Beginners and Beyond


Humpy Dumpy Dailies (Read 40 times)


delicate flower


    I have never run before 7:00 am before, so like a pet who knows something is up when you are taking him to the vet to get the ole' chop chop, my legs were pretty sure something was going on when we hopped into the truck under the cover of moonlight.



    Well I hope it wasn't exactly the same...



    Barking Mad To Run

      Sweeeet run this morning.  Temp about 74 degrees, dew point of 61, rain threatening, and so a nice cool breeze in the area too.  My legs are still a tad store from all those hills on Monday so I ran a nice and easy flat course in the downtown YMCA area that took in part of the San Antonio Zoo.  Let me tell you, when it's really dark and you're running along the fence-line of the Zoo it's kinda creepy hearing all those animal and bird noises coming out of the dark.   I ended up with 3.2 miles.


      Today is Sep 4th.  Holidays are Newspaper Carrier Day; Lyric Poetry Day; Eat Another Dessert Day; and National Macadamia Nut Day - yes, HsM, macadamia nuts, yet another food I don't like Big grin



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      cupcake, gossip, frosting, make up, jealousy, appearance,


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      KEYWORD1  2012-05-16  food  foods  eat  eating  dine  dining  meal  meals

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Run to live; live to run

        Oski, fall??  Um not here!


        Did 11.2 miles this am. Now just work work work



          Morning!  I am planning to head to the group track workout today, but the workout hasn't been sent out yet.  So I will be running something, dunno what. Smile  My RP from last week is planning on coming, though, so I'm looking forward to that.



            Happy Hump Day!


            Today is blessedly free from meetings and I have been able to get a lot done. My tired body gave me 5 easy last night. DH joined and got about 4 in. The weather was nice. There was even a faint hint of coolness along the riverfront. Today will probably be a few easy around the neighborhood and some yoga. This body needs a good stretch!


            Hope everyone has a great day!

            Hip Redux

              Happy Hump Day!


              Today is blessedly free from meetings and I have been able to get a lot done. My tired body gave me 5 easy last night. DH joined and got about 4 in. The weather was nice. There was even a faint hint of coolness along the riverfront. Today will probably be a few easy around the neighborhood and some yoga. This body needs a good stretch!


              Hope everyone has a great day!


              Isn't it great when you have a WHOLE DAY with no meetings?  I swear, I sometimes have meetings to talk about meetings...



              Former Bad Ass

                What is this Fall you speak of?

                Funny, Scotty.



                Former Bad Ass

                  My boss was complaining yesterday that the heat index was 95F. I exclaimed, that is low!  I've been running in 98-99F for a few weeks, so I'm looking forward to my run tonight.  You would think I have two heads.




                    Morning dailies.


                    I'm still a bit sore from climbing into my attic to install a brace over my DD's ceiling light, so we could install a ceiling fan. Getting a nice little smell from the fan so I'll have to inspect the electrical for any burning. My wife thinks it's the motor, since she watched a Youtube video and she's now an expert. Even on these sore legs I did manage 8.25 miles this morning at a 8:43 avg pace. It's actually between my Easy and Pace run, but I'm counting it as an Easy since my Pace run is tomorrow. Smile


                    Have a great day everyone!

                    - Andrew


                      Fall seems (and feels) like a long way off from these in my 3x2 miles yesterday evening...srd today....plan to be be out the door by 6am tomorrow to get in 9 or 10 as it isn't Fall yet...have a great day everyone. thx for the funnies scotty.

                      marathon pr - 3:16

                      Jess runs for bacon

                        Hello dailies! Finished 9 slow in 60 degree weather with 75% humidity and a breeze, it's was like heaven after my last long run in the same place. I was able to run it a full minute per mile faster, even with cramping that slowed me down the first two miles (forgot to do my warm Exxon my calves). I really think I need to fuel better for these runs, I usually take one gummy when I should be taking five. Next week I will try it.


                        Now I am sipping a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks and am about to take a nap Surprised


                          Hi Dailies!


                          Hi Oski!  Thanks for starting us off!

                          Shari- Kyukido sounds fun!  Enjoy!

                          Damaris- Enjoy your run!

                          Baboon- Hope it's nothing too serious at work.  Enjoy your run tonight!

                          April- Happy RD!

                          FreeSoul- Nice run! Know what you mean re: the weather.

