Beginners and Beyond


TJ and the jogger (pics added on page 3) (Read 113 times)


Team TJ

    As many of you know, our son TJ has cerebral palsy and is unable to walk.  He loves to be outside and last fall we started taking him to local races and Angie walks with him in our jogging stroller in many of the races while I run..  He absolutely loves doing this!


    Just over a week ago, we were talking to one of our friends before church about the race we went to the day before.  She was asking about his jogger since she had seen a picture of it.  We told her it was just over 10 years old and that we were planning to get a new, larger one at some point...(we didn't say it but it was going to be after we paid off the new roof we just had put on our house).  She asked how much was one that big and we told her the one we wanted to get was about $900 and about that time church started so we ended the conversation.


    Fast forward to Mother's Day Sunday morning at church...our friend Debby walks up to us and hands us card envelope and said to hold it close until we get home.  When we got home and opened the card it had $820 in it for TJ's new jogger.  Seems she put a post on her facebook asking her friends if they'd consider donating $10 for a "special cause" and so it was....The new jogging stroller has been ordered and should be here in about 3 weeks!


    People say a lot of nice things about what inspirations we are to them for getting out and doing things with TJ.  The way we see it, we aren't doing anything special.  We just have to do things different.  We are absolutely overwhelmed at the kindness that has been shown to us and will be forever grateful.  Many of you here have shown the same kind of compassion and we truly appreciate it.


    Here is a picture of TJ in his current jogger, 10 years ago and 2 weeks ago:


    This is the card we got yesterday.  Beneath the $5 bill shown was the rest of the money!


    This is a picture of the new, larger jogger we will be getting with the money:


    There are truly some great people in this world and we are forever grateful to all of you/them that we are associated with!


    Robert, Angie, & TJ

    Running for TJ because he can't.


    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI



      Former Bad Ass

        I saw this in FB. This is awesome!


          That is great to hear!  I hope he gets lots of miles (and smiles!) with the new jogger.


          My running blog

          Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

            There are good people in this world.  Sometimes we get wrapped up in the negative.  Thank you for sharing the good.  God bless!


              Made me cry. Very sweet.  There are a LOT of good people out there.  I'm glad they are part of your life.


                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                  What a beautiful gesture.  I hope TJ continues to enjoy the ride!

                  Take Charge. Train Harder. Suck Less. No Excuses.


                    So happy to hear that. Happy running to all.



                    "It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

                    ~ Sir Edmund Hillary

                    Little Blue

                      Wow.  There really are some good people in this world.  Enjoy!

                        Wow!  That's just awesome.

                        “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


                          This is so heart warming. Thank you for sharing with us, Robert.

                          PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                  Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                          18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                          Dad on the run.

                            This is really awesome Robert! I hope you gets lots of miles and smiles out of the new jogger.

                            Chasing the sub 20 5K.


                            Barking Mad To Run

                              How cool is that!  Very nice!

                              "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              Lord of the Manor

                                Fantastic to have friends like that.  

                                If I could make a wish I think I'd pass
