Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES and naps (Read 37 times)


delicate flower

    I ran.  It was a battle.  You know you are in for a tough long run when one mile in your are thinking "Uh oh..."


    -60 minutes easy (8:15 pace)

    -3 x 10 minutes at threshhold with 10 minute recoveries.  7:40 pace was all I could muster for "threshhold."  

    -55 minutes easy (8:45 pace, and it was all I had left in the tank)


    20.3 miles at 8:15 avg pace in 2:47.  My legs were tired, sore, and heavy right from the start..  I blame the two hard hill sessions this week for that.  Honestly I am happy to have just finished that one.  I am sitting feet up on the couch now feeling tired and sore.  



      20.3 miles at 8:15 avg pace in 2:47.  


      My God I don't want any part of that. lol


      The course is not tough at all, except mentally passing the chute the first time, then the same volunteers, houses and everything else twice.


      I wouldn't say it was a bad performance, it was just hard. My last 10k was a year ago at this event (I usually run 3 a year), so it was just a tough, hard go of it.


        LRB - You're just getting these rough races out of the way.

        cjones - Congrats! 19 seconds is a lot to take off  5k PR!


        I shuffled through 11, and would never have done all of that if I hadn't been with the group. As it was, I was lagging way behind most of the time. My PF never let up - heel hurt the whole time - and my "bad" knee was tender because of the classes I did this week (I think). Looking back over my log, though, this still gives me my first week over 30 miles since before I hurt my knee. Most of the summer was in the 15-20 mpw range.

        Epsom salts bath done, ice pack on my knee right now, compression socks on just because ... I just haven't decided whether I'm going eat something before I nap or wait until after. Or if I will nap, since my post-run treat was a grande caramel latte.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


          cjones - Congrats! 19 seconds is a lot to take off  5k PR!


          Former Bad Ass

            20:50 ish. Waiting on official results.  3rd OA I think.


            Nice job, LRB!





            Former Bad Ass



              3rd race on the comeback trail complete, third tough run. 10k in 42:42 is unofficial and it was miserable.









              I actually ran the first half mile in the 6:19 - 6:25 range trying desperately to lock it in. Not sure if it mattered in the end though.


              I'll analyze the metrics later but I am not sure if this is a personal worst for this course or not. Whatever the case it was all I could do to pass that motherfucking chute at mile 3 geezus!


              It may not look like it, but I ran inspired. Just telling myself to keep running, no matter how slow if I run 6 complete miles it will help me. Time will tell if that's true or not but right now I am just happy I didn't run through that chute the first pass!


              Going to wait for the official results.


              See you!


              Good job nonetheless.



                 LRB - way to tough that one out, looks very painful. Comeback is definitely a process.


                I think eating a GU during my cool down was the highlight of my day.

                Little Blue


                  I think eating a GU during my cool down was the highlight of my day.


                  Living large!


                     Living large!


                    Hooray for small victories. lol


                    That like five of them in the past week. I ate none before that, ever!

                    Slymoon Runs

                    race obsessed



                      3rd race on the comeback trail complete, third tough run. 10k in 42:42 is unofficial and it was miserable.


                      It may not look like it, but I ran inspired. Just telling myself to keep running, no matter how slow if I run 6 complete miles it will help me. Time will tell if that's true or not but right now I am just happy I didn't run through that chute the first pass!


                      Going to wait for the official results.


                      See you!


                      It looks like ti was a rough time.  But, there is really neither here nor there.  You ran and kept running.  Stay the course you will get back!


                      I still say you should come down and visit PAD and I for a few weeks of training in the heat!   






                      20:51 official. 19 second PR!  AG swag was you're typical small town 5k medal.  Also won a  road id gift card.  Not a bad morning.



                      PR and AG swag to boot!  Very cool and congrats!





                      I think eating a GU during my cool down was the highlight of my day.


                      Own it!  Sometimes you get what you get and don't throw a fit!   Wink  



                        It looks like ti was a rough time.  But, there is really neither here nor there.  You ran and kept running.  Stay the course you will get back!


                        I still say you should come down and visit PAD and I for a few weeks of training in the heat!   








                        PR and AG swag to boot!  Very cool and congrats!





                        Own it!  Sometimes you get what you get and don't throw a fit!   Wink  


                        Shit, it was only 70 and I was headed towards 8:00's. lol


                        I am headed out for errands and am completely exhausted!


                          I ran.  It was a battle.  You know you are in for a tough long run when one mile in your are thinking "Uh oh..."


                          -60 minutes easy (8:15 pace)

                          -3 x 10 minutes at threshhold with 10 minute recoveries.  7:40 pace was all I could muster for "threshhold."  

                          -55 minutes easy (8:45 pace, and it was all I had left in the tank)


                          20.3 miles at 8:15 avg pace in 2:47.  My legs were tired, sore, and heavy right from the start..  I blame the two hard hill sessions this week for that.  Honestly I am happy to have just finished that one.  I am sitting feet up on the couch now feeling tired and sore.  


                          Well 1 mile in is usually my worst point of any run. But very nice getting the job done on that one. It's the kind of workout that really builds fitness, and toughness.


                          7 miles very easy for me.



                            That's quite a run baboon. I've never done anything like that.


                              That's quite a run baboon. I've never done anything like that.


                              Daniels has a similar run in his marathon Plan A. I cut down on both the front and back end of the easy miles when I did it because there is no way I could have done it otherwise.


                              delicate flower


                                Well 1 mile in is usually my worst point of any run. But very nice getting the job done on that one. It's the kind of workout that really builds fitness, and toughness.



                                Thanks....I was hoping I'd be able to run the last hour at an 8:15 pace but it just wasn't happening.  I don't know how I was supposed to feel the back half of the run, but it was tough going.  Waiting for Coach's feedback.

