Beginners and Beyond


Groin Stretch ThursDAILIES (Read 50 times)





      Rest day # 2 for me and of course my legs feel great. FFS. I have a massage at 12:30 which might help with things or might not. In either case they are always great so there is that.


      So, what's on your schedule today; running or otherwise?


        Of course your legs feel great, you were smart and took a rest day yesterday. I hope the massage gets ride of that groin pain and you can finally look at Saturday with confidence, which is what you deserve.


        I have 5 or 6 miles at recovery tonight. Last nights's MLR went as expected: not fast, but at an alright effort after Tuesday's intervals. Maybe I will add some short hills in tonight's run.

        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010



          Good luck on your massage LRB

          Have fun with the possible hills Lily.


           I got in 6.3 miles this morning, it was 64 degrees and 88% humidity, it just felt blah compared to the last two weeks or so. And I think I am retaining water, my thighs felt larger than usual and were chaffing  or maybe that was just the humidity, sweat and no evaporation.

           I plan on some push ups throughout the day, and possibly 3-4 miles this evening with Dorian depending on the weather.

          *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


          5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

          10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

          15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

          13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

           26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


            Hi all,


            I should run some kind of tempo/LT effort at lunch, if I can muster it. That is the aspect of my running I have yet to get to the same level I was before: can't seem to sustain a hardish effort for 20 minutes. I'll give it a shot again today.


            Bought the photos. The woman chose two of them, and I chose one.


            Former Bad Ass

              Morning!  I have 10 with 6 at MP which I'm going to do on the TM and tonight since I have a shit ton to do today for work.


              Love the kitteh!



                Hi all,


                I should run some kind of tempo/LT effort at lunch, if I can muster it. That is the aspect of my running I have yet to get to the same level I was before: can't seem to sustain a hardish effort for 20 minutes. I'll give it a shot again today.


                Bought the photos. The woman chose two of them, and I chose one.


                I like how you call her "the" woman, as opposed to "a" woman...  Is that how people speak in the Saguenay (or wherever you are originally from. I can't remember)? Or maybe I just don't go out enough and that's how people talk these days...


                So now that you bought your pictures, are you going to put them in a frame, beside your medals on the wall, like a little shrine to yourself? Because most of us end up doing that, you know. Sad, but true...

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                delicate flower

                  Good morning then!  I ran 5 easy miles before work this morning...nice and easy.  I've got a swim lesson after work.



                    No running today. Strength training class at lunch, then a massage, then go undo the good from the massage with a 90-minute martial arts class. Genius. On the other hand, maybe the massage will loosen up my range of motion in my hips so I can actually get my kicks where they need to be.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.



                      Good morning!


                      12 miles.  Felt like 15.  I'm hungry.


                      I hope everyone has a great day!

                      Runner with a riding problem.


                        Good morning!  8 with 3 around tempo pace.  Didn't look at the watch at all, and I was within fairly close to my target pace, 1st mile a bit slow, 2nd mile right on, 3rd mile a bit fast, but pleased overall.


                        5k - 20:51 - 9/5/15

                        10k - 47:00 - 5/25/15

                        15k - 1:10:19 - 11/21/15

                        13.1 - 1:42:25- 4/25/15

                        26.2 - TBD (someday)



                          I like how you call her "the" woman, as opposed to "a" woman...  Is that how people speak in the Saguenay (or wherever you are originally from. I can't remember)? Or maybe I just don't go out enough and that's how people talk these days...


                          So now that you bought your pictures, are you going to put them in a frame, beside your medals on the wall, like a little shrine to yourself? Because most of us end up doing that, you know. Sad, but true...


                          I call her "the woman" only here because she is not my wife, so DW is not correct, and I don't like the SO significant other thing, for no reason. I just prefer the sound of 'the woman' . I could also call her 'the good woman', which sounds all right in English, but once translated in French does not sound as good, although I do employ it sometimes in French, to be funny and get her attention.


                          Pics? They're going to sit in a folder. I like seeing pics 15-20 years after.  My medals sit in the bottom of a drawer, under my running clothes. People who know me already know I run. I don't feel the need to hang that stuff on the wall, for me. But if one of my kids starts running, I'll make or buy a wall mounted medal rack to encourage them.


                          Barking Mad To Run

                            After some out-patient minor surgery on Tuesday for a cyst, I ran on Wednesday around 4 pm with Me, Myself, and I. I guess I was still having a bit of a reaction from the surgery and the meds cuz when I started the run, Me was a bit tired. Myself felt a little better after the first mile and actually had a pretty good run. Pushed a bit too hard the last mile though and post run I was a pooped old dog. 3.5 miles done. This morning at 6 a.m., Me, Myself, and I were back at it, in some slow drizzling rain. I guess the run yesterday did help - along with going to bed early last night and getting plenty of rest - because Me felt great this morning starting out. Myself pushed it a bit for the entire run, and after it was all over, I felt really good and back to my usual running self - 3.4 miles done. I did get a bit soaked and the temp was in the flippin' 60s already and the humidity was near 100%...felt like a dang sauna out there! But it's all good, I ran normal - normal for me, lol - and am a happy dog again.

                            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


                              After some out-patient minor surgery on Tuesday for a cyst, I ran on Wednesday around 4 pm with Me, Myself, and I. I guess I was still having a bit of a reaction from the surgery and the meds cuz when I started the run, Me was a bit tired. Myself felt a little better after the first mile and actually had a pretty good run. Pushed a bit too hard the last mile though and post run I was a pooped old dog. 3.5 miles done. This morning at 6 a.m., Me, Myself, and I were back at it, in some slow drizzling rain. I guess the run yesterday did help - along with going to bed early last night and getting plenty of rest - because Me felt great this morning starting out. Myself pushed it a bit for the entire run, and after it was all over, I felt really good and back to my usual running self - 3.4 miles done. I did get a bit soaked and the temp was in the flippin' 60s already and the humidity was near 100%...felt like a dang sauna out there! But it's all good, I ran normal - normal for me, lol - and am a happy dog again.


                              Nice run guys!



                                I call her "the woman" only here because she is not my wife, so DW is not correct, and I don't like the SO significant other thing, for no reason. I just prefer the sound of 'the woman' . I could also call her 'the good woman', which sounds all right in English, but once translated in French does not sound as good, although I do employ it sometimes in French, to be funny and get her attention.



                                You can still say "my better half".


                                2nd RD in a row. Sort of planned because I knew these would be two tough days to get one in. Yesterday worked a trade show all day, today we are catching a plane to leave town for the weekend. Technically I probably could've had time to run this morning, but would be stressing out the little woman in doing so, so skipping it. Especially since I actually slept fairly well last night, all the way through till 6:30, which feels like noon, and is wonderful. I don't think I have ever had 2 RD's in a row since I started running 6 days, unless injured or recovering.

