Boston Marathon 2009


8 weeks out (Read 484 times)


    how is everyone doing? dcv? w3bf? erica? ennay? baddawg? cf? twocat? btb? lakowta? docster? anyone else i'm missing?? i had a decent week last week despite coming down with bronchitis. mon- off tues- 8 with 3x8 mins at 7:45 pace, 90 sec recoveries wed- 7ez thurs- 9 ez fri- 5.11 ez sat- 16.93 on the 'mill, miles 13-15 at MP, 8:20 sun- 5.5 ez total 51.5
      A 23 miler contributed to what I believe is my highest mileage week ever, at just under 63 miles. Piddly stuff for the hardcore RA workhorse crowd, but pretty good for me. With the exception of a rainy run on Thursday it was a great week weather-wise. The sidewalks were clear, nice air temps and very little wind. Last night we got a really nasty mix of really wet snow and freezing rain, and this morning most surfaces have an inch of ice glued to them. If I'm brave enough (or stupid enough) to try a run after work, it should be quite exciting. I was hoping that I had taken my screw shoes out of the closet for the last time, but that won't be the case. Today is going to stay cold and tomorrow is forecast to be colder, so probably not much in the way of melting. Grrrrrrrrr. Hope everybody is running and feeling well, if you are doing a three week taper there is only five more weeks of this torment. Hang in there!

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

        I had a bad week last week. Low milage, bailed on my 17 miler at 13, and my daughter had strep throat for her Birthday. This week will be better and I'm going to get back into the high 30/low 40 mile range. It's just been tough to find time lately. The good news is that I got to run with my double marathon partner this weekend. It's the first time we've run together since November. We clicked right back into pace pretty easily.
          The good news is that I got to run with my double marathon partner this weekend. It's the first time we've run together since November. We clicked right back into pace pretty easily.
          Good stuff! Forget all that other stuff Kid. Smile

          Greater Lowell Road Runners
          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


            Hi all! Missy, it looks like you and I are following similar training programs. My weeks look very similar to the one you just posted. Nicely done. Good thing you got the bronchitis out of the way now. BadDawg, congrats on the weekly mileage PR. I hope this week is a stepback week now. Gotta keep those niggles at bay. CfKid, one bad week won't make or break you. No worries, ok? As long as you can stay consistent from here on in, you should do well. Good deal with hooking up with your old training partner! I've been dealing with family health issues, and literally have been living out of my car at a hospital. Although I've gotten out for a few runs, it pretty much has been put on the backburner for now. 8 weeks is still enough time to pull off a decent race for those of you who have been sidelined or on the fence. It may not be the ideal way to prepare for a marathon, but if you've stayed in reasonable shape up till now, and can stay healthy the next 8 weeks, it can be done. Don't give up.
              today was a surprisingly, rare ,pain free run. After Saturday's 24.5 mile trail run I was sure I was going to set myself back again. There was snow up in the mountains where we ran and I couldn't believe how hard it was to run in it! No 3 week taper for me. I'll have to go with a week taper...I'm so far behind, it's not even funny! Missy, nice schedule! oh how I miss those! Nice mileage PR BadDawg ! cfkid...low mileage weeks aren't going to be that fact they may just help in the long run. btb~ hope things get better...with whoever is in the hospital.

              Jennifer mm#1231

                Easy week over........time to get at it again! I'm working under the assumption that all runs will be in the rain this week. We have had way too much sunshine for the Westcoast! CFkid and BTB, sorry to hear about the family health issues. These obstacles really are the endurance events in our training. I have a 8 mile tempo this week and a 20 miler on the weekend to concentrate on. Nutrition and sleep are priorities. I don't want to get sick!!!!! Ennay - how goes your battle? Happy and healthy training everyone.
                Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30
                  CfKid, one bad week won't make or break you. No worries, ok? As long as you can stay consistent from here on in, you should do well. Good deal with hooking up with your old training partner! I've been dealing with family health issues, and literally have been living out of my car at a hospital. Although I've gotten out for a few runs, it pretty much has been put on the backburner for now.
                  Oh, I'm not worried about last week. Getting to run with Amye again was great. And, I just had a great hill course run tonight, so I'm good. You, on the other hand, sound like you had a bad week. I hope everyone is ok. I know the whole hospital thing well, and whether you are the patient or the care giver it still zaps you.

                  A Saucy Wench

                    I'm allowed to run 1 mile later this week. I'm not going but I havent brought myself to pull the plug yet.

                    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                      I'm sorry to hear that, Ennay. What a drag. Injury has to be the toughest mental challenge of this sport.
                      Goals: Marathon: break 3:40 Half marathon: break 1:42 10K: break 45:00 8 K: break 37:30
                        btb - Hope everything goes well with your family illness... I don't think I'll be running the KP 15k. It doesn't seem to fit into my training schedule, plus I don't want to put too much hilly strain on my knee right now. I think I'm going to run a 15k in Central Park on 3/22. Then use the HM on 3/29 as a long run/race test. Probably slower than MP. Then the Aspire 10k on 4/4... Still have a nagging knee problem. Its not the knee, but quad muscle that goes over the knee. Still sore/tight. Was painful on my 17.5 on Sunday (couldn't bend all the way at the end). Yesterday was a SRD. This morning managed 8 on the TM and it went pretty well. I can still "feel" the knee, but it doesn't feel that bad now...

                          btb- i'm so sorry to hear that the waters are rough right now. i wish nothing but the best for all involved. ennay- i'm sorry, sweetie. please take good care of yourself. you WILL come back stronger and faster.

                            Hey... just joined this group. Get to see where BTB has been hanging out! It sure was fun meeting up with you on the course last year. How's the ankle treating you this year? My training has been going well, I guess. Just seems like life has gotten so hectic with work and kids, etc. I do have a lot of travel coming up in March... back-to-back trips for conferences, one in Vegas and one in San Francisco, that have me on planes when I should be running 20. Will have to rearrange things so I can get the long runs done, but still not having much for ideas. Looking forward to losing some of this snow and ice so I can get some good faster pace runs done outside! Too much t'milling this winter...

                              Hey, evanflein is here! Hi Erika! Folks, I have to tell you about Erika. The conditions that you and I run in and complain about are laughable to her. She lives in Alaska, and our worst day is like her best day. Running in sub zero temps is the norm for her. This is one tough woman. I have a picture of her bicep to prove it, taken at last year's Boston marathon. It's good to have you here, Erika. My ankle gave me a bit of a scare a few weeks ago, so I cut back for a while, but all seems well for now. Thanks for asking. I'm sorry you are dealing with a tough schedule. Right about now is the bulk of most people's training schedules, so this is a tough time for all. You are not alone, and knowing you, you will figure a way to get those workouts in. Good luck. Thanks all for the well wishes. They are muchly appreciated. dcv, get that leg of yours fixed! I agree, running Kings Park wouldn't be wise, given all the hills there. One of these days you have to run it though. I hope to run into you at the half in March then. I too will be treating that one as a race prep race. Hang in there gang. The prize is well worth it.
                                missy1102 I sure wish you did miss me in your opening post. But I fear that it is time for me to throw in the towel on this year's race. I had to stop training three weeks ago and the doctors want me off my feet for at least another four. I wonder if I will need to requalify or if they have some sort of medical deferment policy? I should go find out.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
