Marathon Trainers


Week of 2/11 - 2/17 (Read 227 times)

    Hey Bugs--I see you stalking me in the 1000 mile pace club. Think we're within 1/2 mile of each other. Thought I had a safe distance between us a week ago. Makes me want to find a way out in the snow/ice storm tonight. If the roads are cleared off enough I'll go out and run. Got in a car accident this morning. Could have been a hell of a lot worse. Was driving at a very slow speed along with most others..Probably going 35-40. But hit a slick spot and did a 720 degree spin, and hit the concrete barrier with the rear end of the car. Somehow no other cars hit me or got in trouble. I was able to pull away--and equally miraculous was the fact my car wasnt really all that hurt. No dings or anything. A little scraped paint. And the rear bumper pushed in a millimeter. Can just tell it doesnt quite line up with the trunk. My car has 130,000 miles on it so nothing to get worked up over. Happy running all.

      Murph, glad it was nothing serious.

      Oh Mighty Wing

        Murphy - i'm really glad it wasn't serious Miss Bugs - I just looked at your log - you make sure you take rest days and not just when you feel hurt! No overdoing it!!!
        Mr Inertia

        Suspect Zero

          I'm back from MI. Got yesterday's 8 miler with striders done on an indoor track, 10 laps per mile. Was more interesting than TM, cause it was like an obstacle course with the walkers. When I did my striders, I really booked for just under 1 lap. Fun stuff. Missed today's run due to schedule - I'll need to do some rearranging for the rest of the week. It's good to be home in my own bed (a Tempurpedic - perhaps the greatest invention in the world) and Mrs. Inertia, DD and the rotten mongerels. Shan - The big day is comiong up. Years from now, you're not gonna be looking back and saying "Gee, I wish I would have run more during the weeks leading up to my wedding". You're getting ready to start an awesomely fabulous time in your life. Running can take a back seat for a bit, especially since it'll allow you to heal up a bit. Bugs - Go someplace warm. Or run with one of us. Nah, go someplace warm. I'll catch up more soon.
            5 miles for me tonight. My new shoes (same as the old shoes) arrived today, so I figured a nice tempo run was the best way to break them in. I ran the last 3 miles at 8:30 and I think I can hold that pace for my 10k Saturday, which would be a huge PR. Now, I just need the weather to cooperate and not toss down the layer of ice they're calling for. -Brian


              Shan, I admit I had a bad streak there. But one day the biking tension would not work and really it was not a workout but I logged it. Oh and all that strength training...well if you look closely it's just some push-ups and crunches. I ended up taking yesterday as a rest day and was not in the mood today; work sucks. Murphy, how many miles did you run last year? I've always ran about 1600 but was jealous of everybody talking about the pace bunny so joined the 1000.



                Things kids say: When picking up the car at the repair shop my son tells the mechanic he can't have the paper # back that they have hung from the rearview. Because "Mommy needs it to race" ... While watching the food network or something they announce a chocolate marathon all day... To which the kids jumps off the couch in Unison and yell "Can you do that one? Mom ~ Mom a chocolate marathon! PLEASE!!!" Husband chimes in w/ it sounds much better than the mud one I like so much

                  Geez, I haven't posted yet this week? Just saw the new thread name... hmmm, not sure what I think of it. You guys are all running like the crazy people you are... ShanHas, stay away from that scary treadmill! That speed will only get you hurt. I finally got my new shoes from Roadrunner Sports. Got another pair of the old standby Asics Gel Nimbus 9 (like... my fourth pair) so those are a no brainer. Also tried some Speedstars... seem a little short in the toe on my big (right) foot. Might try a short TM run to see how they do. I had to lube my treadmill belt today! The book says to do it every 6 months or 150 miles. I've been using this thing about 6 weeks. Several (long) outdoor runs in that period, so amazed I got to 150 miles so far. But what amazes me is that some people wouldn't get to 150 miles in 6 months...? Geez... why bother buying a TM? Whatever, DS2 and I did it before he cranked out 3 miles for his soccer fitness program. These kids slack off so much from fall to mid winter, then coach expects them to jump right into this program that I think is a little "up there" for what they've been doing. Oh well, they're young and resilient. Couldn't see him doing that with a bunch of mid-40'ers! I did my mile repeats this morning. Had to get up early to do it cuz of dinner with vendor tonight. So, 1 mile warm up then 2 x 7:30 miles, with .5 mile @ 8:34 after each, then .5 at 7:30 (should've done 1 but could only do half) and the last mile + at 8:34. Good enough for 5.53 miles in 45 minutes. Tomorrow will be 9 miles with at least 3 at marathon pace (8:34). Bugs, head for heat!!! Do your newly gifted miles have a deadline on them? If not, or not soon, use them next winter when you really really really need a break! (or is that now?) Fish Tacos... yum!!! (but grilled fish, not that awful deep fried stuff!!)

