Beginners and Beyond


SaturDAILIES and naps (Read 37 times)



    Weatherscan said this morning's humidity was 100%. Didn't you say once that that's impossible?


    When dew point equals temperature, you get 100% humidity. But max dew point is at like 80 degrees (Damaris knows this, I'm just throwing a number), so in temps higher than that, 100% humidity is impossible.



      Not so. You wouldn't believe my racing schedule before some of my marathons.


      For all the agony I actually value the distance. I will always race them.



        When dew point equals temperature, you get 100% humidity. But max dew point is at like 80 degrees (Damaris knows this, I'm just throwing a number), so in temps higher than that, 100% humidity is impossible.


        Ahh, so that's what it is. Okay, so the dew point must have reached 70 to match the temp then by the start of the race. Makes sense.



          When dew point equals temperature, you get 100% humidity. But max dew point is at like 80 degrees (Damaris knows this, I'm just throwing a number), so in temps higher than that, 100% humidity is impossible.


          I don't think there is a theoretical maximum dew point, any more than there is a theoretical maximum temperature. A little googling indicates the highest DP ever on record is 95, which occurred in Saudi Arabia.  Although I think it is rare in the U.S. to exceed 80.




            I don't think there is a theoretical maximum dew point, any more than there is a theoretical maximum temperature. A little googling indicates the highest DP ever on record is 95, which occurred in Saudi Arabia.  Although I think it is rare in the U.S. to exceed 80.


            Dude, stop. You're gonna make D's head explode...


            You know on second thought, please continue.


              Excuse making aside, needless to say it was yucky today.  I'm just glad it's over and now I have just one more run to finish out what has been a good week for me.


              Former Bad Ass


                Weatherscan said this morning's humidity was 100%. Didn't you say once that that's impossible?


                Humidity cannot be MORE than 100%. 101% is impossible.  100% is normal for mornings, at least down here. So, next time, read correctly. 


                I had the most miserable 8 ever.  Mostly because they were outside.



                Former Bad Ass


                  I don't think there is a theoretical maximum dew point, any more than there is a theoretical maximum temperature. A little googling indicates the highest DP ever on record is 95, which occurred in Saudi Arabia.  Although I think it is rare in the U.S. to exceed 80.


                  Cy was almost correct.  This is correct. Prior to this year, I don't think DP has ever hit 95 (I assume this was the same reading they got with the heat index at 159 not long ago?). I think 82 or 84 is the max recorded here in the U.S.


                  Good job, guys!


                  Little Blue


                    Ahh, so that's what it is. Okay, so the dew point must have reached 70 to match the temp then by the start of the race. Makes sense.

                    This is our weather almost every morning in the summer.  It might vary a couple of degrees, but always 98-99% humidity and around 70 degrees.


                    What I can't imagine is D, and others, who start out a run at 95 degrees.  No. Just no.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      If you were 70F and 70DP, LRB, it must have been hideous.  That 70 DP must have felt like you were drowning.


                      Sigh, I drank a Gatorade in 3 seconds.  FFS, why did I go outside?



                        If you were 70F and 70DP, LRB, it must have been hideous.  That 70 DP must have felt like you were drowning.


                        My singlet was stuck to my stomach, chest and back by mile 2. It was a test of mettle to continue for 4 MORE MILES. And look what we have here; I passed.





                          Humidity cannot be MORE than 100%. 101% is impossible.  100% is normal for mornings, at least down here. So, next time, read correctly. 


                          I had the most miserable 8 ever.  Mostly because they were outside.


                          My head explodes whenever you start talking dew points and humidity. I knew that something was impossible, I just couldn't remember exactly what it was. Now hydrate!



                            My singlet was stuck to my stomach, chest and back by mile 2. It was a test of mettle to continue for 4 MORE MILES. And look what we have here; I passed.



                            OMG my entire head of hair was soaking wet after my run yesterday, as if I had taken a shower.  But it was all sweat. Ewwwwww. 


                              This is our weather almost every morning in the summer.  It might vary a couple of degrees, but always 98-99% humidity and around 70 degrees.


                              I do not mind it for summer weather, just don't wanna run in it. Like, ever. lol


                              You ever make the lentil soup?


                              Former Bad Ass

                                At this point, I don't even remember the last time we had 70 dewpoint. 

