Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)



    Yes, great idea Jan!!


    That way she might learn something about proper training.


    She would probably also learn that even if you are trained for a race things can happen on

    race day that might cause a DNF or a miserable race.


    However I do believe she said she was never doing a marathon again, and seemed quite

    adamant about that!LOL

    I said I about halfway through my last marathon man I am never signing up for one of these again, said it after the race ended too.  But come April when registration opens up again I am pretty sure I will be signing up again.  Cmon that sub 4 beckons to me, I am sure I will get it this year, still thinking of cross training for an Olympic triathlon and a marathon at the same time  again this year too as I did get 4:18xx last year doing it.


    I was mostly bothered by her taking a finishers medal, it is a FINISHERS MEDAL, not a well I tried and finished %75 of the race medal yeaa me.  She didn't earn it, she didn't deserve it, she didn't train for it, she wasn't prepared for it and she didn't finish the race.  She was woefully unprepared and knew it and made zero effort to do anything about it rather still stopping for every photo op.  My local marathon has a 7 hour cutoff too (well technically its a 6:15 cutoff as you have to be at mile 23 by the 6:15 after that they let you finish even if it takes you another 2 hours and that a similar pace of 16:16) I would never ever ever go into the race well I can run a 16:16 for 4 miles lets see if I can hold it for 26.2 miles and 7 hours.  I would want to be at least close to a 14 mile pace so yes if I wanted to take some photo ops I knew I could still finish or if something went wrong on the course like a long potty break I still had room for error.  She was running barely above the cutoff at mile 1 she had no chance in hell of ever finishing.



      The only weird thing I thought was that she mentioned tweeting a lot. I can't walk and text unlike just about every person I see in my building. If I mastered that task, I can't imagine wanting to do that in a race.


      yeah the whole tweeting thing is something I will never do. Ever. I can walk and text at the same time, but i hate that also. What ever happened to the concept of being where you are?

      Love the Half

        My main thought, BTW, was a reinforcement of the reality that signing up for a Disney race is one of the dumber things you can do in life.

        Short term goal: 17:59 5K

        Mid term goal:  2:54:59 marathon

        Long term goal: To say I've been a runner half my life.  (I started running at age 45).


           (yes, apparently you get medals for running three miles now)


          I think your statement here (and i picked it out of context, it's not your main point, and I'm not criticizing your general post which i agree with) gives a clue to why this woman ran a marathon.


          Our society in general is pushing the envelope more and more, and getting more extreme in all things, including (and maybe especially) in our sports and recreational sports. I'm sure it used to be true that a 3 mile race was respected, and that this is what recreational runners would run. NOW, everyone has to run marathons, or apparently they don't feel that they have street creds as runners.


            My main thought, BTW, was a reinforcement of the reality that signing up for a Disney race is one of the dumber things you can do in life.




              She was woefully unprepared and knew it and made zero effort to do anything about it rather still stopping for every photo op.


              News to me! I stopped precisely twice for maybe 5 seconds in the first several miles. But I guess you would know better than me.


              This board is really something special, thanks to the person who anonymously pointed it out to me in my blog comments. I'm sure you had nothing but my best interests at heart considering someone on here suggested I check out the forum so I could "learn something about proper training" as if I'd done no research whatsoever and randomly decided one day to run a marathon. A sincere thank you to those of you on here who saw that I was trying to make the best of a shitty situation.


              So truth time. Was I "woefully unprepared"? Hell yeah I was. That's what happens when you land at the orthopedist six weeks before the race with hip bursitis and femoral acetabular impingement syndrome (google it, it's a fun one). Was it also a case of too much too soon? Sure, but a little ambition never killed anyone. Or at least it didn't kill me. I'm not going to spend my time negating every untrue thing said about me on this forum, but the assertion that I spent the whole race tweeting isn't true either--Disney sends out race splits that I linked to my Twitter account. I still have mixed feelings on the fact that Disney forces (yes, forces) a medal upon you even when you don't finish and I felt insincere wearing it for those couple hours that night, but 21 miles is still an accomplishment. It's something I never would've thought I'd be able to do a year ago and I'm proud of what I did achieve.


              But thanks for the feedback. Maybe the next time you fall short of your goals a bunch of strangers will take the time to kick you while you're down, too.


                I think your statement here (and i picked it out of context, it's not your main point, and I'm not criticizing your general post which i agree with) gives a clue to why this woman ran a marathon.


                Our society in general is pushing the envelope more and more, and getting more extreme in all things, including (and maybe especially) in our sports and recreational sports. I'm sure it used to be true that a 3 mile race was respected, and that this is what recreational runners would run. NOW, everyone has to run marathons, or apparently they don't feel that they have street creds as runners.

                I am still trying to figure out how to get street cred as a runner.  (1 marathon, 1 road Hm, 1 trail HM, and some other shorter races). I just don't know when it clicks that I am a runner.


                I have more respect for a 5k finisher medal than a 20 mile marathon DNF medal.

                ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”





                  News to me! I stopped precisely twice for maybe 5 second in the first several miles. But I guess you would know better than me.


                  This board is really something special, thanks to the person who anonymously pointed it out to me in my blog comments. I'm sure you had nothing but my best interests at heart considering someone on here suggested I check out the forum so I could "learn something about proper training" as if I'd done no research whatsoever and randomly decided one day to run a marathon. A sincere thank you to those of you on here who saw that I was trying to make the best of a shitty situation.


