Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: Like a Rock (Read 46 times)

Just B.S.

    Beth, more snow? Holy cow! And 8 days without power sounds like a nightmare... :-( No, we did not get any snow the last couple of days. In fact, we were lucky. I heard that Toronto also lost power a few days ago. The ice storm then moved south of us (Eastern Townships), before it reached you, guys. Yesterday, it was +1C here... But it's much colder now and we expect it to get even colder in the coming days. Very sunny, though. Very smart of you to use the TM. I bet those hilly roads of yours are still very slippery.


    Yes, 11 storms either ice or storm of a combo in the last 3 weeks. Because of our geographic position we get

    the storms coming from Western Canada/Ontario but also the storms that come up the Eastern seaboard

    from the US.  A double whammy Smile

    Oh yes, the hills too. Pretty much all of my running routes are just a combination of one hill attached to another

    hill, very little flat around here so add in snowy roads without sidewalks, slipping and  slidding up and down hills

    and even a dedicated outdoor runner like me is forced inside at some point mostly for safety and injury


    My sisters husband works for the power commission and has been out working since the morning of the 25th

    helping restore power to others homes but she still doesn't have any and hasn't seen him in a week. Sort of ironic Smile

      Good morning, people.


      Rick, thank you for starting today's thread. Have a great day at work.


      Lily, have a pleasant recovery run.


      Oski, feel well soon.


      Phil, have an excellent easy run.


      Damaris, have a great run. I hope that Daisy recovers soon.


      Zelanie, I hope that Hammy is OK soon.


      Dave, enjoy yoga.


      Marjorie, have fun doing Pilates.


      Beth, have a terrific ten-miler.


      Yuck, FreeSoul87. I hope that the sinus trouble ends soon.


      I went out for 13.0, but had to stop after slightly more than one to use Albuterol. Meh. Take two tonight on the TM at the gym.



        Morning dailies. This past weekend we had a couple of ok days. One was fairly pleasant so I busted out my new Christmas present - NB cold weather tights. I actually put in 10 miles on Friday. I was able to get in 7.5 miles before an incoming storm came in on Saturday. 2 outside runs in one week. That's pretty good for the winter months. Smile


        This morning was 10 minute w/u and c/d with 40 minutes at Tempo pace. It was pretty rough. A week from today I start my Daniel's marathon plan. Smile


        Have a great day everyone!

        - Andrew


          Marjorie- Glad Hammy is doing better!


          DaveP- I've only ever gone up to 15, but usually don't take water or gel except on the last couple of pre-race runs to practice fueling.  I have been reading my Pfitz book and he does make the point that if not taking food and/or water interferes with your performance during the run, then you'd be better off going with the water or gel and getting a better run.



            I'm not too bent out of shape with not running this morning, December has been a great month for me. No injuries and a monthly mileage PR so it's all good Smile

            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


              Just curious what others do. I always think I should be doing more.


              It depends on what your goals or comfort levels are.  I do not run with anything except a couple of bucks to stop and buy a bottled water if I am out on the streets.  On the trail there is a water fountain at mile 4 and 13.


              Now, when I am deep into marathon training I sometimes will experiment with gels or chews but that is usually the exception not the norm.


              I just prefer to use stored carbs/fat to fuel 99% my runs regardless of the distance, which requires an adjustment period.



                Dave - I don't use anything for under the 15ish mile distance. Even if it's hot then it means that there are parks open for me to stop at. I've gotten to know them pretty well. If I didn't have that then obviously I'd need a hand-held if it was quite hot out. That's about the same distance that I'd take food too. I actually prefer chews over gels when doing a LR.

                - Andrew


                Former Bad Ass

                  I think it also depends on the weather and how long you will be out there.


                  Daisy has the same thing as Trixie.




                    Good afternoon everyone!


                    We took our younger cat to the vet for his checkup and shots today. He got a great report. He has FIV, so we're always glad to get the healthy reports back. (Sending healing vibes for your kitties Docket).


                    I got 5 easy miles in while DH took the pooch for a stroll along the riverfront.


                      7 miles @7:50 this AM....will be off until thursday which works for me...


                      davep- i don't use/eat any fuels/gels/energy shots/energy drinks etc. etc. during any training runs or long runs while prepping for  a marathon... i just drink some water along the race day is a different story....i will drink water and alternate with gatorade or whatever they're stomach does not have issues adapting which i know can be a problem for some...i will also consume gels starting at about mile 10 or so and every 4 miles thereafter...this usually ends up at 3 or 4 gels during a marathon....for me the "extra" boost from gels and energy drinks on race day makes a difference...or it could be just psychological and it wouldn't matter anyway...but it has worked over the last few years....

                      marathon pr - 3:16


                      Team TJ

                        Good afternoon Dailies.


                        Got in 3 quick miles at lunch.  Now, it's salad for lunch.

                        Running for TJ because he can't.


                          Great run this morning, Andrew.


                          Nicole, fantastic five. Wonderful news about the kitty.


                          Ric-G, sweet seven.


                          Robert, terrific three.


                            Hey, hey!


                            Two more days left of 2013!  Let's use them well!  


                            Back home and back at work today.  I wanted to take a rest day but I really needed a pick-me-up (hotel rooms =/ good sleep for me) so I ran a quick 4 miles and I feel more alert.  Smile


                              Apparently I'm an anomaly. For my 20-miler Saturday, I took a gel at Mile 8 and Mile 16 (plus water). I will usually use 1 gel for runs in the 17-19 mile range; or I might use one for 15-miler, if I start out on an empty stomach.

                              How I do water depends on where I'm running. It might mean a waist pack or hand-held if I am on the bike trails, stashing a bottle if I'm running loops, or stopping at convenience stores if I'm running a route in town. One chain of stores is great about welcoming runners to grab a glass of water from the fountain drinks. I don't bother with water for anything shorter than 12-13 miles in the winter; 8 miles in the summer.

                              One thing about water - sometimes I feel just fine on a long run without drinking much, but then get slammed with a dehydration headache a couple hours later. I'm learning to stay ahead of to avoid that pain.


                              As for today: 5 easy miles on the indoor track.

                              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                                An easy 5 miles is on schedule for me.  I'm feeling sluggish with all the holiday food and fun.

                                Life is good.
