Beginners and Beyond


It's Tuesday, Penguins (Read 30 times)


Will run for beer.

    The "Penguin" daily threads were originally conceived to emphasize that all members of the community have a place on the boards. Encouragement, motivation, a little love nip (you will love one, give it a try!) or even a little kick in the pants when needed -- it can happen here. Basically, we celebrate just getting out there and moving our tails!What is "slow"? "Slow" is a perception but one of the common benchmarks is the 10:00/mi pace; but there's no firm line. In fact, there are many of us that have slipped past this, and just hope that no one notices and revokes their "igloo privileges." It can be confusing for the forum newbies, but we're not one of the teams in any of the fine games. It's a totally open group, so stop lurking, post an introduction of yourself dive in and join the fun! No application necessary! There might even be a lovely picture for Scotty (we love pics!)


    Will run for beer.

      Dothe2 - Don't I wish.  Colors - I even email Saucony telling them how I wished more crazy colors in wide sizes was available - they responded but I won't be seeing any crazy colors soon.

      Traci - yeah, a lot of docs don't know or follow the NSAID and runners equals bad news philosophy.  Read up around on it.  There is good research and bad research but I read enough to believe it is true.  So, I quit taking them.


      SheCan - yes, it made it up to 64 here yesterday!


      AFM - I was planning on running yesterday but life won out.  Had things I needed to do.  Still feeling on/off again fatigued so probably just as well.  Tonight is my DS's first track meet so that is on the agenda.   Off to get my coffee and then work.  Take care.


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  6 miles tonight.


        Vance, why the fatigue?



          Good morning Vance and DR.


          Vance -- have fun at the track meet


          D -- any residual soreness for you after the ultra last weekend?


          AFM -- My baby girl comes home from college today!  (Poor thing...she's 21 years old but she'll always be my baby girl).  Anyway, I wanted to take a few hours off work this afternoon to get some errands done and my run finished before she gets home, but I have a 2:00 meeting.  Hopefully it will be short and I can slip out of here at least a little early.

          Bin Running

            Vance, Morning..

            Damaris, Good luck with the 6..

            7M with 4 @ 8:15 done.. Seem to have lose a little speed as 8:00 was last month tempo pace.. well.. live with it.. Smile

            2015 Races

            2XU HM - 29 Mar


            Smaller By The Day

              Hey guys.  I've been prepping the house, and getting supplies around.  I have that shower replacement project to do this weekend.  I literally only have this weekend to get it done.  At the same time, I'm trying to keep my running up.  I went for a short run this morning, and will squeeze in another tonight.


              Hope everyone is doing well.  I need to get some work done.


              Weight 100 pounds lost

              5K 31:02 Sept. 2012 / 23:36 Sept. 2013 (Same Course)

              10K 48:59 April 2013

              HM 2:03:56 Nov. 2012 / 1:46:50 March 2013

              MARATHON 3:57:33 Nov. 2013

                Morning all!! Back to work for me today! I didn't run since I walk about 6 miles a day at work and the legs are still sore! Hopefully back at it tomorrow!!! Have a great day!

                Completed my first half marathon 2:09:04!!!


                Return To Racing

                  Went to the gym yesterday to do some hills on the TM, then ran 3 really slow miles w/dw.  Not a great idea after LR on Sunday.  Maybe an SRD today with rain on way.


                  Have fun with DD, Margo.  My baby comes homes in 2 weeks from her 2 month European Adventure.



                    Vance, thanks for the start, have fun at the track meet.


                    Docket, enjoy the 6.


                    Margo, haha, kids just don't understand they'll always be our babies. Hope you get your run in after the meeting. Have you decided yet what you're going to do on the pacer thing?


                    Bin, nice work on the 7. Sometimes I feel as though my pace has slipped some too.


                    Awood, gee, you are always so busy, I don't see how you get to run much. Good luck with the project.


                    Kristi, loving your new avi. If you have to, try to force yourself to run a little tomorrow, it really will help.


                    Jerry, two hard work outs back-to-back, yep, that'll do it.


                    AFM, I got 6 yesterday before work, and will be heading out here shortly, hoping for another 6+. I'm on 2nd shift this week, which makes for good running after coffee, but I will miss my NOBO class this week.


