Boston Marathon 2009


Is anyone else getting excited? (Read 544 times)

    What are you most excited about right now...all worries aside! I get so excited to find out my bib # and corral number! I know they will let us know in March but I'm hoping they don't make us wait until the last week! has anyone seen the Adidas jackets this year? I have the Image Impact from last year and will only get the adidas if it's TDF.

    Jennifer mm#1231

      I'm excited to see all my family. I'm going with my husband and 2 kids and am meeting my M+D, Aunt and Uncle and brother and sister in law. I actually politely suggested my in laws not come because it would have been too crazy with both sides of the family there. I most certainly am getting excited.
      Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30
        has anyone seen the Adidas jackets this year? I have the Image Impact from last year and will only get the adidas if it's TDF.
        Is that the black and blue? I see that one around here all the time, and it's the best of all the BAA jackets I've seen. With my luck, this year will be crap. Lucky you LAB, best jacket and best finish photo evah. My club starts Saturday long runs on portions of the course soon, but I've got races scheduled and won't be able to make many of them. Actually setting foot on the course would really get me psyched, probably too psyched. Down boy. Smile

        Greater Lowell Road Runners
        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

          I'm excited! I re-confirmed my hotel today and am all set there. I don't have the jacket yet, but can't wait to get it.
            w2bf~ good luck with all of the relatives. I did a really stupid thing last year...I invited my Dad and his wife to come stay at my obnoxiously SWEET hotel (the Taj) the night before the race and they stayed the night after the race too. That was 2 nights too many on an uncomfortable rollaway bed. I will nEVER be that generous again. Evil grin Hopefully, you'll have a better time. Clowning around BadDawg~ yes, the black and blue. Do ya think it's a little flashy? I run somewhere between proud of wearing it and embarrased to wear it. LOL! This year I'm having 2009 embroidered on the back and will add subsequent years as they come. I saw that fashion statement last year and thought it was a great way to celebrate each year without adding another jacket. Our trail group is training for a 50 mile race 3 weeks after Boston. I just did a nice trail run with them last weekend but will bow out of this weekend's gnarly's the 50k course I tweaked my ankle on in Sept and I don't want a repeat! CfKid~ I was going to try to find a roommate but decided for the $116 price I'm paying this year, I'm going to enjoy the ALONE time! Although, you are never alone in Boston the weekend of The Marathon. Big grin

            Jennifer mm#1231

              LAB: I"m happy to report that my side of the family does not share hotel rooms. That was very generous of you last year. I forgot to mention the other reason Boston excites me.........I know........pathetic ........but shopping. Us Canadian gals need our American fix (even if the C$ is woefully weak) and I"m supposed to be preserving my energy. As for the trail race, that is ambitious. I"m in a lottery for a 50K trail race in July. I have not been picked twice so I'm assuming this will be my lucky year.
              Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

                I am just starting to feel recovered from the Goofy Challenge, so starting to get excited yes. re: The Jacket. Is Image impact not the supplier of this year Jacket? I loved last years, but also love the Adidas line of good these days. Has anyone come across a picture of the 2009 official jacket. I love last years. It is flashy but well earned and I am proud to wear it.
                  Image Impact will not be making anything for this years Boston. Everything will be from adidas....

                    Image Impact will not be making anything for this years Boston. Everything will be from adidas....
                    No Mugs, Key Chains, Badges, Ball Caps etc.... Smile


                      Saw the jacket last night. Blue with yellow stripes and the shirt given to participents is yellow neon like nike livestrong with blue logo and year down sleave. Went to training info meeting. I am both execited and filled with fear/ dread. I don't know if I will have what it takes when the time comes. My last marathon has left me shartttered and lacking any confidance. Hoping new bedford 1/2 or eastern states gives me renewed hope.

                      "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

                        Saw the jacket last night. Blue with yellow stripes and the shirt given to participents is yellow neon like nike livestrong with blue logo and year down sleave. Went to training info meeting. I am both execited and filled with fear/ dread. I don't know if I will have what it takes when the time comes. My last marathon has left me shartttered and lacking any confidance. Hoping new bedford 1/2 or eastern states gives me renewed hope.
                        I just squealed! I'm really excited about the shirt AND the jacket! The shirt sounds like last years shirt in reverse...last year it was blue with the logo an dyear down the sleeve in yellow. YOu have what it takes. I hope you find your confidence again! I sorta get what you're saying and know that I can be really hard on myself and psych myself out. Go out there and have fun!

                        Jennifer mm#1231


                          Saw the jacket last night. Blue with yellow stripes and the shirt given to participents is yellow neon like nike livestrong with blue logo and year down sleave. Went to training info meeting. I am both execited and filled with fear/ dread. I don't know if I will have what it takes when the time comes. My last marathon has left me shartttered and lacking any confidance. Hoping new bedford 1/2 or eastern states gives me renewed hope.
                          Thanks for the update - sound beautiful. Let us know if you come across any pictures. re: Confidence. This is Boston, this is the big show, it is all about the experience. Enjoy the road there over the next 7.5 weeks and the running of the race. Don't beat yourself up over expectations or goals. The race is so much fun, it is just wrong to call it a Marathon Wink. Now get out there and go for a run Smile

                            i am!!!!! i'm excited!!!!!! Smile

                            Who needs toenails?

                              Excited and oh so NERVOUS!!! Boston will be my fifth marathon but I've only ever run flat courses. I'm askeered!!! Anyone know what the jackets usually run price-wise? Of course I'm willing to shell out whatever it takes but with the credit market in such disarray, if I need a loan I should probably start applying now. Wink
                                Excited and oh so NERVOUS!!! Boston will be my fifth marathon but I've only ever run flat courses. I'm askeered!!! quote> I'm not worried about the hills. If I can run the pig (300+ feet of climbing in 3 miles) I can run the hills in Boston. The down hills concern me a little, but I'm training for those. Getting trampled by the fast runners of the world, that's something to worry about.