dollars"  lol


                              Former Bad Ass

                                I have seen more free downloads lately.  Maybe it's a trend?

