Beginners and Beyond

Hungover Sundailies (Read 60 times)


Run to live; live to run

    5.4. Then dId the rest of the mulch. Yard work also done and cleaned the house. Now I can just sit and relax.


    Jack K.

    uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

      Hi Dailies.


      3:55:32 for us both. So close to a BQ for Mrs. K. She really blew up on the last mile. It got a bit warm and we saw some runners being tended to by the paramedics and it just messed with her mind. She killed her first goal of a sub 4:00 and I am so proud of her. She is a great wife and mom and she deserves it. Smile


        Way to go Mrs. Klompus! She's earned herself a new Cadillac!



          Hi Dailies.


          3:55:32 for us both. So close to a BQ for Mrs. K. She really blew up on the last mile. It got a bit warm and we saw some runners being tended to by the paramedics and it just messed with her mind. She killed her first goal of a sub 4:00 and I am so proud of her. She is a great wife and mom and she deserves it. Smile


          No doubt wit help from you Sir.  Great job by the both of you!


            Hi Dailies.


            3:55:32 for us both. So close to a BQ for Mrs. K. She really blew up on the last mile. It got a bit warm and we saw some runners being tended to by the paramedics and it just messed with her mind. She killed her first goal of a sub 4:00 and I am so proud of her. She is a great wife and mom and she deserves it. Smile


            That is a most excellent time, especially for a woman, especially in her AG, and especially considering it was her first marathon. I'm sure you had a lot to do with her success, Jack. Congratulations to both of you! Now, you both need to train separately so that you can both BQ on your next race. And then,,, hello Boston! the Mr and the Mrs are in town! 

            PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                    Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

            18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


              Nice pacing, Jack, and congrats to Mrs. K!  Way to rock the first marathon.  Hopefully the memory of that last mile will fade a bit with some rest. Smile


              PS- You guys should come up and pace me for Portland. Wink


                Now, you both need to train separately so that you can both BQ on your next race.


                He has his BQ already and is done with marathon training forever until way later in the year.  For now it's time to train for speed! 



                  He has his BQ already and is done with marathon training forever until way later in the year.  For now it's time to train for speed! 


                  He has his BQ, but won't he need another to time it with his wife? Unless she can get hers before mid-September. Then they're ok. 

                  PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                          Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                  18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                  Slymoon Runs

                  race obsessed

                    6.5 in - recovery mode.


                    Time to hear about the racers!


                    delicate flower

                      Thanks for the comments on my race.  I'll do a full report in the next day or two.  I knew a bunch of people who ran this today and pretty much everyone I knew was slower than expected, anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes slower.  So, I feel better about my time now.  Not sure if heat alone did me in, but I'll address that in my RR.


                      Nice to hear Team Klompus did so well!  Bummer to miss that BQ by such a small margin, but that is a hell of a debut for Mrs. K.







                        Congrats Mr. & Mrs. K!


                        Former Bad Ass

                          Great job, Mrs. Klompus.



                          Run to live; live to run

                            Wonderful job racers



                              Nic pic, Baboon!  There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment after running 26.2 miles and giving it your all. No matter what the finish time is. You deserve to celebrate, as do all today's racers!

                              PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                      Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                              18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


                                There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment after running 26.2 miles and giving it your all.


                                I know that's right!  I drink like a damn hound dog after a marathon.  Shit, after my second one I drank an entire bottle of wine!  Purple lip city.  lol