Beginners and Beyond


Hello-o? It's FRIDAY?? Dailies, anyone? (Read 43 times)


    Everyone must be off for the weekend already!

    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.




        If today works out, it should be rather pleasant, though a tad bit rushed.

        8:15 - drop DS at school

        8:30 - meet a friend to run/walk 10 miles on my favorite bike trail - fingers crossed the knee cooperates

        10:45 - hurry home and shower

        11:45 - have lunch with DS at the all-school picnic

        1 - (my favorite) 90-minute massage - hurt so good!

        hang out

        3:40 - pick up DS from school and take him to the Y to swim while I get a little work done in the lobby


        Tomorrow morning we'll be up early to go run a 5k and kick off my birthday the right way. After the 5k, brunch and, if weather cooperates, a bike ride. Or maybe choosing plants for our container garden. Or if the weather is stormy - a couple of movies.


        There, now you know my life - what's happening in yours?

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Former Bad Ass

          You can tell LRB was sleepy because he said he was "skeep".


          I am at work, so no time to check until now.  I have 6 miles after work, most likely on the TM as the fires are pulling out a lot of smoke.  I was unable to sleep due to the coughing from it, meh.


          Half Crazy K 2.0

            I wish. At work, get to leave when you the last kiddo leaves. Sounds like a good deal, but chances are there are late buses due to holiday traffic and the fact that we have buses from all over the Baltimore & DC metro areas. Run after work, probably 7-8 miles.


            delicate flower

              Hello and such!  Two mornings in a row now I blew off my morning swim and slept instead.  Maybe I'll got to he pool later tonight.  It's dead on Friday nights.  First up though, this work day followed by an easy 6-7 mile run.



                Busy busy day for you, Step! Is the knee hurting less?


                I have an easy run with strides later today. Nothing special.


                Have a great day, everyone!

                PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                        Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                  It is 46 and sunny out which would be perfect for running but I took a rest day.


                  I have breaker box to install for someone later this morning then a quick run to the sticks to bid on wiring a new house and I will be done for the day.


                  Just sat down for coffee, now to surf the 'net.


                    Hey guys, I ran yesterday. Smile  Legs still seem to be working.  I kept it to what felt like easy, which was a tick slower than usual, but not terrible.  4.5 to meet up with running club, and 1.5 home from there.


                    I'm thinking that I should get back into my daily schedule, but just keep the distances shorter for now.  So maybe something like 3 today for me.


                      I'm thinking that I should get back into my daily schedule, but just keep the distances shorter for now.


                      With an emphasis on consuming protein, for continued muscle repair.


                      ^ Yes.



                        I woke up at 3 with a cruddy headache and what felt like my sinuses flaring up again... I did not go run or to gym, I am feeling better now so after my bath, I will take Dorian and Rocky out for an easy 3-4 miles.

                        Tomorrow's race weather is promising to be nice and cool, and cloudy which is a plus for me in summer....the sun can increase my body temp even if it's only 50 degrees, it'll feel like 70-80 after 10-15 minutes of running.

                        *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                        5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                        10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                        15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                        13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                         26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)

                        Jack K.

                        uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                          Hi Dailies.


                          We are home for the weekend. No one in our family likes sitting in traffic for hours at a time so we stay and do stuff at home or in the hood. No running for me, just core work and walks with the dog. My big dilemma this weekend is trying to figure out what kind of beer to get.


                          Have a good weekend and remember why we have a three day weekend.


                            Hi. 8 miles this morning. Flying a bit later to head back to MI for the weekend. See ya.



                              Hi. 8 miles this morning. Flying a bit later to head back to MI for the weekend. See ya.


                              I will not be racing the mile but may come out to say hi before your race.


                              What's the start time?


                                If today works out, it should be rather pleasant, though a tad bit rushed.

                                8:15 - drop DS at school

                                8:30 - meet a friend to run/walk 10 miles on my favorite bike trail - fingers crossed the knee cooperates

                                10:45 - hurry home and shower

                                11:45 - have lunch with DS at the all-school picnic

                                1 - (my favorite) 90-minute massage - hurt so good!

                                hang out

                                3:40 - pick up DS from school and take him to the Y to swim while I get a little work done in the lobby


                                Tomorrow morning we'll be up early to go run a 5k and kick off my birthday the right way. After the 5k, brunch and, if weather cooperates, a bike ride. Or maybe choosing plants for our container garden. Or if the weather is stormy - a couple of movies.


                                There, now you know my life - what's happening in yours?


                                Yay!!! Wednesday I was all kinds of depressed because my knee hurt - like "I can't run on this" not just "I probably shouldn't run on this" kind of hurt.
                                Today? 10.5 miles of 4 min run/1 min walk (2 hours) and just a couple of little twinges!! It's a little stiff now, but no pain. Smile


                                I'm just a little happy about this.

                                20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.
