Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES (Read 43 times)




    I saw a list of the top 5 common marathon mistakes this morning, but nowhere on it was registering for one. Obviously then, that list lacks credibility. lol


    I'm heading out for a stroll, and after the past 4 days I have never been more happy to run easy.


    See you later.


      Weather forecast is holding pretty steady for Sunday.


      Today I will run at lunch. Plan calls for 6, but I'll see if I don't cut it short. It might be madness, but my instinct tells me that if my foot hurts, it's better to rest the foot than getting in a couple of miles at this point.



        Woke up not sore or achy but it slowly started up as I kept moving, so I went ahead to the gym this morning for Shoulders/Delts. If things are feeling a little better, I'll take Dorian for a run this evening. I figure this soreness is from the deep tissue massage last night, so I expected to feel something... I just hate the spot where it's in, she went pretty deep last night and I am feeling it in my Adductor and groin area.

        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning. I have 8 miles tonight, FFS.



            Non-running day. Strength training class at lunch, martial arts class this evening.

            20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              I'm heading out for a stroll...


              That was ugly. Everything was sore. Yes, everything.   And with that I've proven that I can beat myself into a heap of mush. Now let's see if I can recover from it.


                Good morning everyone!!


                Great workout last night, since all of us there are training for longer distances, he had us do 3/4 mile repeats @ 5k effort.  I ended up with five, with pretty even pacing.  He asked for a sixth one, but my brain said no (he originally said we were doing four, he said go for five, so I pushed it out, but my brain wasn't going to fall for that trick twice lol).  Great workout, felt good.  Did them at the park, two laps around was exactly .75, then alternating one or two cool down laps.  Lil over 8 miles with w/u & c/d.


                Did 7.7 easy this morning, more this evening before dinner.  Bumping up my b2b this weekend to 18/22, if all goes well should be an 80+ mile week.   Then a lil cutback next weekend, two races on Sat and one LR on Sun. 


                Hope everyone has an amazing day!!!


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!



                  I saw a list of the top 5 common marathon mistakes this morning, but nowhere on it was registering for one. Obviously then, that list lacks credibility. lol



                  My top 5 marathon mistakes would be the list of the 5 marathons I've run.


                  And someday I will run again. But not today.




                    Did 7.7 easy this morning, more this evening before dinner.  Bumping up my b2b this weekend to 18/22, if all goes well should be an 80+ mile week.   Then a lil cutback next weekend, two races on Sat and one LR on Sun. 



                    Geezus, man, your body is able to withstand a lot of punishment.


                      He asked for a sixth one, but my brain said no (he originally said we were doing four, he said go for five, so I pushed it out, but my brain wasn't going to fall for that trick twice lol). 


                      That was very smart. I always try to bring one home, I never want to leave "it all" at the track. The race course is another story though, obviously.


                      delicate flower

                        'Morning!  Heh.


                        90 minute steady run on the post-work schedule.  I am thinking I'll run this one slower than planned because I've had three hard runs the last four days.



                          90 minute steady run on the post-work schedule.  I am thinking I'll run this one slower than planned because I've had three hard runs the last four days.


                          Is steady different than easy?


                            'Morning!  Heh.


                            90 minute steady run on the post-work schedule.  I am thinking I'll run this one slower than planned because I've had three hard runs the last four days.


                            I don't know how you're doing it. "Must be the shoes!"


                            delicate flower


                              Is steady different than easy?


                              Just a 90 minute run.  None of that "Run 20 seconds, do three pushups, run 40 seconds hard, 10 seconds easy, 40 seconds hard but not quite as hard, repeat 75 times but don't exceed 80% heart rate."


                              ETA:  Actually, it is supposed to be on a hilly route and run hard on the uphills.  



                              I don't know how you're doing it. "Must be the shoes!"


                              Thanks for the reminder...I need a new pair.  400+ miles on two of my three pairs.




                                Just a 90 minute run.  None of that "Run 20 seconds, do three pushups, run 40 seconds hard, 10 seconds easy, 40 seconds hard but not quite as hard, repeat 75 times but don't exceed 80% heart rate."


                                ETA:  Actually, it is supposed to be on a hilly route and run hard on the uphills.  



                                I just wondered because McMillan has something called a steady state run, which is faster than his easy range.