Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)


    Amy, what you accomplish everytime you lace up  means more than all of my medals put together...


    Do we really have to argue today? I'm all confused now over who says what and who I'm supposed to like and dislike... :-(

    PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

            Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

    18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010


    Warrior Princess

      A medal is worth what you assign to it.   You are allowed to make it THE MOST MEANINGFUL THING EVER.  She is allowed to make it something that represented a journey (of some sort - I didn't say I understood it.)  I am allowed to stick it in a box somewhere.


      Warrior Princess


        This is where it is all on you, and where you are fabricating the disrespect based on what you want to read into it. She didn't call YOUR medal a trinket, she called her medal a trinket.


        Now I feel bad for being disrespectful.


        Although you are correct in the intent of my original post.  But I'm starting to get pissy.


          1- not evil

          2- if i wasnt cheap, i would buy a book for my wife

          3. I am chicken and wont do them

          4. see #3

          5. WTF do people do that for. I stand and looked pissed, even though I am usually happy that I get a break.

          6. I smile whenI see this, because I could care less, but other people think you shouldnt do this.

          7. could be worse. your name could be T-Rod Smile


          1. might be evil, but also i think it's an effective exercise system.

          2.  that's legitimate

          3. nothing to worry about. Probably less likely to cause injury than not being properly trained for a half or a marathon.

          4. might be more dangerous than obstacle racing, true.

          5. I do it (not run in place but do more a of jumping/footworky thing) because i don't like to stop running and because it's sort of similar to a boxer jumping rope.  One time, though, while waiting for a light, I did a few suicide drills back and forth across the street with the green light, and got a big thumbs up from a homeless guy Big grin

          6. Yeah, this is totally arbitrary. If the top runners started doing this, everyone would be doing it. Nothing inherently dorky about doing it.

          7. T-rod's a great name. You could go into porn with it. I always wanted the last name of "Stackhouse". I think that is the coolest name in the world for a guy to have.

          Just B.S.


            Hi, and welcome to RA.


            FYI, I definitely did not post your blog (which is public) to make fun of you. I ran a 5:50 at Disney last year on very iffy training  and was not at all sure that I could finish. I posted it here to show people that a marathon is hard work, and that you have to respect the distance, if your goal is finishing. Like you said, your goal was to get to mile 20, and you did, which is great.


            I hope you stay and post here more often, and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.

            You felt the need to post her blog entry here.......on a site where many many people run half and full

            marathons and know full well how hard they can be??? and use it as an yeah I

            totally don't get that........


            Plenty of race reports here from members and tales of injury rerailing marathon plans.......don't really

            see the need to pick some random girl (sorry 0-26) to use as example of what not to do.


              eh, don't pile up on room317. She feels the way she feels. whatever.


              I'm sure the blogger has a thicker skin than that anyway. She'll probably come here as a regular poster now.

              Ms Chenandler Bong

                For some reason, finisher/participant medals get some people really riled up.  I'm like Amy - I like a cool medal, I have them all hanging in my kitchen on my "pride wall" with pics of my family.  I'll sign up for a race occasionally because it has a cool medal.  I also, like Amy, didn't become an athlete until my early 30's, never earned anything for any physical accomplishment.  My husband, on the other hand, was always an athlete, won countless awards for many years.  He refuses to wear his medals because "everyone gets one" and gives them to our kids after the race.  BUT - he's very respectful of my love of medals and is even more proud of who I've become in the last few years than I am.  And we get along just fine.  He respects my feelings and I his.  


                Mutual respect.  Something we should all work on.


                I'm a little surprised that no one has jumped on the blogger for picking zerototwentysix instead of zerototwentyone for a name.

                Marathon and ultra marathon runner.  Sour Patch Kid addict.


                  Now I feel bad for being disrespectful.


                  Although you are correct in the intent of my original post.  But I'm starting to get pissy.


                  You weren't disrespectful. You stated your opinion on your medal and made it clear that others may feel differently.




                  Hip Redux


                    Which is fine. Don't disrespect what other people value, though.


                    Isn't that what you did by posting the blog in the first place?  zerototwentysix was proud of her performance and her medal, and you shat on it.


                    Just B.S.


                      Isn't that what you did by posting the blog in the first place?  zerototwentysix was proud of her performance and her medal, and you shat on it.

                      BINGO!! We have a winner!!!


                      Warrior Princess

                        For some reason, finisher/participant medals get some people really riled up.  I'm like Amy - I like a cool medal, I have them all hanging in my kitchen on my "pride wall" with pics of my family.  I'll sign up for a race occasionally because it has a cool medal.  I also, like Amy, didn't become an athlete until my early 30's, never earned anything for any physical accomplishment.  My husband, on the other hand, was always an athlete, won countless awards for many years.  He refuses to wear his medals because "everyone gets one" and gives them to our kids after the race.  BUT - he's very respectful of my love of medals and is even more proud of who I've become in the last few years than I am.  And we get along just fine.  He respects my feelings and I his.  


                        Mutual respect.  Something we should all work on.


                        I'm a little surprised that no one has jumped on the blogger for picking zerototwentysix instead of zerototwentyone for a name.


                        I'm not sure there's a link between when you started and how you feel about medals.  I was the fat kid who got picked on in PE growing up.  The only thing I ever won was in science fair.  I was in my 30s - overweight and depressed and in a general very dark place when I started running.  It was very hard and it probably saved my life.  And for me, that's enough.  But it's ok to like your medals too.  I have a medal hanger and will display some.  Usually only a couple - I make it a game to fill it just so I can empty it into a box and start over.  An empty medal hanger taunts me.  I appreciate nice medals but they aren't my motivation or my reward.  I run because I have to run.


                          so the first part of this thread is everyone piling up on the blogger.


                          Then the second part of this thread is everyone piling up on the OP.





                            I'm not sure there's a link between when you started and how you feel about medals.  I was the fat kid who got picked on in PE growing up.  The only thing I ever won was in science fair.  I was in my 30s - overweight and depressed and in a general very dark place when I started running.  It was very hard and it probably saved my life.  And for me, that's enough.  But it's ok to like your medals too.  I have a medal hanger and will display some.  Usually only a couple - I make it a game to fill it just so I can empty it into a box and start over.  An empty medal hanger taunts me.  I appreciate nice medals but they aren't my motivation or my reward.  I run because I have to run.


                            What do you mean you have to run? Is this like a Speed thing where you will explode if you stop running?

                            Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey

                            Just B.S.

                              so the first part of this thread is everyone piling up on the blogger.


                              Then the second part of this thread is everyone piling up on the OP.




                              That's the way things roll here. Let's wait an hour or so and see where things go from there.


                              Who needs satellite TV anyway?



                                What do you mean you have to run? Is this like a Speed thing where you will explode if you stop running?


                                yeah you get fat again.