                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    Erica - oh no i'm not going anywhere near that!!! i've seen kids practically flung off! They say they use it for speed training or gait fixing because you run more properly at a faster pace... my thing with that is that I need to run properly at my slow pace thankyouverymuch and not one where i'll never see off that machine! Bugs - well at least you finally took a break! You are doing so good and sounds like you feel good it's probably hard to control yourself. Mr. I - you are absolutely right!! I'm not going to think that. It just stinks that my relationship with running had hit a love point and it didn't need to take a backseat because it was fitting so nicely in my life! But it's ok i'll go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully he will say my knee is nothing serious here's things to do to fix it and i'll be back on the right track! And if I can't get my running obession out here then i can't get it out anywhere because everyone else thinks i'm crazy for thinking about running right now! So gym on Monday, woke up tuesday knee was sore but wore off after a couple minutes, no activity, woke up this morning i almost fell down the stairs because my knee tried to not bend... I think I need to run to help it move again!!! In my more sane brain i'm going to to settle for ibu and ice, but i want to use the lack of movement as an excuse to run! Smile
                      Thought Id take the new thread name on a trial run. Can always change it back or to something else. Dont want to play musical names like the 1500 mile group though. Bugs--I have no idea what I ended up running last year-my logging was haphazard-but it was ver light. No way I did 1000. My goal is really 1500. I **should** get on that pace within a month by following my training schedule. And, if all goes as planned I may get around 1800. But thats a long way out. Did my 4 last night in a cold rain--but really wasnt bad. Ran in my subdevelopment in the new shoes. Took some getting used to. Same make of shoes (Saucony Grid Trigon Rides) but my old ones had almost no heal left---and I realized I tend to scrape the heel on the step forward. Eventually I found my stride and stopped doing that. Good--easy run. 8 scheduled for tonight. Shan--again-CONGRATS. Enjoy your day and the honeymoon. Dont worry about running. Run if you feel like it, or dont. Pick it back up when you return. Seems like lots of you like the Asic Nimbus. I might look into trying a pair out. But--I guess if my Saucony's have worked for me, I shouldnt mess with it. But I do wear the heals down really quick. But thats likely me, and not the shoe?

                        Murphy those Asics Nimbus are for neutral runners... They don't have any motion control or pronation support. I have such a hard time with shoes, my right foot is bigger than my left, but other than that I have perfectly normal feet and so many shoes want to correct this or support that... they all hurt! If I can get the length I need without it being "too" long (I trip...), I'm sold! I'll try the speedstars tomorrow on my 5 miler. Tonight with the 9 on tap I'll stick with the old ones. I miss Jim (VTLobo) and our ultra man Salathe. I wonder if they're still over at CR... someone oughta go throw them a life line! So, Shan... the knee stuff you're talking about will most likely not respond favorably to more running! Sorry... be sure to ice it well. Are you going to the doc about it? Or just thinking about it? I vote for go... Don't need a bum knee spoiling the wedding and all, right? Hi Bugs! Shy
                          IIm surprised James (MarathonDream) didnt move over. I know he was posting in the CR thread when I mentioned this group. I check back there every now and then, No weekly marathon thread and havent noticed any of them. My normal non-running shoes typically wear on the inside (pronate). The Rides are neutral but dont wear unevenly--just on the heel since I am a heal striker or scraper. I tried the Saucony Guides and I wore them severely on the outside of my feet. I'll stick with the Rides. No real problems. My only lingering issue is my lower back. Hoping that improves with the new shoes. It loosens up on the runs--I feel it sitting at my desk.

                          Oh Mighty Wing

                            Erica - have an apt with sports med doc tomorrow. Chiro called tonight to check in since i haven't gone back and suggested getting an x-ray after thinking more about it he is concerned there is a small chance of a stress fracture. Glad to have a doc apt tomorrow hopefully it will produce something good. And yes i know running won't help!! I'm even anti cross training at the moment.. need to be more pro-ice though... will do that now actuallly! Murphy - thank you for the well wishes! And remember if it ain't broke don't fix it! I had saucony's and liked them (they were too small that's why i got new shoes) and now in the Asics Nimbus and like them also!

                            Happy Camper

                              Wow was it ever cold this morning. Not what I was expecting when I got up. Debated bagging the run but got out there and got it done. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Warmer and the snow melted off the sidewalks today. It will be my first "bare-faced" run of the week. It will be so nice to leave the mask at home. I was a frosted, frozen sweatcicle today. Murph: FWIW, heel wear can mean too extended of a stride. Maybe try shortening it and faster turnover. It will help take pressure off of the lower back by allowing you to run straighter. Try leading with your hips as you run. (Run Tall) It improved my lower back when I got rid of the forward lean.

                              Determination: The feeling you get right before you try something incredibly stupid.


                                Aren't shoes the hardest to pickout? The guy at Scheels just shakes his head when he see me in the store. I have bought MANY pairs tried them for about 20 miles on the TM and returned them. All of them have such built up heels. Every new shoe that comes out advertises "new and improved cushioning." The problem with these shoes is your achillis doesn't get a chance to stretch, or calf to relax. Run barefoot, feel the difference. The stability shoes seem the worst for being bulky and heavy. I tried the Brooks Radius, a low profile light shoe, but not enough cushion and I feel pain in the knees. Right now I am just trying to mix it up with Brooks Trance (heavy cushioned shoe), Asics Kayano (med-weight, but can't take the miles like the Brooks), and Mizuno Nirvana (light). Alll shoes have their different cons, don't think it's good to wear the same model all week long. Shan, I haven't been posting aches and pains, you guys have heard enough. Oh I'm doing good, no pain, but every time something starts to squeak (a little pain in shin, a dab of heel pain) I worry. Enjoy your honeymoon. Kids are great, but that time before kids is like no other; enjoy it!