                          Rick- There's a first time for everything!  Before you know it pre-7:00 runs will be old hat to you! Nice run!

                          granite- I was going to say go for plan A if everything's feeling more or less OK, but I am not a big fan of LRs that are much longer than your other runs during the week.  Unless you're training for a longer race I would consider getting that down to 7-8 miles and adding mileage elsewhere if you wanted to keep you weekly mileage the same.

                          Scott- Nice run!

                          Marjorie- Nice miles!

                          Zelanie- Enjoy your track workout, whatever it is!

                          Hobbit- Nice run!  Enjoy your evening run and your yoga!

                          Andrew- Nice pace!  Have a good pace run tomorrow!

                          Ric-G- Good job on the 3x2 miles!


                          I lucked out this morning!  Cooler weather AND my favorite workout- mixed pace intervals!


                          Today's workout was:

                          2K @ HM pace

                          1 mile @ 10K pace

                          1K @ 5K pace

                          800m @ 3K pace


                          This workout is definitely on the 'fun' side of the hard-fun spectrum but it's still a good workout.  I hit all my paces except for the last segment, which was faster than 5K pace but definitely not as fast as 3K pace.  My legs were still a bit tired from Monday's race, so I'm not surprised I wasn't at 100%.  8 miles in total.


                          Team TJ

                            5.1 miles done this morning.


                            Tired of slacking as I have through the summer.  I can tell that my laziness has affected my pace by about 45 seconds per mile on this exact route.  This fact frustrates me knowing that had I not been lazy I could be running consistent sub-10 minute miles at this point....

                            Running for TJ because he can't.



                              Hey everyone!


                              Temp was great this morning at 63*, but humidity was still 100%, makes for an interesting mix.  Not oppressive, but not exactly what I'd call good weather either. Smile  6 easy recovery miles done before work, legs are feeling good.


                              Hope everyone is having a great day!


                              My running blog

                              Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!


                              Barking Mad To Run

                                Oski, you make your own donuts?  I want to visit your house!


                                Good luck, Step,with the kookydido...kyukiddo...kydidiu...umm..MARTIAL ARTS!  Big grin  As for your legs, go get some peppermint foot lotion - it works on legs too - and massage it in, gives very nice relief to the legs and makes them feel 'invigorated' again.  Nice stuff!


                                Yesterday was my Tuesday, but that's still today for me.  Um, okay, I have a headache now...Wink


                                Good luck with the 8, Damaris.  Is it getting any cooler there?  Our dew point here this morning was actually below 65...nice!


                                Hope your work day is going well, Phil, and all the problems are resolved.


                                Happy rest day, April!  How is the taper going?


                                Heck, I'd be giddy too with 59 degrees.  I'd also be shocked if we ever get that temp in the upcoming month.  Enjoy it, FreeSoul!


                                Congrats on your miles, LRB!  6:27!  That's awfully late start for a summer run here in Texas, we're usually up and about at 5 a.m. or so. Wink  Yeah,'s STILL summer was flippin' 95 degrees last night at 11 PM!


                                Good luck with the work work work, Marjorie.


                                Sounds like a nice run for you, Hobbit, cooler and along the river.  As for meetings, meetings do not help meet deadlines if you're meeting all the time. Maybe there should be a meeting about that.


                                Heat index of 95 and your boss was complaining?  He needs to get out there and run with you, Damaris;  he'll love a 95-heat index after that!


                                Good luck with the fan and the light, etc. Andrew.   Nice on your miles in spite of the sore legs.


                                Fall seems (and feels) like a long way off from these parts.  You got that right, Ric! Another 100 degree day for us her, uggg. And where's our rain that was predicted for today. Dang Mother Nature!  She just teases us.   Very dark clouds in the sky this morning as I came to work...but all they did was tease us,  just a wave as they passed by and didn't drop a darn thing on us.


                                Must be nice to be able to take a nap post-run, lilac.  I tried that this morning...but all those folks at the YMCA clanking the weights kept waking me up...


                                Fun with intervals...ok, Meaghan, if you say so.   Congrats on your run!


                                Robert, I'm sure as the weather cools, you will be less of a slacker - if you slacked at all, which I doubt - and that pace you want you shall get.


                                Glad your legs are feeling good again, Dave!  Back to "Flash" pace for you now!  Big grin

                                "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
