Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)

    She said "My medal is a trinket."  There is no need to extrapolate that to include every medal ever.





      Some of my medals are trinkets and not that impressive, I have 3 that are just pretty lame.  My first half gave out this just little small dogtag kind of medal super lame, my second half did the same.  They also did a plastic cheap medal for the next year I ran it.  I also have this like pink button thing for my third half.  My first 3 medals all sucked so I was like man I want to do one race where they give you a cool medal because my 4th half just gave me a baton because haha they did it as a relay too.  Now my first real cool medal was the awesome Saint George marathon 2011.  They make them out of the local sandstone so they are all unique and pretty awesome.  Last year I held up the line picking out my own special sandstone medal because I wanted a different color of sandstone.  THAT'S RIGHT YOU HAD TO WAIT BEHIND ME WHILE I PICKED OUT MY UNIQUE MEDAL SHOULD HAVE RUN FASTER THEN ME HUH HUH HUH  How many of you can save you have a medal made out of sandstone and carved and unique Smile


      I have some pretty cool medals now, love my Olympic triathlon medal and I also got a pin, I have a medal that is a donut and one that is a hostess cupcake.  The Mayan end of Days one was cool as its the Mayan Calendar.  The medals have improved from those first crappy 3 Smile



        mine is coffee and marijuana

        Not too big on coffee, but I love me some marijuana.







          Again, yes, it's personal, but that doesn't mean you should go around calling medals trinkets. That's like saying that someone's PR is meaningless just because you don't care what your PR is.

          No. No it's not. Because, and here is the part you just don't get, she didn't call your medal a trinket. You're pissed because someone else doesn't value their medal like you do yours.





            Inappropriate name calling.

              Inappropriate name calling.


                This is where it is all on you, and where you are fabricating the disrespect based on what you want to read into it. She didn't call YOUR medal a trinket, she called her medal a trinket.


                And thus, this is yet another room317 special.



                Skirt Runner

                  Everyone raise their hands.


                  Now put your hand down if you've ever had a goal that you fell short of.

                  Put it down if you've ever had to DNF a race.

                  Put it down if you've ever had a race go horribly, horribly wrong.

                  Put it down if you've ever had the outcome of the race not be what you wanted.

                  Put it down if you've ever had an injury derail your training.

                  Put it down if you've ever looked back on a race and your training process and wished you'd trained better.


                  I think we all can relate on some level to the blogger.


                  Unless you still have your hand up. Then hats off to you!


                  Though I think we've moved on from zerototwentysix and are now fighting about race medals.

                  PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                  I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to



                    Isn't that what you did by posting the blog in the first place?  zerototwentysix was proud of her performance and her medal, and you shat on it.


                    Yes.  When room317 does this, it is supposed to be ok.  Or "well, what I meant was..." (something kind of different).


                    When someone is perceived to have done this TO room317, IT IS GO TIME.


                    Even if the someone didn't.


                    Hip Redux

                      so the first part of this thread is everyone piling up on the blogger.


                      Then the second part of this thread is everyone piling up on the OP.





                      I was piling up on the OP before it was the thing to do in this thread.


                      SO, basically, I rock.


                      Do I get a medal?



                      Warrior Princess



                        I was piling up on the OP before it was the thing to do in this thread.


                        SO, basically, I rock.


                        Do I get a medal?


                        I think I have a few in a closet somewhere.


                          And thus, this is yet another room317 special.


                          Whatever, SRL.


                            Not too big on coffee, but I love me some marijuana.


                            Here you go luke



                              Again, yes, it's personal, but that doesn't mean you should go around calling medals trinkets. That's like saying that someone's PR is meaningless just because you don't care what your PR is.


                              Hey Amy.  I have over 300 medals.  Most of mine are trinkets.  I gave some to little kids.  Many of the rest sit in 4 shoeboxes.  5 of them (my current PR, my first marathon, my first BQ, one of my flying monkey medals, and my boston medal) I consider to be "not trinkets".

                              Trinkets, I say.  That's how I feel about them.  They are mine.


                              This has a shit/shinola relationship with your medals and how you feel about them.


                              It's gonna be ok.


                              Weirdly, I value my race bibs more than my medals... lots of people toss those in the trash.  I don't get all Yosemite Sam about that.




                                Hey Amy.  I have over 300 medals.  Most of mine are trinkets.  I gave some to little kids.  Many of the rest sit in 4 shoeboxes.  5 of them (my current PR, my first marathon, my first BQ, one of my flying monkey medals, and my boston medal) I consider to be "not trinkets".

                                Trinkets, I say.  That's how I feel about them.  They are mine.


                                This has a shit/shinola relationship with your medals and how you feel about them.


                                It's gonna be ok.


                                Weirdly, I value my race bibs more than my medals... lots of people toss those in the trash.  I don't get all Yosemite Sam about that.


                                Here you go stevie