Beginners and Beyond

Runnin' WednesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


Go figure

    Jay...You're killing the personals these days.  Thanks for sharing yesterday.  I feel we should go for a killer run and then have a good number of beers after a story like that...or we could even skip the running.  You're surely not the bad guy in that situation.  I saw you threw that 1:19 half in your goals for the month - I'm glad I put that in your head because I know you can do it.  Enjoy the rest...certainly deserved.

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

      Rondog65, bravo on the 4.6.


      AprilRunner, brava on the 8.6. Enjoy the well-earned beer.


      DaveP MI, call and ask. After my surgery in 2006, I was prescribed a painkiller, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxant. I asked if that were necessary. The surgeon said that, if I didn't feel like it, no. I didn't.


      Robert, fantastic four. Not such a fantastic TM.


      Zelanie, yay!


      Damaris, brava on the five.


      jjs22, how did you slash your hands while doing weights?!?


      Oski, congratulations on your race!


      Congratulations, SIAR!


      Nicole, yay for five miles, beer, and pizza!


      B-Plus, which Frappucino did you have?


      I had a funny conversation with one of my best friends, who lived out in Vegas. (Those who are friends with me on FB probably have a taste of his sense of humor.) I was feeling tired and nervous; he brightened my spirits.


      I had some free time, so I did my ab work and push-ups, then, secured the raw edges of some smooth cotton (black, of course) fabric that I bought to make this shirt. I won't be able to do much before the middle of the month, but, tonight, I'm washing and drying the fabric. Sunday afternoon, I'll cut the pieces. I hope that the shop has more of the fabric, I want to return and buy enough to make a matching skirt.


      Go figure

        Basya..That's a nice looking top.  I'm impressed that you can do that yourself.  Good luck at race tomorrow - hope you're firecracker fast.

        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

        Dr. Cornsitter


          Thank you much.  I had my doubts, but was happy to survive.  As for the sports bras, I'm more jealous of the ability to stash things than I am about the nipple protection.  Granted, whatever you stow is contaminated with boob sweat, but I still think it'd be convenient.


          Also, did I read in the "goals" thread that your injury actually came from basement dancing?  Do you happen to have a basement pole?  On a serious note, are those stripper-aerobic dance classes still en vogue?


          Boob sweat is a small sacrifice to make when you need to stow important things, like keys, money, phones, small animals, food, makeup, drugs, or what have you.


          My "injury" was very much the result of a drunken basement dance party. These are common occurrences at my sisters house in the summer. And no, there aren't stripper poles, just the support beams that can serve the same purpose. The former owners of the house painted the entire basement in psychedelic colors and my sister decided to keep it. Makes for a "festive" atmosphere.


          But to clarify, I was not on the pole when I ate shit and fell down. I was goofing around with my BIL and slipped in some beer and fell ass first on the concrete floor. Not my proudest moment, but I was laughing. It's not everyday I get to act like an irresponsible delinquent, so I certainly made the most of it. Ive decided since then I am WAY to old for that shit Big grin

          Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

          So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.

            Thanks, SIAR. I'm impressed, too. Initially, sewing seemed so intimidated, until one of my kids saw me cutting pattern pieces and said that that looked like the most difficult part, that the rest looks like putting together a puzzle. That observation just made things click. Smart kid.


            Skirt Runner

              SIAR congrats on the trail race

              Dave glad you are now on the road to recovery.... I would definitely listen to the doc and take the anti-inflammatories!

              Wow....those Elixir 7s are awful! I am notttt an orange person so ugh. I have the pink checkerboard Elixir 8s, use them primarily for racing and my shorter faster runs because they're not as supportive as my Inspire 9s. They're releasing a blue checkerboard for women in July.....looks a lot like the men's....I am really tempted to buy them..... but I already have blue Inspires....


              Just got back from yoga. I love that my yoga instructor is also a runner and I can tell him I have a race in the morning and he makes sure we do all the poses to get me all stretched and relaxed....he made sure we really stretched the calves, hamstrings, quads, and ITB tonight Smile

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


              Go figure


                Boob sweat is a small sacrifice to make when you need to stow important things, like keys, money, phones, small animals, food, makeup, drugs, or what have you.


                You just checking to make sure i"m still reading? lol  Actually, when I've tried to run with one of those water belt things, I usually end up wearing it like a bra so I should just do that and store things up in there.


