Beginners and Beyond


RR - Rumpshaker 5k!!!! New PR!!!! (Read 106 times)

Dad on the run.

    Hello all,


    Feels so long since I wrote my last RR, and in fact it has been. Oct of last year. That's five months without a race! Always seemed like one thing led to another and we never got around to registering for any of the races we wanted to do, but that's OK! We are going to shoot for at least one race a month. I'm sure you all don't care about that and just want me to stop rambling and get on when the good stuff but I like to talk, and I like pictures so kick back, relax, and enjoy the read! Smile


    Saturday, March 30th 5:45am - Alarm goes off, and I was already awake just laying in bed waiting. Pre-race jitters got to me this weekend and I had about 4 dreams and they all involved racing. Perhaps it was the cajun chicken pasta I had for dinner... who knows?? I get up, get in the shower "I know, I know, I about to go run a race and get all hot and sweaty so why shower?" Well.. because I wanted to! I hop out of the shower get my running clothes thrown on and go to grab my swiftwick socks, I find one black and one grey and blue, neither has a pair. I got into the laundry room and lo and behold they are in the bottom of the laundry basket, really? So I throw two socks into a washing machine by themselves "talk about a waste of water" and put them on a quick cycle. While those are washing I'm trying to get the dogs taken out, fix a quick breakfast, make sure I have my watch, HRM, and all that to take with me. Its about 6:40 we need to leave at 6:45 and my socks are still in the dryer. I just said screw it, grabbed a sock, I know have one wet and one dry sock on and we head out the door. I drive the majority of the way there with my feet heater on trying to dry my sock before we get to the race... Just wan't my morning... yet!


    We arrive at around 7:20 and I get a call from Mitch saying that he is on his way! We mope around the place for a while and while we are wainting on Mitch I run into a old GameStop buddy of mine who was running the 5K as well, which was pretty cool. Mitch finally arrives and we head over to the Porta Potties at about 7:45, they have 10 with about 100 people in line waiting to use the bathroom. We manage to get back to the race line at 7:58 but had to get back in line with the walkers instead of where we needed to be.


    The lady tells us to start and we are off..... at a slow walking pace for the next 2:30min before we even pass the start mat, we finally get across it and we start our watches and pick up our pace. Mitch being the awesome guy he is asked me as we started off what pace I wanted to hold, I said 8:50 and so we found it and ran with it.


    About .15 miles into the course we have to run up this decent incline across a bridge and back down. I don't have good hills where I live so this was a bit rough for me, but I managed and actually did fairly well keeping the pace right along side Mitch. (I guess those leg workouts are paying off). Once we cross the bridge and go back down its about as flat of a course as you get. I do good this first mile and pretty much stay right on Mitch's heels the entire first mile, even was able to attempt to make small grunting noises to let him know I'm still breathing and everything is good Smile My Garmin beeps for the first mile and I'm at 8:51. I tell myself I got this and we keep running...


    We are now into mile 1, we hit the half way mark and Mitch calls back to me we are half way there, I'm not going to lie, I'm tired and its starting to warm up and had it not been for Mitch I probably would have slowed down some, but if he is going to set a pace for me then by God I'm going to keep up. Aside from being tired, winded and tired mile 2 beeps and its 8:50.


    8:51, 8:50, and we only have 1.1 miles left to go. I so got this, I'm not giving up, I can tell my heart rate is on up there but I just keep breathing and keep planting one foot in front of the other. We pretty much make a big loop and before we get to the finish line we have to go across the same bridge with the same (*$($&% incline! REALLY!!!??? Oh well, I knew what was on the other side of that bridge and I wasn't slowing down.. ok maybe I slowed a little bit but I caught back up on the downhill and picked up the pace some, Mile 3 beeps and its 8:41, I really haven't been paying attention to overall time I just knew I had a goal and I was really hoping to beat it.


    I push hard that last little stretch and cross the finish line with an effort of 6:04 for that little bit of push, I finished in.... well that's at the bottom, its time for a picture break Smile


    Of course no race is complete with out our number 1 fan!



    My best friend. The one who has started running the C25K. His wife came too, and don't tell her I said so, but she is pretty cool herself, in fact she is the photographer for this race, thus why we don't have any pics of her.


    My wife and I before race start


    A few pictures of the crowd that was there




    Here is Mitch and myself after we crossed the finish line


    My wife coming in for the finish


    After the race and we have cooled off a bit



    And of course i have to end the pictures with my two most favorite women in the world





    Now for the moment you all have been waiting for!!!


    I had two goals set for myself. I wanted to run sub 28, I would have been happy with this time as it would have been a big improvement over my Liz Hurley back in October. My next goal was to run sub 27:30. Now just so you all now this was my Liz Hurley time last year


    Liz Hurley 5k 2012 - 29:39


    This race I finished in 26:47!!!!! That's almost 3 mins off my last PR, I was so super excited about my time and I owe a lot of thanks to Mitch for setting a pace and running along side me! So Mitch, Thanks for that!


    I hope you all enjoyed the read and I guess I need to get busy getting faster because I don't plan for that to stay a PR very long Smile

    Chasing the sub 20 5K.

    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      YES!!  JBJ, that is one hell of a RR.  I am happy and proud of you. It has been an honor and a pleasure to see your progress over the last few months. You put it best when you said your PR won't last for long. The picture of you and Hog at the finish is the best. I hope to someday run a race with you. Keep up the great work.

        Congratulations on the PR!  A big time improvement.  BTW, your adventure with your socks the morning of the race sounds like something that would happen to me.  Best wishes on your next PR!

        “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot

          Congrats on the PR, a great feeling to bust that time by that much. Your number on fan is adorable.

          First Race

          Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

          Second Race

          Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


          Ball of Fury

            Great pictures and congrats on the PR!

            PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15

            never run

              You do have a great fan and congratulations on the PR.


                Congratulations on that great PR! I see many more PRs for you this season. :-) Thanks for the great pics. You have a beautiful family!!!

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  Great job, jblack, and congrats on the big PR!


                  That is hilarious about the socks, how much trouble you went through to avoid wearing a mismatched pair.  LOL.


                  Nice pics, happy people are a good thing.

                  Hip Redux

                    Excellent - huge PR!



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Great job and congrats on the new PR!  You guys are looking good!



                        Great job and a huge PR! Fantastic





                          Grats on the huge improvement.  Keep chopping away at that time, and enjoying the process.








                          Smaller By The Day

                            Congrats JBJ.  Just so you know, I like a shower before a race too.  I think it's more for the purposes of making sure that I'm completely awake, and feeling fresh and fast.  You have an awesome family there, and I'm glad Mitch could make it.  It sounds like everything turned out amazingly well.  Enjoy the new PR, and I look forward to reading your future RR's.


                            Weight 100 pounds lost

                            5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

                            10K 48:59 April 2013

                            HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

                            MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013


                              Congratulations Jimmy.  You had a really good race.  Nice to have friends and family running too.


                                Nice job, it's the beginning of something big this year!
