Beginners and Beyond


ThursDAILIES (Read 46 times)

YAYpril - B-Plus

    Black jellybeans are gross.

    Just B.S.


      Beth, if you have ear pain, the swimming and water getting in your ear does not bother the ear?  Good luck with your 4 miles today.  Sorry you are having to deal with all the allergy stuff.


      Not really "ear pain" as such Scotty, it's more about the pressure from the sinuses and allergies

      affecting the ears and sometimes the jaw area.


      I wear a swim cap and have really good breathing technique which I think helps equalize the

      ear pressure while swimming because getting water in my ears from swimming has never

      been a problem.


      Beth - You are not alone in your allergy misery. The parks service mowed around the trail as I ran yesterday, and I felt like ass the entire rest of the day. I hope your marathon goes well. The rain during my half made breathing quite comfortable. My lungs felt great. It was just the wet feet and freezing that was a bit annoying. Wink


      Sucks doesn't it. I wait 6 months for spring and then spend 6 weeks in discomfort. And half that time

      saying "I think I'm getting a cold, no it's just the allergies, oh maybe it is a cold, no it's the damn allergies"Smile


      My last full on Sept 30th was run in a downpour @ 52F. Still had a 7 minute PR but almost froze to death

      in my light tshirt. My feet were so wet by mile 5 that I gave up trying to avoid the puddles which by that time

      were really little mini rivers running down the side of the road.


      I am hoping for a light rain and overcast that would be perfect conditions for me.


      rather be sprinting

        Black jellybeans are gross.


        I LOVE them.  Not even kidding--my birthday present for my 13th birthday was 5 lbs of black jelly beans.  Of course I never finished them because that was the year I became anorexic, but still, they were tasty.


        oh and I'm still dealing with allergies too, it's BLECH UGH.


        Nothing much to report today, 5 miles easy with so many strides (11) they bordered on speedwork but I definitely didn't feel up to full-on sprints because my legs hurt a bit from tempo intervals yesterday.  I'm training by feel right now.  Anyway, I did a full mile of 30-sec intervals at 5:25 pace with 90 sec jogging in between and felt pretty OK so hopefully lifting will go well tomorrow.

        PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

        Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb


        Run to live; live to run

          okay Scap can have my black jelly beans too.  Not that I eat jelly beans.....I don't do sugar but if there are any around she and LRB can have all of mine



            okay Scap can have my black jelly beans too.  Not that I eat jelly beans.....I don't do sugar but if there are any around she and LRB can have all of mine


            You misread my post, I don't eat those things.  The colored ones yes, but I have only tasted a black jelly bean once, when I was three years old lol!


            Run to live; live to run

              then Scap can have them all


                Five miles walking Down the beach stopping half way For a cold beer. I could get used to living on the beach

                First Race

                Hot Chocolate 5K Chicago November 4, 2012 30:17

                Second Race

                Penguin in the Park 5K Decatur Illinois March 23,2013 27:08


                Jack K.

                uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sǝʇᴉɹʍ ʇI

                  I would like some of the black jelly beans, please. Smile

                  Hip Redux

                    Well, I suck.  I bailed on class and my run tonight.   Why?  Because I felt like it.   I wish I had a better reason, but no.  Just lazy!



                      Now I'm wishing I hadn't walked past the 5 lb jar of jelly beans at Sam's Club today. I was tempted, but didn't buy them. Hmmm ... do I need to go to Sam's for anything tomorrow???

                      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        DH had some knee pain so we bag his run/walk.  I did weights and now my arms are like jello and I still have 30 pushups to complete my quota for the day (I already did half of mine).


                        YAYpril - B-Plus

                          DH had some knee pain so we bag his run/walk.  I did weights and now my arms are like jello and I still have 30 pushups to complete my quota for the day (I already did half of mine).


                          Hum. Guess I should do mine.


                          delicate flower

                            45 minutes of elliptical done, plus a fairly hard legs workout.  I need to back off a little on the leg press.  My knee didn't like today's weight and I really have no reason to push it.  My streak of not eating black jelly beans continues.



                            Former Bad Ass

                              You are ahead of me since I forgot that day, so yes.



                              Hum. Guess I should do mine.


                              YAYpril - B-Plus

                                You are ahead of me since I forgot that day, so yes.



                                I haven't forgotten yet, but frequently I'll be laying in bed and think, "I did my pups and sups, right? Yes. Wait, I think so. Oh. I definitely did. Phew."
