Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)


Warrior Princess


    What do you mean you have to run? Is this like a Speed thing where you will explode if you stop running?


    Running is my anti-depressant.



      Running is my anti-depressant.


      mine is coffee and marijuana



        Running is my anti-depressant.


        That's a very fickle anti-depressant you rely on. But I am sure you have noticed.

        Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey


          So is coffee and marijuana. But nothing is 100% anyway


            She should keep her metal in case she runs for political office. Then she can pull it out and say she runs marathons.


            "We do not become the people who this world needs simply by turning our backs on anyone we don’t like, trust, or deem healthy enough to be in our presence. "  ---- Shasta Nelson


            Warrior Princess


              That's a very fickle anti-depressant you rely on. But I am sure you have noticed.


              unfortunately, yes I have...


              Warrior Princess

                Is it time for food and beer pics yet?


                  She should keep her metal in case she runs for political office. Then she can pull it out and say she runs marathons.


                  And claim a sub 3 time if she runs for national office.

                    BINGO!! We have a winner!!!


                    No, not at all. That's just B.S., no pun intended.



                      That's the way things roll here. Let's wait an hour or so and see where things go from there.


                      Who needs satellite TV anyway?


                      lol yeah.

                        Is it time for food and beer pics yet?






                          Is running more of an antidepressant or is Bricks (Lara you know your loving Bricks now just admit it).  I find my biking very calming except when I swearing at a car to bugger off and share the lane with me.  I would ride to work everyday on my bike instead of my car if I could get away with it.


                          Now swimming has me perplexed I used to dread my swim workouts but now that I am not so out of swim shape they aren't too bad.   I just broke 10,000 meters for the month my all time swim total for a month.  Also its weird I always go in man I feel crappy we will just do 40 laps and call it good then I hit 40 and feel much better and end up doing 60-80 instead.  Its like I always get this great second wind or warmed up after like 30-40 laps.  The first 40 always suck the second 40 are always easy.


                          I think I need to take up this coffee and weed thing.


                            Jumping in because I want to. Big grin


                            I LOVE my finisher medals. LOVE. THEM. I even made, not one, but two medal hangers for them and proudly display them on the wall. I'd post a pic but that's just too personal for me. (maybe some day.)


                            Anyhoo, in 1994 I ran the Indy Mini Marathon just a few short weeks after running the Boston Marathon. At that time it was the largest half marathon in the country at ~20,000 participants. Back then they (the Indpls 500 Festival Committee) gave out medals to the top 500 finishers. No ribbon to hang it around your neck, just a silver dollar sized medal. It was a very big deal among the Central Indiana running community to get one of those medals because you had to be fairly fast.


                            That year was a perfect day for running for me: cloudy, cool, kinda rainy, perfect. It was the first year (maybe the second) where we didn't finish on the Track, but instead ran around the Track and then went back to downtown Indy. As I was coming out of the Track, there was a woman about 30 feet in front of me. As she rounded the corner, a man on the sidewalk told her she was the 70th woman overall. "Not any more" I said to myself. Evil


                            I set my half marathon PR that day, something I will probably never even come close to sniffing now. 1:35:53. I finished as the 50th woman overall, AND I got my name in the Indianapolis Star. YAY ME! (Still have a copy of that newspaper.)


                            But, I didn't get a medal. Evidently A LOT of men ran faster than my 7:19 pace. I think I was 942 overall.


                            Would I like to have a medal from that race? Yep, sure would. Because of what THAT medal means TO ME.


                            On Sunday the 20th, I ran another half marathon. Not as big, and I wasn't as fast. Got a medal hung around my neck. A few minutes later the medal broke. Fell right off the ribbon. They gave me a new medal, so now I had two. Threw the broken one away when I got home.


                            Is it that medal hanging up on the wall? Yep, sure is. Am I proud of my effort in that race: Yep, sure am. Do I like that medal? Yep, sure do. Because of what THAT medal means TO ME.


                            OK, back to your drama. Wink

                              Again, yes, it's personal, but that doesn't mean you should go around calling medals trinkets. That's like saying that someone's PR is meaningless just because you don't care what your PR is.


                                She said "My medal is a trinket."  There is no need to extrapolate that to include every medal ever.


                                Again, yes, it's personal, but that doesn't mean you should go around calling medals trinkets. That's like saying that someone's PR is meaningless just because you don't care what your PR is.