Beginners and Beyond

Sundailies Morning Brunch (Read 42 times)


    Interesting... In Quebec, because of the Catholic Church dominance for years in our history, swear words are church based. Every part of the church has become a swear word and is said in many flavourful ways. If you want to offend, you use the Catholic church. Sex words are like... meh...

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    Barking Mad To Run

      I am goofing off today.  I had a busy running Saturday:


      On Saturday, January 25th, 2014 at 9 a.m., I did the Love Your Heart 5K.  Then at 4 PM on the same day I did the Reagan High School Band 5K.  Links to my race reports and photos are below.


      Love Your Heart 5K:


      Reagan High School Band 5K:


      I have now done 7 races for the year so far..and all in this month!

      "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


      Barking Mad To Run

        Oski, the same guys as the prior picture!


        Morning.  Did not run yesterday and I am not sure if I will run today.  After 1.5 weeks I am still congested, da fuck.


        Sucks, Damaris!  Hope you can get rid of this stuff and get back to your normal self soon!

        "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


        Barking Mad To Run


          Nope. We say "crap" or just plain "fuck"  eh :. We are simple folk here Smile


          Except that you say it in French, right?

          "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

            Good morning, dailies!

            Brunch is mini-wheats, a bagel with salsa and cheese, cider, and coffee.


            Oski - it's a beautiful day here, think I'll go for a run in shorts and a tee!


            Tom - Polar rectum?  Heck no, it destroyed 'em!


            Rick - stay warm


            Lily - good mileage week, interesting that your swear words are based in sacrilege.  "Fuck you" is really a strange insult.


            Baboon - uh, oh, Colorado.  Does it smell like a burning skunk there?


            DaveP - bananas and yoga!


            Kristin - cool about the display


            Pad - natto rice?  They sell that in 30 packs for 15.99, I think.


            D - beat that congestion


            Beth - ugh, yet again.


            Free - nice trail miles.  I'd pay well for a couple days near 40.


            Scotty - good job on those 5K's


            Driving down the hill to go run inside where it's warm!


            Skirt Runner

              2.5 elliptical miles. 1.5 run 2:00/walk 1:00 intervals and a .3 mile walk cool down on the TM.

              PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


              I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to



                Afternoon dailies! For brunch today I had scrambled eggs, 2 slices of wheat toast with butter, a banana and a cup of pineapple greek yogurt. It was fairly substantial, but I was pretty hungry after my running. I had a Easy/Tempo run today that Daniel's recommends: 20 minutes Easy + 5x 5min Tempo w/ 1min Recovery + 60 min Easy. A little more than 12 miles on the day and a bit over 46 for the week.

                - Andrew


                  8 miles on the treadmill followed by 60 minutes of Vinyasa yoga. To be followed by lunch, followed by clearing more snow off the driveway.

                  56 miles for the week.


                    Good Sunday, folks.


                    Oski, thank you for starting today's thread. Enjoy that yummy brunch and have a great run.


                    Tom, have a pleasant run.


                    Rick, stay safe out there.


                    Lily, have a nice nineteen-miler.


                    Phil, have fun skiing.


                    DaveP MI, excellent eight and yoga.


                    kristin10185, great workout.




                    Beth, stay safe.


                    FreeSoul87, fantastic fifteen with Rocky.


                    scottydawg, bravo on more awesome racing adventures.


                    Jay, enjoy the indoor run.


                    Andrew, excellent run. I'm running on coffee, Advil, and a S!Cap. I did ten miles in 1:44:17. 10:26 pace. I slipped on a patch of black ice last night. My back was still hurting and stiff this morning, so I had a ninety-minute deep-tissue massage to make movement a little easier. It helped. I was able to run. Slowly, but I did it. I didn't have enough in the tank for more than ten.


                    I cancelled my plans for today and am keeping to myself. Past experiences of people giving me grief for not being at my physical best are making me withdraw. Even the massage therapist lectured me about being too hard on myself. I don't cuss in English. My default exclamation is <<Πλάκα μου κάνεις, ρε μαλάκα;>> It amuses my friends.


                    I probably should eat something. I'm going back to bed, instead.

                    Just B.S.

                      9 tough miles done. Cold, windy all hills. Footing was terrible with no bare ground, lots of ice, snow and slush. Running mostly on the side of the highway and got the full body slush splash twice. Around mile 6 had to step way off the shoukder to avoid being splashed and what i thought was solid ground turned out to be a deep puddle of very cold water, both feet completely soaked. Around 550 of climb with two 5% grades on the way back up our mountain.Overall pace was very slow at 10:45 due to slipping constantly but managed 2x miles in the middle at 9:30 and zero walking or stopping for the entire run.


                      Was hoping for 14 today but in those conditions 9 feels like 14 and my feet were very very wet and cold


                      Training for a spring marathon here sucks big rocks Smile


                      Tonight will be an hour on the bike, weights  and stretching.


                        It was a long emotional day, yesterday, but very good to be around family.  My grandma truly was an amazing woman.


                        Back to my normal routine today, which included 5.5 easy miles this morning.

                        Life is good.

                        Just B.S.

                          It was a long emotional day, yesterday, but very good to be around family.  My grandma truly was an amazing woman.


                          Back to my normal routine today, which included 5.5 easy miles this morning.


                          So sorry to hear of her passing. My condolences.



                              Awesome job, Beth! Now warm up.


                              Basya, I'm sorry to hear that. What is wrong with those people around you? You are doing so well!


                              Linda, let your emotions be, don't fight them. Yes, good families make things feel better. I'm glad you have yours.


                              Andrew, how did it go with the real estate agent?



                              Just finished my 19 consecutive miles, no break, no hydration. My cardiologist would kill me if he knew that I don't drink. But have you ever noticed what happens when we stop running after 15 miles, then we drink, then we start running again? It HURTS! Pace was a fast slow, then got slower and slower. Much like my racing. 8:32 average.

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                                I don't cuss in English. My default exclamation is <<Πλάκα μου κάνεις, ρε μαλάκα;>> 


                                Couldn't help plugging that into Google Translate. Nice.
