Beginners and Beyond


The DAILIES: Like a Rock (Read 46 times)

    Well, no completely arbitrary goal for me, stomach bug woke me up last night, puked just about every hour through the night.  Just now getting some real food back in me.  Dry heaves are a great core workout. :P


    My running blog

    Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

      Hi dailies:


      Beth - be safe in that latest storm.  You guys are getting it pretty bad there!


      Dave - I can stay comfortable with no fuel for 16ish miles.  Further than that, and I feel like a hummingbird deprived of nectar.  All my big LR routes have at least one juncture for returning to a bottle of Powerade at my car or on my porch.  I hate carrying stuff, but will take a small water bottle if it's high 80's or worse and speed is out the window anyway.

        13.67 cold but calm miles on clear blacktop.  Much preferred to the shivering, sniveling drowned rat that I would have been in yesterday's rain.

        Hip Redux

          Well, no completely arbitrary goal for me, stomach bug woke me up last night, puked just about every hour through the night.  Just now getting some real food back in me.  Dry heaves are a great core workout. :P


          Damn.  Hope you feel better!



          Former Bad Ass

            Well, no completely arbitrary goal for me, stomach bug woke me up last night, puked just about every hour through the night.  Just now getting some real food back in me.  Dry heaves are a great core workout. :P


            Recover soon!



              Hope you feel better soon, D2!

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                 Dry heaves are a great core workout. :P


                The last time I Earled, every muscle in my body was sore the next day!

                  Yugo8, fantastic four.


                  Shari, beautiful five on the track.


                  outoftheblue, have a great five-miler.


                  Dave, feel well soon.


                  Jay, terrific 13.67.


                  No run. Being out with a friend took longer than I expected. The gym just closedSad
