Beginners and Beyond


RR - Buffalo Subaru 4-Mile Chase 7/19 (Read 65 times)


    WTG, Jay!  I think my pulse raced and my hands sweated even as I read this report.  Great report and even better race.


    "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


    delicate flower

      Dang, 5:45 pace and you still got beat by 36 people.  That is one fast field.  Great job, Jay!  Sorry your win streak came to an end.  Big grin


      No pink flamingo pic?



        Nice, competitive race!  Bellows reminds me of the woman who was unfortunately on pace with me for about half of my last half, aparently with a horrendous side stitch that made her bellow pretty regularly.  On the other hand, she held her pace through all of that.


        It's funny what racing does to our focus.  The things we use to keep us focused or motivated are memorable, and sometimes in great detail.  The things we don't choose to pay attention to, like the guy finishing 1 sec behind you, might as well not even be there.  I've run right past my DH a few times when I wasn't expecting him, totally oblivious.  He makes fun of my lack of awareness while I'm running.


          He makes fun of my lack of awareness while I'm running.


          I have recalled things that I saw on a run days afterwards, that I never saw while running!


          During my last one mile race, there was a guy in my back left pocket the entire time, I completely tuned him out until he attempted to pass me at the finish.  I didn't realize he was there until seeing the race pics.  I was like, oh.  Oh yeah!


            I like to give my competitors kooky nicknames too. I'm glad I'm not alone!
