Boston Marathon 2009


Boston 2009 - How did you get there? (Read 782 times)

    My goal for Phoenix is break 3:30 (and get a true BQ without the buffer). I don't want to let up just because I have my BQ. I also want to be in the first wave at Boston and I don't know how tight I'm cutting it with my 3:30:20 [official time was changed].
    From the BAA. "In 2008, runners with a qualifying time faster than 3:35:00 began in Wave One."

    Me and my RP

      So you just qualified recently! Congrats and welcome to the group. Will this be your first Boston?
      Thank you!! Yes, it will be my first and I can't wait!
        Well, better late than never! I qualified at Myrtle Beach '08 with a 3:12:23 I believe. (needed 3:15:59) I then ran 3:11:48 at Kiawash Island last month. It was much harder than Myrtle due to less mileage and about 6 extra pounds. My goal for Boston is to drop the extra pounds, get the mileage where it needs to be, and then shoot for sub 3:08 with any luck. Smile

          hello all, i feel incredibly privileged and honored to be amongst all of you. seriously. i am not a talented athlete but i am incredibly stubborn and determined and finally BQ'd yesterday at phoenix. my first marathon was run in 5:41 and yesterday was 3:39Tight lippedx so i've improved my time by over 2 hours Wink so thats how i got "there", lots of hard work and training my little tail off. I'M GOING TO BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big grin

            hello all, i feel incredibly privileged and honored to be amongst all of you. seriously. i am not a talented athlete but i am incredibly stubborn and determined and finally BQ'd yesterday at phoenix. my first marathon was run in 5:41 and yesterday was 3:39Tight lippedx so i've improved my time by over 2 hours Wink so thats how i got "there", lots of hard work and training my little tail off. I'M GOING TO BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big grin
            A big time congrats, Missy! I love hearing stories like this. And don't kid yourself, you belong here as much as anyone. Welcome!

              I actually re-qualified last year at Boston running a PB of 3:13:24 - perfect day and weather. I just completed the Goofy Challenge and ran a 3:30:21 for the marathon and therefore not only got my 2009 BQ which I already had but my 2010 too - icing on the cake.
                WRFB and I will be back this year. I just barely qualified at Hartford in 2007 (4:04:31) after 5 attempts, and did not requalify in 2008. I will likely need to skip 2010 and return in 2011 when I age up and can get by with 4:15. For those of you who haven't met btb1490, he is a real sweetheart, and ran with me up Heartbreak and all the way into the finish at Boston last year. He was injured and had resigned himself to a very very slow (for him) race, and I was struggling with the flu and was the picture of misery. I kept telling him to go on ahead, but he stuck right with me. We will both have a better race in 2009! Hi Bob!!

                aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                  Hi PDR! I'm glad you found your way over here! That's great news that you and WRFB will be returning this year. From the looks of your training log, things seem to be going well with your running. Don't sell yourself short about requalifying, you may just do it at Boston this year. Thanks for the kind words, and yes, here's to a better race in 2009. I hope we cross paths along the way somewhere in Boston.
                    hello all, i feel incredibly privileged and honored to be amongst all of you. seriously. i am not a talented athlete but i am incredibly stubborn and determined and finally BQ'd yesterday at phoenix. my first marathon was run in 5:41 and yesterday was 3:39Tight lippedx so i've improved my time by over 2 hours Wink so thats how i got "there", lots of hard work and training my little tail off. I'M GOING TO BOSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big grin
                    Awesome job. My wife and I are actually taking Amtrak up to Boston (from Charlotte) rather than flying/driving. Hopefully it's a nice relaxing train ride without having to stress about traffic and such. Smile
                      It's official. I'm in! I received my registration confirmation today. Now, you might be saying, "Wow, another 4:30 charity runner taking up space in Boston." Well, I hope not, but some do. I can promise I'm not just another charity runner. I'm willing to bet I'm going to be the only 38 Cystic Fibrosis patient in the 2009 Boston Marathon. When I first started this, it was about me wanting to run Boston, because I know my lungs will never let me run a 3:15. But, now that I'm in and working on fund raising, it's become much more for me. I'm now hoping to show the CF world that you can battle the disease and achieve your goals if you really want. Sorry for the rant, but I'm really pumped about this opportunity. Now, I just need to get the rest of the money raised!

                        Awesome job. My wife and I are actually taking Amtrak up to Boston (from Charlotte) rather than flying/driving. Hopefully it's a nice relaxing train ride without having to stress about traffic and such. Smile
                        Amtrak is all I ever use to get to Boston, getting off at either the Back Bay or South Station, depending on where my hotel is. Yes, it sure beats driving or flying. I hope you enjoy the ride!

                          It's official. I'm in! I received my registration confirmation today. Now, you might be saying, "Wow, another 4:30 charity runner taking up space in Boston." Well, I hope not, but some do. I can promise I'm not just another charity runner. I'm willing to bet I'm going to be the only 38 Cystic Fibrosis patient in the 2009 Boston Marathon. When I first started this, it was about me wanting to run Boston, because I know my lungs will never let me run a 3:15. But, now that I'm in and working on fund raising, it's become much more for me. I'm now hoping to show the CF world that you can battle the disease and achieve your goals if you really want. Sorry for the rant, but I'm really pumped about this opportunity. Now, I just need to get the rest of the money raised!
                          Congrats on getting accepted! Best of luck with your training and your race, and your much appreciated fundraising efforts.

                            i also received my confirmation yesterday.. yay!! my coach gave me a copy of "26 miles to boston" and i'm eagerly awaiting a quiet evening to dig into it. has anyone else read it?