Beginners and Beyond

Respect the distance (Read 323 times)



    You still don't have to take it, you still don't have to wear it for several hours, part of you has to know its wrong to take something you didn't earn.  I am so glad STG does not give a finishers medal to the people they sweep.  I can't change what the org does or doesn't offer all I can do is in respect for myself and not take something I feel I didn't earn.


    Here is a weird subplot of that, I volunteered for the IM last year and it had massive chop so much so a lot people missed the swim cutoff and normally they would sweep them and not allow them to continue on.  But they took into factor that the chop caused the missed cutoffs and so they just took their timing chips and let them continue on and would not be official finishers.  They still gave out medals for those who finished even if they missed the swim cutoff as long as they finished.  That's the grey area, would you take a medal then even though you did finish but missed one of the cutoffs?


    Sorry Dizz, but I disagree.  If you think it is wrong, don't do it.  But don't apply your version of right/wrong to others given that THE ORG PASSED OUT MEDALS TO NONFINISHERS.  The person did not steal a medal.  It was given by the folks who made the rules.  If you want to consider it wrong to take one, cool.  Lots of people would.  But beyond that, as it applies to others, you are venturing into "hush" territory.  I mean, you can say it.. free speech and all... but you don't get to make the rules.


    At that IM, I don't know if I would have taken the medal or not.  Depends on how I felt about it.


    Note well: Had I gotten swept at Disney or an rnr race, I would not take the medal.  But that's my personal choice.  I would not be taking a crap on others for doing it and telling them they were in the wrong or stole it or cheated or something.  Because that would be assholish of me to do.


    Ms Chenandler Bong

      My main thought, BTW, was a reinforcement of the reality that signing up for a Disney race is one of the dumber things you can do in life.


      Just wait until that little girl next to you in your pic wants to run the Princess half someday.  I foresee you proudly running that with her, wearing a pink tutu and all.

      Marathon and ultra marathon runner.  Sour Patch Kid addict.


        I know dozens of people who picked up their NYCM 2012 medals, obviously none of whom even started the race (though several ran 26.2 in the park that day).  Who cares?  I didn't take it, but that's because I don't want to look at it, not because it's somehow morally wrong to "take something you didn't earn" that, you know, the race organization is handing out.


          It is in lots of races, but apparently it is not at Disney and rnr races where they will give you a medal if/when you get swept.  It is a "thank you for coming" thing.  You can disagree with this... lots of folks do... but if the org is handing them out irrespective of finishing, then you are simply wrong and you should perhaps not be so damn judgey.

          i told my wife about this thread last night. I stared off the conversation with saying....I think I finally said somethign that might make me a running snob.


          She just kinda laughed.

          ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

          “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”



            IMHO, there is a difference between taking a medal for a DNF and taking a medal for a race that didn’t exist. I wouldn't take a finisher's medal for a DNF, but I sure as hell wear my Bronx Half 2011 shirt all the time!


              That is not quite what the original post sounded like.

              FYI, I definitely did not post your blog (which is public) to make fun of you. I ran a 5:50 at Disney last year on very iffy training  and was not at all sure that I could finish. I posted it here to show people that a marathon is hard work, and that you have to respect the distance, if your goal is finishing.


                Holy crap! Judge much?

                How am I judging I said rather than throwing in the towel and saying not for me to actually prepare and do one prepared before deciding its not for you.  I have had my fair share of train wreck races and am glad I didn't quit Just because I did things stupidly at times.  I would like to see her train for and complete a marathon before throwing in the towel    I am glad I didn't just take my one train wreck marathon and call it quits.


                  That is not quite what the original post sounded like.


                  Heh.  I was going to say the same thing!  "What I meant to say was..."



                    Heh.  I was going to say the same thing!  "What I meant to say was..."


                    I wasn't talking about the OP, I was talking about intent. But, again, you and monkkey constantly criticize my posts. It would be better if you just didn't read them, thanks.



                      Just wait until that little girl next to you in your pic wants to run the Princess half someday.  I foresee you proudly running that with her, wearing a pink tutu and all.


                      I just think it is funny that just saying "it's dumb" wasn't enough.  Nor was telling us that we're all dumb.  It's one of the "dumber things in life".


                      That's some bold shit there.  About running. At Disney.


                      Back on topic.


                      Me and Stitch back when life was happy.  Life is not so happy these days.  But at least I have my medal and I ain't dumb.




                        Amy yea chop meant waves and choppy water.  They had 10 foot waves at one point.   Scarea me a little as I am terrible in chop and my half iron man is in the same lake.



                          I wasn't talking about the OP, I was talking about intent. But, again, you and monkkey constantly criticize my posts. It would be better if you just didn't read them, thanks.


                          You keep saying stuff life that.  It's a message board.  You post, and people comment.  That's how the thing works.


                          Edit: not dissimilar to how you found that gal's blog and decided to "discuss" in this thread.  And yeah, your original post sounds a lot more negative than your follow-up.  A lot.



                          Warrior Princess


                            Just wait until that little girl next to you in your pic wants to run the Princess half someday.  I foresee you proudly running that with her, wearing a pink tutu and all.


                            Oh please, please let this happen.


                            As to the original discussion, I care not about what anyone else does at a race unless they are in my way.  I also do not care who gets a medal.  What my medal means to me has nothing to do with anyone else's actions.  Goodness, what a bizarre thread.


                              How am I judging


                              Dude.  You wrote "its wrong to take something you didn't earn. ".  After writing "I am glad for you achieving something you didn't think possible but you still took something that you did not earn. "  This started because you declared it a finisher's medal.


                              You are judging someone's actions as "wrong".



                                I just think it is funny that just saying "it's dumb" wasn't enough.  Nor was telling us that we're all dumb.  It's one of the "dumber things in life".


                                That's some bold shit there.  About running. At Disney.


                                Back on topic.


                                Me and Stitch back when life was happy.  Life is not so happy these days.  But at least I have my medal and I ain't dumb.


                                did you get one with lilo that lil hawaiian kid?

                                ”Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.”

                                “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

