Boston Marathon 2009


Adding up the miles, boosting the confidence (Read 412 times)


Barefoot and happy

    Today I ran some reports and confirmed what I already guessed was true: I think I'm going to be fine. I didn't run as many miles as I would have in an ideal world. My total mileage for the four months before (and including) the race is going to be about 600. When I run the same report on my previous marathon, it comes out almost exactly the same (598.7). And I was quite happy with my performance in that race. So that's a pretty good confidence boost.
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      nice! I did 18 weeks training for my last marathon with over 900 miles and an average of 63mpw. This time I came off injury for a 12 week training cycle and right around 600 miles. Not sure how that will pan out. Confused I definitely don't have the speed but I think I've managed to at least build up some endurance to finish strong. Now I'm just hoping for weather suitable for this So. CA girl. Cool

      Jennifer mm#1231

        I've run 643 miles since the Houston marathon back on 1.18.09. Seems about right... Cutback to recover, ramp up to train, and ramp down for taper....
          Oh man! Don't know if this was a confidence building exercise. I have run 643 in 16 weeks. (my we are an anal group, are we not?) I thought I had run tons more than my last cycle - but actually I ran less. I think it just seemed like more because of 1. the weather 2. I did pretty much all the miles by myself. This week I'm trying to stay away from the ice cream and not book my schedule too tight with non running things.
          Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

            Sometimes less is more. Or something like that.

              I'm not even going to look. I'm with btb on this one.
                feelin good. 1000 miles for 2009 will come halfway through tomorrows run Big grin
                2010 Goals
                Succesful pacing jobs at Shamrock (3:20)...
                VTU 100 Ultramarathon - finish
                at least 250 miles/mo., 3000+ miles for the year
                  I'm a lightweight compared to you guys, you must go through a pair of shoes a week. Don't know how you do it, but keep piling up those miles.

                  Greater Lowell Road Runners
                  Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                  May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


                    BadDawg, I'm with you there. Barely at 665 for the year so far for me...