Marathon Trainers


5/26-6/1 - for Mr. I (Read 179 times)

Mr Inertia

Suspect Zero

    Bugs - I don't think I'm going to switch the way I train. I considered doing "normal" training for Akron this year and running ala Galloway but I don't think I am going to go that route. It was a nice safety net when my training wasn't what it should be, but I don't think it's going to be the avenue to my best marathon. Just got back from my first post marathon run this morning. Overall when I go about my day to day business, I feel very good, almost fully recovered. When it comes to running, well, not so much. I did three slow miles and my legs definately let me know I raced just a few days ago. They were slow and tired miles, but relaxed and felt good.
      Great race Mr I--congrats on the PR. Getting back into it now..time to start training for the USAFM. Was on vacation on Kiawah Island, and got a bit of running in on the trails and tons of walking. Need to log it still. Been eating like crap on vacation and with lots of work travel..told the DW to not buy me any crap this week. Just chicken and salad. Did do a Wii Fit workout last night.the strength training stuff is actually pretty good. I think it will be a nicetoy for a little cross training. I like that it keeps a lof of your weight every day..and the scale is very accurate.


        Nice to see you back, Murph. Crossfit training for me again today. 20 minutes of (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 body weight squats), then ab work. Painful stuff. I'm a bit worried that the leg stuff will hurt my running. Goal is 5 days running, two days crossfit. Still gaining weight. Up to 178 yesterday from 172 in March. I think I'm gaining some muscle but mostly need to revisit my diet since my metabolism seems to have shifted. Actual marathon training schedule kicks off for me in 4 weeks.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

          Bugs - I don't think I'm going to switch the way I train. I considered doing "normal" training for Akron this year and running ala Galloway but I don't think I am going to go that route. It was a nice safety net when my training wasn't what it should be, but I don't think it's going to be the avenue to my best marathon. Just got back from my first post marathon run this morning. Overall when I go about my day to day business, I feel very good, almost fully recovered. When it comes to running, well, not so much. I did three slow miles and my legs definately let me know I raced just a few days ago. They were slow and tired miles, but relaxed and felt good.
          Great job on the marathon, that's quite a PR. I felt exactly this way for a week or two after my marathon. Walking around, normal life stuff, felt normal after a few days, but running took a while. My legs were finally back under me in a couple of weeks. Sorry I haven't been around. Last night was just the 2nd in 10 that I actually slept in my own bed. I had a conference in Palm Beach (not complaining), then my wife's cousin's wedding in Nebraska (complaining a bit) and was only home for about 18 hours between the 2 trips. I ran one nasty, hot, humid morning in Ft. Lauderdale (80 degrees, 80% humidity at 8:00 AM, 2.5 miles), and 2 beautiful runs on the beach in Palm Beach (5 and 4 miles). It was warm and humid, but staring out into the ocean took my mind off it. I got one run at the in-laws (7.5 miles on dirt roads, very nice on the legs) and had a lab follow me the last 2 miles back to her parents' farm. Father-in-law was not amused and chased the dog back off. Hoping to get my miles back to normal the next couple of weeks. I want to get into the mid 40s before starting a marathon plan for the Route 66 marathon here in Tulsa in November. Even though I won't be trying to beat my last time (running it with dad at his pace), I want it to be more comfortable than before, and try to PR in a few shorter distances between now and then. Not even sure where to jump in with the conversation at the end of last week. Kids do certainly add a challenge. He's 2.5 years old and adds some challenge in bringing a sibling along. Our 7th anniversary was yesterday, we spent it in the car driving the 500 miles back from her parents' house. Very romantic.

          Oh Mighty Wing

            Hi Murphy!! Hi Brian!! Dave - I always worry the same thing with the weightlifting - maybe that's why i'm soo inconsistent with it! But if you like doing it then it's worth giving it a shot! Mr. I - glad you are feeling ok! Even if the legs are tired - it's good you are still out and about! 3 miles. Started running with a friend but had to ditch her because I needed to slow down and didn't want to go the 5. Legs were tight and after a mile decided a recovery pace and shortening the distance was the thing to do. My left foot feels very tired/sore...


              we have a lot of nice runs going on this weekend! Hey can you check the last post of the last week. I have a question about steady pace and whether or not I should worry about it.
              Didn't see an answer.. Most runs have a purpose. Long runs you should warm up and move up to your LR pace. Tempo runs you should warm up and move up to your tempo pace. Should you sometimes warm-up and go as fast as you want, YES! The exception is downhill and hills. You have to adjust the pace for uphill, silly not to go faster on the downhill.


              Oh Mighty Wing

                well I have purpose for my runs - I did figure that out. But I have trouble with an easy pace that's constant. I keep it easy and do not work myself hard but over 3 miles my pace increases each mile. Should I be trying to keep it at a consistent pace or should I just do what feels easy since it's an easy run?

                Oh Mighty Wing

                  ok so I decided today to do hill repeats... I did it 3x. Totally 1.07 miles. It took me 10:36. and I totally had more to give I stopped because I didn't want to overdo it. But all of this is leading me to think I might run my easy runs too slow... maybe I'm not running as fast as I could be running... all of that makes me think I think too much! Big grin

                    Shan, Most people run their hard runs too slow, and their easy runs too fast. Running your easy runs fast is eating the paste. Do you use a heart rate monitor or have a goal race and a goal pace for that race?

                      Running your easy runs fast is eating the paste.
                      Confused Idongetit

                      Oh Mighty Wing

                        Cash - well I guess the closest race I have is the half and I'm just hoping to finish possibly running the whole thing but there isn't a speed goal. So how do I go about deciding what a realistic speed goal is for whatever race come next? Erica - he's trying to tell me I'm giving into peer pressure and crowd following.


                          Today I guess I ate the paste. 5 miles meant to be slow, clearly run too fast. My garmin crapped out on me (left the power I'm I'm pretty sure) and I ended up running at least the last two miles at something around HM pace or faster. Ran with a buddy at work and got caught up in the faster pace without the heart rate monitor to remind me to slow down. Shan, sounds like hill work and speed work should be runs that you do for fun but probably not critical to your training a this point. I hate hills. Not sure why anyone would want to do them Wink

                          I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            I don't want to do speed work I really just want to know if I'm running at paces which will lead to improvement or if I should try not to think about pace so much and just worry about distance for now. Dave - I don't know if you ate the paste or just ran willy nilly... I eat the paste because people around me are faster and I want to be faster so I want to join the fast club! haha Oh and i do hills hoping they will help strengthen my legs.


                              Shan, for me it just comes down to miles. When my weekly mileage gets over 20 and stays there (or better yet goes over 30 and stays there), my pace improves as well. If I trained smart, which clearly I don't, I'd do a whole lot less "fartlek" runs (translates roughly to "Dave has no self control" Big grin) and more easy, steady, miles.

                              I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                                Shan based on your log's fastest 10 k time. From Mcmillan running calculator Perfect half marathon in good temps flat course 2 hrs 16 minutes Long run 11 30 to 12 30 per mile. Steady state shorter runs roughly 10: 30 per mile. Endurance Workouts Pace/Mile Recovery Jogs 12:28 to 12:58 Long Runs 11:28 to 12:28 Easy Runs 11:28 to 11:58 Stamina Workouts Pace/Mile Pace Steady-State Runs 10:24 to 10:43 Tempo Runs 9:58 to 10:24 Tempo Intervals 9:50 to 10:11