Boston Marathon 2009


at what point would you throw in the towel? (Read 459 times)

A Saucy Wench

    I am going back and forth 3-4 times a day on what the heck I am doing trying to recover and train at the same time.

    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

      Ennay: I have been admiring your determination. How about taking a couple of weeks off and reevaluating? Can you swim? Water run? I run with a 81 year old woman who recently broke the world record with a 4:36 marathon. She is incredible. She was plagued with injuries in 2007. She was a disciplined spinner and water runner and is now back in fighting form. I have another good running buddy who has been plagued with injury for over a year. She has continued with everything including speed work and is just not getting better. I wish she would accept the injury and switch it up for a bit. You can still do Boston and totally enjoy the experience. You just won't PR. Did you not qualify with your first marathon? You will qualify again. You are strong and disciplined. I'm sure this is not an easy time for you but please preserve your ability to enjoy running for the rest of your life.
      Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

      A Saucy Wench

        Ennay: I have been admiring your determination. How about taking a couple of weeks off and reevaluating? Can you swim? Water run? I run with a 81 year old woman who recently broke the world record with a 4:36 marathon. She is incredible. She was plagued with injuries in 2007. She was a disciplined spinner and water runner and is now back in fighting form. I have another good running buddy who has been plagued with injury for over a year. She has continued with everything including speed work and is just not getting better. I wish she would accept the injury and switch it up for a bit. You can still do Boston and totally enjoy the experience. You just won't PR. Did you not qualify with your first marathon? You will qualify again. You are strong and disciplined. I'm sure this is not an easy time for you but please preserve your ability to enjoy running for the rest of your life.
        No I didnt qualify on my first marathon. 3rd completed marathon, 4th attempt at a marathon. But unless they change the criteria, I am already qualified for next year. I dont have to decide for sure until March 15 but I am mentally done. Even before I got injured I was having second thoughts and only pushed through because I had already bought the airline tickets and that is my biggest possibly non-refundable expense. (I can use it for other travel, but really didnt have any other trips planned, so then I would be spending additional money to "not lose" money) Ironic that my mental doneness came when I FINALLY got physical therapy started. .The therapy I have I am supposed to keep running but I just dont know if it is worth trying to make it for boston. I dont have pool access so training in water isnt an option. I'm also starting to feel that this super slow run walking is causing my good leg a lot of stress. Yes I could (probably) finish. But is it worth what would eventually be about $2000 to do so this year. It isnt worth it to me if I then have to spend most of the spring and summer recovering. I'd rather quit training hard now. Start rebuilding my base in about a month and have a good summer and fall and try for next year. I'll see. I've changed my mind approximately 150 times in the last 4 weeks.

        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

          I guess what I'm saying is that the most important thing is to preserve your ability to enjoy running for as long as possible. I don't know much about your injury and treatment. It seems that you are putting lots of pressure on yourself. If ruling out Boston for 2009 gets rid of this, maybe it is worth thinking this way. Your plane ticket is a sunk cost. I'm assuming the hotel cost isn't. Again, why not take a few weeks off and asssume you are not running and if things improve, get back on board. You have an incredibily solid base to work from. If 2009 is not your year, there are many other great years coming up for you. I will watch your progress as I know it is not "if" I have to deal with my own injury but "when". All the best.
          Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30

          A Saucy Wench

            I guess what I'm saying is that the most important thing is to preserve your ability to enjoy running for as long as possible
            I think that is my whole point. Right now I am not enjoying it and I fear extending the non enjoyment. Went for a 3 miler today. Interestingly the left leg (the bad one) felt mostly ok, but the right one felt like an iron leg.

            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


              i'm not sure, ennay. i know this is not an easy decision.. just wanted to send you good wishes whatever you decide.
                Ennay, I am somewhat in the same boat as you. I have one bum leg. In my case the doctors are not sure what the problem is or what to do to cure it. I have taken two weeks off so far and will take at least another two. Long ago I gave up on a Boston PR and I am pretty close to giving up on running it this year. FIW, I missed Boston last year due to an injury as well. What can I say other than bad karma! Anyway, the point is they will (I believe) be holding the Boston Marathon in 2010. Big grin So, as I tell my friends who ask, I am not dead yet. I will finally get to run it one day. In my case though I will have to requalify. Kind of a drag. Sad

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

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