Beginners and Beyond

Thursdailies (Read 35 times)


    Almond milk drinker here, but just in coffee and some baked goods. That sounds like a bizarre prerace meal. I don't think almond milk is that mainstream. And who wants to try a bunch of almond milk recipes for the first time before a marathon?


    Truth. Although unless one has a nut allergy, that type of "milk" is generally safer than traditional milk. Safer in regards to the force in which it exits your body that is.



      Here is a suggestion for a good backup plan for Boston:  Walk a quarter mile down the street.   Eat in one of the 19 restaurants you pass.


      LOL, as it is I feel a little bad doing the pre-race dinner, knowing the food will be likely nothing more than edible, rather than going to some amazing little place in the North End. But I'm looking at is as part of the whole marathon experience.




        Also in the newsletter is this, so maybe I could feel like a rock star:





        Which is kind of funny because we've gotten a few of these newsletters and I have yet to see the first qualifier spotlight.


        I think I saw one on the FB page recently.



        Former Bad Ass


          I leave Saturday and return Tuesday. It would be very hard for me to do this trip without staying 3 nights. Which would be fine except for the hotel cost. 


          The dinner, I figure I might as well do, I have no other plans. The party will depend on how I feel, and the weather.


          In reading the list of "allowable items", I notice they prohibit Camelbaks. Not that this is a concern for me, but I found that strange.


          Most major marathons prohibit them ever since the bombing.  Chicago took them away that same year.



          Former Bad Ass

            I am also a bit disturbed that the pre-race dinner is sponsored by almond milk. I imagine some of you are fans of the stuff, but I'm not sure. And this:


            "the Boston Marathon Pre-Race Dinner menu will be full of Almond Breeze-infused dishes including a three-cheese mac n’ cheese; a garden salad with Almond Breeze-based ranch dressing; and Bread Pudding for dessert."


            OK then. The bread pudding could be good.


            I would go to pasta parties if they weren’t at my normal lunch time. Lol



            delicate flower

              I ran, and I ran well.  50 minutes, with 2 x 15:00 tempo blocks that seemed to never end.  6:36 pace on the first one and 6:24 pace on the second one.  Basically, I averaged 10K pace for about 4.75 miles.



                I ran, and I ran well.  50 minutes, with 2 x 15:00 tempo blocks that seemed to never end.  6:36 pace on the first one and 6:24 pace on the second one.  Basically, I averaged 10K pace for about 4.75 miles.


                Great job, man! Very similar to what I did, except you probably went by effort? Or by pace? And mine was easy, being on a track.


                delicate flower


                  Great job, man! Very similar to what I did, except you probably went by effort? Or by pace? And mine was easy, being on a track.


                  Mine was by effort.  Relatively hard.  I could have gone harder or longer but I am glad I didn't have to.



                  Former Bad Ass

                    Ran 9 on the TM.  I am sad to say that the TM has some defect with calibration and I called Sole about it.  The calibration numbers cannot be changed but because the wheel size changed from last night to today (it has been changing for a few days but turning it on and off has worked in fixing it), the calibration is way off.  I really think the mph mode and the kmph mode switched between them, because this is how the kmph looks like and those are not kmph numbers or paces but rather mph.  I realized they were switched when I ran at "12mm" on the mph calibration mode and I couldn't run more than two paces before I had to stop.  You know, like trying to run with an elite?  I even had hubby run on it to make sure I wasn't crazy.


                    Cy, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't these numbers be like walking paces?



                    Anyway, service at Sole couldn't confirm wheel size was wrong because the TM is the new model and it has not even made it to their floor.  They switched me to sales and sales told me that someone will call me for a refund or a replacement.  Based on that immediate reaction, it sounds like I'm not the only one that has called about this?  The TM is 5 days old, FFS.


                    Anyway, for now, I'll continue running on the kmph mode which is really mph.  Sigh, my last Sole was perfect, gah.




                      Took Dorian and the dogs to Lincoln State Park and we hiked/ran some of the Honest Abe Marathon course, 4.4 miles of it.

                      It is totally my Sciatic nerve bothering me.... stupid bastard!  I just want to find something solid to grind my butt against until the aggravation goes away damn it.

                      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                        11:32 per km? Yeah, walking pace. Nobody runs that slow. 7:30 per km is like a 5:15 marathon pace.

                        Half Crazy K 2.0

                          4 on the treadmill.


                          I am about ready to chuck my phone off a bridge. I cannot get my watch & phone to stay connected. The watch shows as a paired device in my Bluetooth, but when I go into the Garmin app, it will not connect.


                          Former Bad Ass

                            11:32 per km? Yeah, walking pace. Nobody runs that slow. 7:30 per km is like a 5:15 marathon pace.


                            See?  I'm running at easy pace and I can identify when I'm not walking, lol.  I think they are inverted.   I just want enough evidence for when they call so I can tell them to fix it properly.



                              4 on the treadmill.


                              I am about ready to chuck my phone off a bridge. I cannot get my watch & phone to stay connected. The watch shows as a paired device in my Bluetooth, but when I go into the Garmin app, it will not connect.


                              🤬that’s the most frustrating thing ever.