                I'm due for some stupid fun like your dancing mishap...I haven't done anything work shaking my head at in a while.  And for an upstanding young mom in an argyle sweater, you sure seem like a lot of fun!


                Basya...That's very cool.  I didn't realize you were a mom or some reason or another.  Actually I'd always made you just out of college in my head...maybe that's related to travels.


                Kristin...That yoga is good stuff!

                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                  Basya - It is obviously no where near as tasty as your homemade variety, but my Starbucks Java Chip was still pretty good.

                  Dr. Cornsitter


                    You just checking to make sure i"m still reading? lol  Actually, when I've tried to run with one of those water belt things, I usually end up wearing it like a bra so I should just do that and store things up in there.


                    I'm due for some stupid fun like your dancing mishap...I haven't done anything work shaking my head at in a while.  And for an upstanding young mom in an argyle sweater, you sure seem like a lot of fun!



                    "Upstanding"......hmmm considering my recent antics, it would appear I am more ass-sitting than upstanding, lol.


                    Good fun is great every once in awhile. I suggest you get some good fun and soon! We all need a long list if things to confess during our last rites. Something to make the priest blush.


                    Dont let the argyle throw you....I'm more mischievous than proper Big grin

                    Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                    So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.

                      I'm not a mom, LOL. I was referring to one of my precious preschool studentsSmile


                      Who knows if I'll ever have my own? Do you think that the world can handle more sarcastic sweetness?


                      Go figure

                        Beach...You should be due to come off that corn any day now, right?  Or maybe something to drop your core temp is just what your looking for with these warm days.  I think the problem with my fun is that all my friends are doing the baby thing now and they're pretty into those little buggers.  I'm cool with just buying them gifts and dropping in occasionally.  My running friends have potential, but we're still in the polite phase.  Somebody will slip up soon enough!


                        Oh, I also have every intention of going for a run right after I drop my car off for new brakes on Monday, but I have this sense that the car guys aren't going to react too positively to that.

                        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                        Will run for scenery.

                          Basya - My post came out sounding kind of strange. 3-4 weeks ago I was doing a trail run.  I tripped, fell, and used my hands to break the fall.  They got kind of cut up from the rocks.  So I quit doing weights while they healed, and then into my taper for Leadville.  Ever since then, I've been wearing leather bicycle gloves for my downhill running !

                          Stupid feet!

                          Stupid elbow!


                          Go figure

                            I'm not a mom, LOL. I was referring to one of my precious preschool studentsSmile


                            Who knows if I'll ever have my own? Do you think that the world can handle more sarcastic sweetness?


                            Haha ohhh!  Oops.  I've always just thought of you as being pretty sweet, but sarcasm is sometimes lost on me (especially on here).

                            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn

                            Will run for scenery.


                              "Upstanding"......hmmm considering my recent antics, it would appear I am more ass-sitting than upstanding, lol.


                              Good fun is great every once in awhile. I suggest you get some good fun and soon! We all need a long list if things to confess during our last rites. Something to make the priest blush.


                              Dont let the argyle throw you....I'm more mischievous than proper Big grin


                              Well, just the corn in the ass alone puts you on par with Elvis.  Sort of.

                              Stupid feet!

                              Stupid elbow!

                              Dr. Cornsitter

                                Beach...You should be due to come off that corn any day now, right?  Or maybe something to drop your core temp is just what your looking for with these warm days.  I think the problem with my fun is that all my friends are doing the baby thing now and they're pretty into those little buggers.  I'm cool with just buying them gifts and dropping in occasionally.  My running friends have potential, but we're still in the polite phase.  Somebody will slip up soon enough!


                                Oh, I also have every intention of going for a run right after I drop my car off for new brakes on Monday, but I have this sense that the car guys aren't going to react too positively to that.


                                Yeah, it's tough to pull away when the spawn are teeny tiny. They're quite captivating in those early years. My kiddo is 3.5 now and spends two nights a week with his dad, so I try to make the most of the time away by either picking up extra shifts or enjoying "me time."


                                I think you should be the one to "slip up" with your running buddies. SOMEONE'S gotta break the ice. Why not you? If you weren't'd say you could throw back a couple and bust your ass here in MA with me any time.


                                Im off the corn, though the bum is far from feeling better. Perhaps I gave up on the kernels a bit too soon....

                                Quote from BeachRunner3234 on 6/25/2013 at 8:20 PM:

                                So I'm currently sitting with a bag of frozen corn in my ass.