Beginners and Beyond


Sharknado Sundailies (Read 47 times)


Skirt Runner

    HA all those shark pictures are great!!!


    So I planned to run a quick 4 today but the best laid plans..... I went to Long Island for a party last night at my friend's new home she and her husband just bought. There were 3 of us coming from my neighborhood in Brooklyn, we knew the LIRR trains were 24 hours so we didn't really worry about deciding on a returning train, we figured when things were winding down we would look up the closest train time on a smartphone and get ourselves to the next train. Well things didn't really wind down til almost 1:00am, and we looked up the train schedule and the last train to Brooklyn til the morning was apparently leaving at 1:27. The trains are 24 hours but not necessarily from the station by our friend's house going to Brooklyn (poor planning). We called a cab, and my friend confirmed with the cab company 3 times that they would be to us in time to get us to the station in time for the 1:27 train. We waited and waited and it finally showed up at 1:24. So we had to send it away, and crash at our friend's house and take a train back in the morning. I just got back to my apartment, I am exhausted, and I am meeting my family in Manhattan soon. So.... no running.... I guess I will close out this week as an extreme cut back week.....

  knees are sore. Like, not my muscles, it feels like the JOINT is sore if that makes sense.  I can't tell if it is "normal" soreness from running a distance PR run yesterday, or something that should raise a red flag. Anyone?

    PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


    I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


    delicate flower

      Happy Sunday, nyuk nyuk nyuk!



      Heading out for a run with the MtnBIkerChickie in a bit.  Pre-fueled with a diner breakfast this morning.



        SRD for me, but with a walk and some stretching and rolling later today. It's a yoga pants & hoodie kind of day - time to listen to some tunes and organize my office. Savoring a weekend of no non-stop questions from a 7-year-old, and hoping he doesn't try to make up for lost opportunities when he gets home tonight.

        20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


        Wickedly Average

          My favorite "secret" running spot is getting pretty popular. I saw 3 other runners today while I was out there. I also saw 4 or 5 a couple of days ago when I drove down that road. Maybe I've started a trend! Smile


          5 miles for me today, 9:27 overall pace with 1 mile at about 9:00, and the last 0.1 at around 8:00. Started as a sprint at the 4.88 mark, but it faded into a somewhat fast run as I panted for air the last 5/100 of a mile. Oh well, at least I got some turnover in these legs!


          Bobby Darin sang about sharks a few years ago....


          Tom (formerly known as PhotogTom)

          5K - 25:16, 10K - 55:31,  15K - 1:20:55,   HM - 1:54:54


          Barking Mad To Run

            My 44th race of 2013 done yesterday in Kerrville, Texas:



            It was VERY hilly.  This morning Gail and I got up at 5:30 a.m. and went to Fort Sam Houston.  She did a 3.4 mile walk and I did 3.2 mile run/walk. My legs were screaming at me from the hills yesterday, so I took it pretty easy this morning and ran flat roads.  Went through the post family housing area, which also made me take it easy as several of my dog pals live in there, so I made stops along the way to give them treats.   6:15 when I started my run/walk and it was already 78 degrees, 88% humidity, and dewpoint of 75!  VERY muggy probably because we are predicted to get storms this wind at all.  My first run segment, I was suffering, lol, had no energy at all.  Felt a lot better for the running segments after that.


            The rest of the day I plan to just sit in my chair on my fat butt and watch a few movies and  nap off-and-on.  Big grin


            Oski, one of my co-workers told me I had to watch that movie on Scyfy cuz it was SO damn hokey.  I watched it last night.  Oh brother!  Joking




            "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt


              great shark pics this kids like shark week...

              scotty - congrats on 44 for the


              8 easy this AM. did see Chicago musical yesterday..with a few drinks it was good...have to admire the athleticism of the performers...was wondering how many of them run....heard some folks thought it was going to be the band Chicago Confused have great Sunday all!

              marathon pr - 3:16


                Sharknado looks absolutely hilarious.  DH, who loves campy movies, is almost certainly going to try to drag me to see it with him.  I wish that old Mystery Science Theatre 3000 show was still on the air.  I would love to watch them spoof Sharknado.  But, I have to confess, if I'm flipping around the TV and stumble across the original JAWS movie, I almost always end up watching the rest of it.  


                On the running front, I'm back from 13 hot and hilly miles this morning.

                Life is good.


                Skirt Runner

                  you MADE MY DAY with that video! Growing up my parents had a record player, and I used to beg my dad to play Bobby Darin's album (The Bobby Darin Story I think?) over and over. Mack the Knife was my favorite song.  Also, at the end of Side A where he tells you to turn the record over before he crashes into the label *brakes screech* *kapow!* "I think I meed a band aid"

                  My favorite "secret" running spot is getting pretty popular. I saw 3 other runners today while I was out there. I also saw 4 or 5 a couple of days ago when I drove down that road. Maybe I've started a trend! Smile


                  5 miles for me today, 9:27 overall pace with 1 mile at about 9:00, and the last 0.1 at around 8:00. Started as a sprint at the 4.88 mark, but it faded into a somewhat fast run as I panted for air the last 5/100 of a mile. Oh well, at least I got some turnover in these legs!


                  Bobby Darin sang about sharks a few years ago....



                  PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                  I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                    10 easy done!


                    It is funny how on Sunday mornings after Saturday speed work or a race, I am barely able to walk out of the door to run from so much shit aching and muscle tightness.


                    That first mile is almost always a limp fest than anything, but somewhere along the way I loosen up every time and the healing begins while I am running.


                    I guess that would be a recovery run huh?  lol


                    Run to live; live to run


                      Left much later than I had planned since Quincy was sick. When he gets an up set tummy all he wants is his 'mommy'. So he wanted to cuddle and have me pet him. He also wanted to lay on me. His own fault. He ate too fast then started to cough. Sucked in a lot of air and got his tummy upset. Finally his puppy pepto Bismal kicked in. But it took forever.


                      If it hadn't been overcast I'd never have made it.



                        If it hadn't been overcast I'd never have made it.


                        Same here.  It was 12:46 pm when I finished, on any other July 28, I don't think so!


                          18 miles done w/ 8 @ 6:50. 7:45 average for the entire run.


                          Caretaker/Overlook Hotel

                            Yikes, B, that's friggin sick!


                            Today was SRD after doubling up on speed work but legs just had that feeling this morning so.....what the heck.....3 miles recovery this morning.  Looks like I'm goin 6 days straight this week.  That ought a help the mileage, at least.




                            Former Bad Ass

                              I love that one!


                              Yikes, B, that's friggin sick!


                              Today was SRD after doubling up on speed work but legs just had that feeling this morning so.....what the heck.....3 miles recovery this morning.  Looks like I'm goin 6 days straight this week.  That ought a help the mileage, at least.



                              Great job, B-Plus!



                                18 miles done w/ 8 @ 6:50. 7:45 average for the entire run.




                                Randy is winning shark wars  lol!
