Beginners and Beyond

Guess it's my turn to start the TuesDAILIES (Read 45 times)


    Lily, glad you're OK!

      Glad you're back home lily, hope you have a speedy recovery!


      Had my second LT run today, I'm really liking this quality stuff.  11 miles with 18 mins LT, 4 mins recovery, 16 mins LT, around 2.5 miles w/u and c/d on each end of that.  Bumped my LT pace up to 6:35/mile (9.1mph on the treadmill), felt really good.


      My running blog

      Goals | sub-18 5k | sub-3 marathon 2:56:46!!

      beer run

        I just wanted to give well wishes to Lily, and say hello to everybody else. Now back to lurkdom.

        Half Crazy K 2.0

          Glad your ok Lily. I'm impressed you didn't pass out, I got queasy reading your post.


          Former Bad Ass

            They kept me another day due to an hematoma that formed where they penetrated the main artery in my right groin. The resident doctor kept missing it (the artery) and my cardiologist had to take over. He got it on his first try, but said my arteries were small. No kidding... I made the mistake of looking and saw that the resident doctor was covered with my blood. That's when I realized that the liquid I could feel between my legs was not me peeing out of fear, it was just my own blood... Phew... Oh and they forgot to give me something to help me relax and I didn't ask because I'm too shy and am always afraid to bother them (then they could get real nasty in return...). This resulted in pain all over my body because I was as tensed as a steel bar during the whole time the surgery took place. It actually never really hurt, but I could feel them work in the artery and that was gross and scary on a mental level. So much so I thought I was going to pass out. I have PH, Group 1, not Eisenmenger. I am to continue with my medication, which does not alleviate any symptoms, but slows down the progression of the disease. Today, my groin is extremely sore, but the real funny thing is this: it's not as sore as my left calf. The left calf pain is due to my long run last Sunday. I laughed out loud when I got up this morning and realized this. I'm home now, going back to work tomorrow, but I can't pick up the kids for a few days. I may have to wait until the bruising in the groin area is gone before I return to running. There is risk of an infection, or a clot. Otherwise, I feel fine.  I was ready for the result, it's not worse than what I had prepared for.


            Hope you all had more fun than I did in the last 48 hours!


            Glad to hear from you.  Good news about not being Eisenmenger.



            Former Bad Ass


              Yes, or else Damaris is going to go gray from worry. lol


              I have too many gray hairs as it is.


              Heavy weights (and I went HEAVY for me), 3 with hubby, 2 solo.



                 I have too many gray hairs as it is.


                Don't we all.


                delicate flower

                  Hang in there, Lily!



                    Lily - I can't, nor do I really want to, imagine what that experience must have been like. I'm glad you are home - please rest and recover. Keeping you in my prayers.

                    20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      If this was your workout, what pace would you use for the ON's:


                      2 warm up
                      20 x 1 minute on, 1 minute off
                      2 cool down

                      So, this is 40 minute total fartlek with the "on" segments at 400m effort and the "off" segments at normal run pace."


                      I'm not sure exactly what 400m effort means. 400m race pace? 


                      Did the "on" segments at 9.3mph (6:27 pace) and the "off" at 6.8mph (8:49). .5% incline. I don't think I could have run the "on" segments much faster without slowing down the recoveries.  9 miles total.




                        Thanks for putting that song in my head.


                        10 with 30 min @ MP, 1mi @ 5K pace.


                        Cold, calm, and clear.  Si is being Captain Cuddle, fire built, snow is elsewhere.  Winter, Schminter.



                          Glad you're ok, recover well!


                            Lily. I'm sorry about the PH diagnosis. I'm glad you're recovering from what sounded like a traumatic procedure. Please take care of yourself!


                              Here is some birthday cake for the night owls.


                                Here is some birthday cake for the night owls.


                                And early birds.