Beginners and Beyond

Thursdailies (Read 35 times)


    I take some BBQ potato chips every day, although on some days, I choose another flavour. I attribute my good health to that, and to regular exercise.


      I take some BBQ potato chips every day, although on some days, I choose another flavour. I attribute my good health to that, and to regular exercise.


      At your mileage, you could eat a jar of mayo every day and live to be a hundred.


        Also. Totally random.


        What vitamins do you take? Do you guys take a daily multivitamin? Or no?


        I take 2000IU of vitamin D daily. If I don’t, my level crashes and burns and I get stress fractures.


        delicate flower


          I'm pretty sure that's Transact SQL.


          I put all the paces in minutes per mile for you. It's just that my splits were 1km long.


          It is a good looking workout.  Sub-20 5K pace for 8K.




            It is a good looking workout.  Sub-20 5K pace for 8K.


            Actually it was 30 minutes total, and the last split is not a complete K. About 7.5K.

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              Multi vitamin, 2000 iu vitamin D, fish oil, probiotics and magnesium supplement.


              delicate flower

                HEY DAVE P, we got another Boston newsletter!    This time there is actually some useful information.



                  HEY DAVE P, we got another Boston newsletter!    This time there is actually some useful information.


                  Ooh! I'm all tingly. Two months!! What is the useful info - the stuff on the pre-race dinner & post-race party? I assume you will be missing both?



                  Former Bad Ass


                    Ooh! I'm all tingly. Two months!! What is the useful info - the stuff on the pre-race dinner & post-race party? I assume you will be missing both?


                    I sure will!




                      I sure will!


                      LOL. I will eat a little extra and party a little harder on your behalf.



                      delicate flower


                        Ooh! I'm all tingly. Two months!! What is the useful info - the stuff on the pre-race dinner & post-race party? I assume you will be missing both?


                        Yes, yes, and yes.  I'll be driving up some time Friday for packet pickup, then going back home until race day.  Race day will also be a day trip:  I'm taking the running club bus to the starting line, then the DW/Oski caravan will drive my broken ass home after the race.  The Boston Marathon is a "local race" around here, and is usually just a day trip.



                          Ended up doing my easy run. Trail was a mixed bag of snow/clear pavement/ice :/


                          delicate flower


                            I sure will!


                            It'll be a fun day for the B&B though, pointing and laughing at our splits as they come across the tracker!




                              Yes, yes, and yes.  I'll be driving up some time Friday for packet pickup, then going back home until race day.  Race day will also be a day trip:  I'm taking the running club bus to the starting line, then the DW/Oski caravan will drive my broken ass home after the race.  The Boston Marathon is a "local race" around here, and is usually just a day trip.


                              I leave Saturday and return Tuesday. It would be very hard for me to do this trip without staying 3 nights. Which would be fine except for the hotel cost. 


                              The dinner, I figure I might as well do, I have no other plans. The party will depend on how I feel, and the weather.


                              In reading the list of "allowable items", I notice they prohibit Camelbaks. Not that this is a concern for me, but I found that strange.




                                In reading the list of "allowable items", I notice they prohibit Camelbaks. Not that this is a concern for me, but I found that strange.


                                NYC too and you wouldn't believe all the gallowalkers up in arms because they can't possibly stay hydrated using the water stations offered every single mile.