Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES and naps (Read 37 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Thanks....I was hoping I'd be able to run the last hour at an 8:15 pace but it just wasn't happening.  I don't know how I was supposed to feel the back half of the run, but it was tough going.  Waiting for Coach's feedback.

    Even if you did not hit the paces, these runs are character building.  Good job.



      I went to the California Pizza Kitchen for the first time today.


      The pizza was okay but a little on the dry side. Next time I'll take some olive oil drizzled on it or on the side or something.


      Are we there, yet?

        Naps sound good. Took a one hour nap after my 13.5 mile run this morning. It's been really great having a running partner or two these last two Saturdays. Now if my work schedule will continue to cooperate so I'm not working until 11 pm on Fridays...

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






          I think eating a GU during my cool down was the highlight of my day.


          You have made so much progress!


          How was the weather?


            I ran a 5k this morning!



            with my mom... but she did great! 12:38 pace on no training at 61 yrs old.  And there was a huge hill.


            Now the question is... can I count it as my run for today? 


              I ran a 5k this morning!



              with my mom... but she did great! 12:38 pace on no training at 61 yrs old.  And there was a huge hill.


              Now the question is... can I count it as my run for today? 


              That's awesome!


              Gray and thick. The dew dew was 69 when I left home and I was in full on sweat mode after my warmup run. Maybe I should've took my cool down run first. lol


              delicate flower

                I ran a 5k this morning!



                with my mom... but she did great! 12:38 pace on no training at 61 yrs old.  And there was a huge hill.


                Now the question is... can I count it as my run for today? 


                YAY MOM!  Make her buy dinner.



                Speaking of naps, I just woke up.  Smile




                  That's awesome!


                  Gray and thick. The dew dew was 69 when I left home and I was in full on sweat mode after my warmup run. Maybe I should've took my cool down run first. lol


                  You mean doo-doo.  Ick. You can't race in that shit.


                    I ran a 5k this morning!



                    with my mom... but she did great! 12:38 pace on no training at 61 yrs old.  And there was a huge hill.


                    Now the question is... can I count it as my run for today? 


                    That is indeed impressive. She would've beaten me, because as soon as I saw the huge hill, I would've turned around & gone home.

                    If they had a 10k immediately following, that would've been an excellent warmup for you.



                      I'm having a hard time quenching my thirst today. I've drank a gang of water but that's just not doing it.


                      It's getting close to adult beverage time but I think Imma pass until I can figure this out.


                         If they had a 10k immediately following, that would've been an excellent warmup for you.


                        I'm the only idiot who races 10k's during MRT.


                          Even if you did not hit the paces, these runs are character building.  Good job.


                          Weatherscan said this morning's humidity was 100%. Didn't you say once that that's impossible?



                            That is indeed impressive. She would've beaten me, because as soon as I saw the huge hill, I would've turned around & gone home.

                            If they had a 10k immediately following, that would've been an excellent warmup for you.


                            They actually had a 10k (at the same time) but I didn't want to ruin myself before my long run tomorrow! Besides, my mom needed some encouragement Smile


                            Are we there, yet?


                              I'm the only idiot who races 10k's during MRT.


                              Not so. You wouldn't believe my racing schedule before some of my marathons.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                They actually had a 10k....but I didn't want to ruin myself before my long run tomorrow!


                                You missed a spot.


                                Mine is on a "hilly" route, and is an hour north of where I live where all the hills are.


                                Yep, I'm toast!