                  So truth time. Was I "woefully unprepared"? Hell yeah I was. That's what happens when you land at the orthopedist six weeks before the race with hip bursitis and femoral acetabular impingement syndrome (google it, it's a fun one). Was it also a case of too much too soon? Sure, but a little ambition never killed anyone. Or at least it didn't kill me. I'm not going to spend my time negating every untrue thing said about me on this forum, but the assertion that I spent the whole race tweeting isn't true either--Disney sends out race splits that I linked to my Twitter account. I still have mixed feelings on the fact that Disney forces (yes, forces) a medal upon you even when you don't finish and I felt insincere wearing it for those couple hours that night, but 21 miles is still an accomplishment. It's something I never would've thought I'd be able to do a year ago and I'm proud of what I did achieve.


                  But thanks for the feedback. Maybe the next time you fall short of your goals a bunch of strangers will take the time to kick you while you're down, too.


                  Never let them see you cry, kid.

                  Coalition for a Free and Independent New Jersey



                    News to me! I stopped precisely twice for maybe 5 seconds in the first several miles. But I guess you would know better than me.


                    This board is really something special, thanks to the person who anonymously pointed it out to me in my blog comments. I'm sure you had nothing but my best interests at heart considering someone on here suggested I check out the forum so I could "learn something about proper training" as if I'd done no research whatsoever and randomly decided one day to run a marathon. A sincere thank you to those of you on here who saw that I was trying to make the best of a shitty situation.


                    So truth time. Was I "woefully unprepared"? Hell yeah I was. That's what happens when you land at the orthopedist six weeks before the race with hip bursitis and femoral acetabular impingement syndrome (google it, it's a fun one). Was it also a case of too much too soon? Sure, but a little ambition never killed anyone. Or at least it didn't kill me. I'm not going to spend my time negating every untrue thing said about me on this forum, but the assertion that I spent the whole race tweeting isn't true either--Disney sends out race splits that I linked to my Twitter account. I still have mixed feelings on the fact that Disney forces (yes, forces) a medal upon you even when you don't finish and I felt insincere wearing it for those couple hours that night, but 21 miles is still an accomplishment. It's something I never would've thought I'd be able to do a year ago and I'm proud of what I did achieve.


                    But thanks for the feedback. Maybe the next time you fall short of your goals a bunch of strangers will take the time to kick you while you're down, too.




                    Hi, and welcome to our forum!!

                    Just B.S.



                      But thanks for the feedback. Maybe the next time you fall short of your goals a bunch of strangers will take the time to kick you while you're down, too.

                      You've got guts girl!!!  And I will repeat what I posted earlier.


                      As another poster pointed out, she was injured during training yet still ran the marathon

                      undertrained despite the injury.   She is not the first person to do so and many have done

                      the same thing knowing that it might not end well.


                      And heck she managed to have fun along the way. Good for her.

                      I for one sincerely hope that you can recover from the injury and perhaps rethink and try to train again

                      and run a marathon healthy. It would be a totally different and much more enjoyable experience for you.


                        My main thought, BTW, was a reinforcement of the reality that signing up for a Disney race is one of the dumber things you can do in life.


                        Snob. Big grin

                        PRs: Boston Marathon, 3:27, April 15th 2013

                                Cornwall Half-Marathon, 1:35, April 27th 2013

                        18 marathons, 18 BQs since 2010

                        From the Internet.

                          I for one sincerely hope that you can recover from the injury and perhaps rethink and try to train again

                          and run a marathon healthy. It would be a totally different and much more enjoyable experience for you.


                          2nd this. Sorry that you had a shitty introduction to the forum, but I hope you stick with running - go back next year or the year after and kick Disney's ass Smile


                            Thank you for posting, and I hope you keep running.

                            In case it wasn't clear, I think it is fine that you took the medal that was offered.  If people don't like Disney's policies, they can complain to them or just avoid those events.

                            Best of luck on your running journey!



                            News to me! I stopped precisely twice for maybe 5 seconds in the first several miles. But I guess you would know better than me.


                            This board is really something special, thanks to the person who anonymously pointed it out to me in my blog comments. I'm sure you had nothing but my best interests at heart considering someone on here suggested I check out the forum so I could "learn something about proper training" as if I'd done no research whatsoever and randomly decided one day to run a marathon. A sincere thank you to those of you on here who saw that I was trying to make the best of a shitty situation.


                            So truth time. Was I "woefully unprepared"? Hell yeah I was. That's what happens when you land at the orthopedist six weeks before the race with hip bursitis and femoral acetabular impingement syndrome (google it, it's a fun one). Was it also a case of too much too soon? Sure, but a little ambition never killed anyone. Or at least it didn't kill me. I'm not going to spend my time negating every untrue thing said about me on this forum, but the assertion that I spent the whole race tweeting isn't true either--Disney sends out race splits that I linked to my Twitter account. I still have mixed feelings on the fact that Disney forces (yes, forces) a medal upon you even when you don't finish and I felt insincere wearing it for those couple hours that night, but 21 miles is still an accomplishment. It's something I never would've thought I'd be able to do a year ago and I'm proud of what I did achieve.


                            But thanks for the feedback. Maybe the next time you fall short of your goals a bunch of strangers will take the time to kick you while you're down, too.

                              Thank you for posting, and I hope you keep running.

                              In case it wasn't clear, I think it is fine that you took the medal that was offered.  If people don't like Disney's policies, they can complain to them or just avoid those events.

                              Best of luck on your running journey!



                              i am planning a goofy attempt next jan, but after reading this, I might not do it.

                              ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                              “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”




                                The Cape Cod Marathon in Massachusetts has a similar half + full challenge if you want to run a different one:


                                edited to fix link



                                i am planning a goofy attempt next jan, but after reading this, I might not do it.