                      Morning!  A group of teachers are going to visit another bilingual school today.  We're going to a total of 7 schools on 5 different days, and this is our second one.  Since I am the one organizing the visits, I am hoping that they go well!  It's bright and early but we will need to be on the road soon.  Hope everyone has a good day!


                      I think the knee was a little stiff during my 4 mi walk yesterday.  Sigh.  Might have to take it even easier today.


                      Vance- Sounds like rest was in order then!  Hope the track meet goes well.


                      D- Enjoy the 6 later!  Can I say I am still impressed with how you have recovered from this ultra?


                      Margo- Glad your baby is coming home!  Is she home for the summer already, or just a visit?


                      Bin- The speed will come back, I'm sure!


                      Awood- Good luck with the shower replacement!


                      Kristi- Walking will probably do a lot for the soreness too!


                      Jerry- Enjoy the RD!


                        Mitch- Have a good run later!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I was never sore.  The only soreness is the sunburn, ugh.


                          Good morning Vance and DR.


                          Vance -- have fun at the track meet


                          D -- any residual soreness for you after the ultra last weekend?


                          AFM -- My baby girl comes home from college today!  (Poor thing...she's 21 years old but she'll always be my baby girl).  Anyway, I wanted to take a few hours off work this afternoon to get some errands done and my run finished before she gets home, but I have a 2:00 meeting.  Hopefully it will be short and I can slip out of here at least a little early.


                          Singer who runs a smidge

                            Hi, Tuesday Penguins!!  I got W2D1 of my walk program done last night, and W2D2 done this morning!!  So far we haven't crashed and burned, so that's a good thing.  And getting out this morning was all me -- I had to go downstairs and roll DH and the dog off the couch because they were SO not awake yet!  It made me laugh.  Quartet practice tonight!!

                            N-Bug -- hope the day off cured the off again feeling!!

                            Docket -- have a good 6 tonight!!

                            Phillie -- welcome home to DD!!  Classes end at the end of April here, so all the traffic and the gym should start clearing out a little ...

                            Bin -- well, you can't be crazy fast all the time!!

                            Awood -- I have SUCH a honey-do list for DH!!  I expect him to till up my garden today ...

                            Jerryb -- hope you don't float away!!

                            hog -- have a good 6!!

                            Zelanie -- hope the school visits go well!!

                            When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.

                            One Half So Far

                              Mornin, amigos.  Debating whether to go out and do 3 today, take a RD, or maybe (gasp!) strength train a little.  Hoping I can join a running group for my next half....they're currently training for the Eugene Marathon on tired of running alone. Seem to have recovered fine from doing 9+ on Sunday.


                              Hope's Mom: No crash and burn = win!

                              Damaris: Read that in your RR.  Sunburns will pass, of course. Grats on finishing that race.

                              Zel: Sorry to hear about your knee....keep babying it.

                              Mitch: NOBO?

                              Jerry: SRD sounds good.

                              Kristi: Grats on the HM time!  Lots of us doing our firsts the last couple weeks!  And 2:09 is an awesome time.

                              Awood: Shower replacement?  Ick.  Don't like playing with plumbing.

                              Bin: It goes in cycles, I guess.  The speed will return.

                              Margo: Have fun with DD! Where's she going to school?

                              Vance: Have fun at track meet!  Have one of those to be in charge of on Thursday.


                              Hope today finds everyone healthy and in good spirits.  Off to edumacate the youth of the Willamette Valley for another day.


                              PR: 5K 26:34 (Would have been faster if I hadn't had to tie my shoe), 5M: 43:10, 10K: 54:51. First HM 4/14/13 2:03:23


                              6/1: Moonlight 5M, Springfield 43:10

                              7/4 Butte to Butte 10K, Eugene

                              7/21 Run in the Country HM, Coburg

                              Another HM sometime in October or November.  Several to choose from.

                              Jack K.

                              uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                                Hi Pens...

                                Busy busy so I will try to get some personals in later.


                                Taper, taper, taper... Today, while DD is in the pool, I will do a tempo run of a one mile warm up, 20 min @ 8:00, and a mile cool down. I think I have to do some strides, as well.


                                BIN: It the weather is overcast, I will debut the headband at my HM on Sunday. If it is sunny, I will probably have to wear a hat. Pray for clouds!!!
