Beginners and Beyond


A bittersweet race -- Update with response from RD (Read 120 times)


    Today, I drove down to the valley to run "Rina's Race," a fundraiser for the local school's athletic department.   It's a very small event, with only a little over 100 for the HM.  I dithered about going all week, and almost didn't go, as I had been suffering some GI issues these last few days due to (I think) a bad batch of tempura. Plus, when I got up and checked the weather this morning, there was a "high wind advisory" issued for the valley, predicting 20 mph winds with gusts to 40. But, I had my racing gear laid out so, shoot, why not.   I was nursing a secret hope of breaking 2 hours, before I dropped the speed work and began focusing on marathon training.


    It was a really mixed day.  The wind advisory proved accurate.  It WAS really windy.  Plus, I went out way too fast (8:52 for mile 1), which was an over-correction of my uber-slow start at my last race. Then for the next few miles, the course turned west, to face directly into the wind.   About mile 3, as I was persisting in trying to maintain a 9:05 pace into the teeth of the wind, I realized I was already breathing very hard and my stomach was not happy at all. I eased off, but the damage was already done.  I chugged along OK around a 9:10 pace for the next few miles, but from mile 10 in, it was a slow fade and a battle with my stomach cramps and with that shivering exhausted/dehydrated feeling that I get when i push too hard.  I know I'm in for a massive headache tonight.  Temps had climbed into the mid-60s and I wanted nothing so much as to be done out there.


    I tried to finish as strong as I could without really compromising myself.  I managed to pick off a few runners during miles 10 and 11 for a morale boost, but then had two 20-something gazelle-like women fly pass by me about a half a mile from the finish.   I knew I was going to fall a few seconds short of 2 again, but I really felt the tank was about empty and I was worried about my stomach and the shivering.


    Imagine my surprise, when I turned the corner to the finish line and saw the clock hadn't yet reached 1:59 yet.   With a sudden burst of incredulous energy I sprinted to the finish.   Euphoria!  But then I realized my Garmin only said 12:95 miles and I hadn't missed any turns. I confirmed with another garmin wearer that the course was a bit short.  I guess that's what you have to expect in these small, inexpensive races.  (but on the plus side, there were ample water-stations and tons of enthusiastic volunteers).  So my first "sub-2" HM comes with a big, giant asterisk.   So much, in fact, I don't consider it a done deal yet.   In a way, I'm  glad I eased up at the end. Had I run about 20 seconds faster, I'd really be pulling my hair out about the short course.   Overall, it was a flawed execution, but I'm pleased that I kept fighting and adjusting throughout the race.


    Chip Time: 1:58:53

    Placements:  39/109 OA, 4/19 AG.

    Life is good.


      Nice job toughing it out in windy conditions, when your were not feeling your best. Imagine what you could do under better circumstances.

      I'm no expert but if this race publishes their results, it's an official HM.



        You know, you were far enough under 2, and the course was close enough to correct length via Garmin that this could very well have been a legit sub-2 over the actual HM distance.  What does Garmin list your average pace as?


        Also, way to go on running strong in tough conditions!  It sounds like you were maybe even a little faster than last time out despite not feeling well and having to deal with the wind.  All in all, lots to feel good about!


          Zel -- I was about a second/mile slower by Garmin.   My mental on-course arithmetic had me missing sub-2 by around 20 seconds, which is why I was so surprised to see the clock.

          Life is good.


            I think you did a fantastic job with the wind and fighting off the GI issues. Was the course certified? You might email the RD to see, I'm betting it's an official HM sub 2!


              When you are running into a headwind all bets are off!  You clearly then have sub-2:00 fitness and plenty more at that.


              My first sub-20:00 5k came with an asterisk so I just went out and ran it again a month later.  That won't be as easy with a half marathon but you can probably start training for a 1:50 to 1:55 HM and blow right past 2:00 in the process.


                I'm with Mitch, I'd check with the RD to see if the course was certified, or ask how they measured.  Great job! Big grin


                My running blog

                Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

                  Congrats OOTB!


                  At the very worst, you can say you ran a sub 2 on an uncertified course, and then really kill it sometime on a certified one.

                  Love the Half

                    I'm sorry but if you know the course was short, you really can't legitimately count it as a PR.  My best time in a half marathon is 30 seconds faster than my PR but it was on a course I know was anywhere from 0.1 to 0.2 miles short.

                    Short term goal: 17:59 5K

                    Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

                    Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).

                    Jack K.

                    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                      When you are running into a headwind all bets are off!  You clearly then have sub-2:00 fitness and plenty more at that.


                      My first sub-20:00 5k came with an asterisk so I just went out and ran it again a month later.  That won't be as easy with a half marathon but you can probably start training for a 1:50 to 1:55 HM and blow right past 2:00 in the process.


                      I could not agree more. Also, you knew after only the first mile that your were too fast and you adjusted. Obviously, the headwind and stomach issues didn't help, but you did great. Your "true" sub 2:00 will be yours for the taking next time out.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Nice job and sorry the course was short.


                        No more marathons

                          If your garmin had read 13.3 would you subtract time?  Don't automatically assume the course was short.  If it had a lot of turns the garmin can cut a tangent that you can't - making the measured distance shorter that what you actually ran.  I've run certified courses that measured less on the garmin - in fact my BQ came in at 26.07.


                          So CELEBRATE your sub 2 - you earned it.

                          Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

                          Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

                          He's a leaker!


                            Thanks everyone.  The course was not advertised as certified and it was a very small event, so I have to assume they just laid out what they could.  Some of it was through a heavily forested park, so I supposed the garmin could have got wonky in there, but my gut tells me it was simply a bit short.   Part of me wishes I had forgotten my garmin (I almost did).   I'm sure in the pre-garmin days a lot of people set PR's on uncertified courses and were happy as clams about them.


                            All this has made be realize how arbitrary numbers and PR's can be.   Even a certified course can be inaccurate.  At a race last year they certified the HM course, but after numerous complaints, the certification company re-measured it after the race and found out they had messed up and the course was really 13.5 miles!  I'm sure it's gone the other way too.


                            I'll never know what my time would have been on a perfectly measured course yesterday, but I know I ran a strong race on the course that was before me and I'll have to be happy with that.

                            Life is good.


                              Even a certified course can be inaccurate.


                              My 5k PR came on a certified course that Garmin measured at 3.05 miles.  Now, that is not to say the course was inaccurate as each Garmin model comes with its own +/- accuracy percentage, just that it was what the stupid thing read.


                              Ultimately good, bad or indifferent the official result is what really matters, everything else is basically minutia.  Where PR's are concerned though, minutia matters too.



                                Congrats on the race! Wind stinks. You definitely have sub 2 in the bag, and I agree with others that you should train for 1:55.

                                - Andrew
