Beginners and Beyond

My busted knee thread aka WOE IS ME, WOE IS ME! (Read 659 times)


    Oh, and if you haven't had an MRI or CT lately, you might soon encounter the radiologist gotcha... wherein the radiologist who happens to read your "films" (they ain't film anymore, duh) isn't in your network so you get kicked in the shorts for that.  Even though the facility was in your network, so you went to it, and you had no choice as to the radiologist they utilize.




    Good luck.



    delicate flower

      Oh, and if you haven't had an MRI or CT lately, you might soon encounter the radiologist gotcha... wherein the radiologist who happens to read your "films" (they ain't film anymore, duh) isn't in your network so you get kicked in the shorts for that.  Even though the facility was in your network, so you went to it, and you had no choice as to the radiologist they utilize.




      Good luck.


      Way ahead of you on that one!  Well, not really...I had an upper endoscopy a few years ago and already took that beating.  Fool me once, shame on you, feel me twice, probably.



        Thinking of you Phil. You will come back even stronger after this. I'm sure of it! In the meantime rant and rave all you want. BTDT.

        Running is my mental-Ctrl-Alt-Del. 

        Ball of Fury

          Really sorry about your knee Phil and you are welcome to have a short pity party!  Hell, I threw a baby fit this morning about the weather for my marathon this weekend and if I am allowed to do that (and I am...I threw the fit, I am over it), you are certainly allowed to whine a little about an actual injury!

          PRs:  5K 22:59, 10K 46:54,HM: 1:51:15


          delicate flower

            Thanks again, everyone.


            Ski vacation is offically canceled.  We can defer to next year though, so at least we're not out any money.  I feel terrible though because me not being able to go means nobody else wants to go (four of us).


            Still trying to get that MRI scheduled.  Spoke to PCP this morning and there was some insurance confusion.  Figures.   


            Just B.S.

              Thanks again, everyone.


              Ski vacation is offically canceled.  We can defer to next year though, so at least we're not out any money.  I feel terrible though because me not being able to go means nobody else wants to go (four of us).


              Still trying to get that MRI scheduled.  Spoke to PCP this morning and there was some insurance confusion.  Figures.   

              Sorry about the trip but at least you can get your $$ back.


              We went on a bus trip to the Boston Marathon in 2010, a group of about 30 of us were going so we hired a bus.


              One man we didn't know who was going to his first Boston brought his wife and another couple along for the trip.

              When we stopped at the border they scanned his passport and found a minor drug conviction from when he was

              18 (30ish years prior) and refused him entry. His wife and the other woman were crying as they all depared the

              bus to try and find a way home (4 hours away).


              We all felt so so badly for them. And of course they didn't qualify for a trip refund.


                Arrrgh...the entire process is so very frustrating.  I hope you are able to get that MRI soon, Phil.


                Former Bad Ass

                  Hope you get that MRI soon, Phil.



                    Oh, and if you haven't had an MRI or CT lately, you might soon encounter the radiologist gotcha... wherein the radiologist who happens to read your "films" (they ain't film anymore, duh) isn't in your network so you get kicked in the shorts for that.  Even though the facility was in your network, so you went to it, and you had no choice as to the radiologist they utilize.




                    Good luck.


                    I had something like this happen to me when I was in the hospital, giving birth to my son. My ob was in-network, but apparently the pediatrician who examined my son was not. So I guess I was supposed to question the pediatrician who showed up in the nursery while I was in the OR and question her about whether she was in network before she examined him. To be fair, I guess my DH could have done it, but he was a bit distracted at that moment. Smile


                    Phil, I continue to hope for your quick recovery.



                    July 27 - San Francisco marathon


                      Ugh, insurance woes (let's just scrap that whole business!) on top of knee woes means you get to moan even LOUDER!


                      Dang, I hope your knee is a quick fix.


                      I totally get you about not being a 'one-note-Johnny' sports-wise.  There's too much fun to be had in this world to give things up.


                      Heal quickly, go to the beach!


                      Chief Unicorn Officer

                        Sorry about the trip!  Like RMTB said though, at least you're not out the $$$, which is good.  I would have been sad if I was really looking forward to it, though.


                        I was checking in to see if you got a diagnosis yet, sorry to hear about the insurance woes!  Keep us updated.

                        Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54


                        delicate flower

                          Thanks...will do.  I am still waiting to get the MRI scheduled but now that we've decided to cancel the ski trip I don't feel as much of a sense of urgency.  I've got the appointment with the knee doc Tuesday.  Doesn't really matter if I have the MRI done today or the middle of next week.



                            I was just catching up on the happenings over here and saw this thread.  I'm so sorry Phil.  I hope you heal quick.

                            Life is good.


                            delicate flower



                              Knee doc says I re-tore my ACL and meniscus.  I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow morning to confirm, but he's pretty confident it's an ACL tear based on the tests he performed.  He said surgery isn't absolutely necessary, but recommended if I want to get back to where I was.  I'll opt for the surgery.  I've been through it once and it sucked royally, but at least I know what to expect.  Plus I have the insurance to cover it.


                              This really puts my entire year up in the air.  I won't hit any of my goals, but really I'll just be happy if I am running pain free for the start of 2014.  I really do wonder how long it'll take to get back to where I was two weeks ago.  Man, I was doing great too.  I can pretty much kiss a 2013 marathon good bye.


                              In the meantime, they told me to pedal and elliptical as much as I can to get the swelling down.  I have a fair bit of blood piled up in my knee.  Doc said there's no reason I can't run before surgery if the pain is tolerable.


                              Fun, fun.  Two major surgeries on the same knee and I'm only 40.  



                                I'm so glad you're finally getting answers, Phil.  It know it sucks, but I think you have the right attitude.  Good luck, and keep updating us.

                                Do you even run?