Marathon Trainers

Week of 5/10 (Read 287 times)


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    Great weather here and I felt really good, and went out to see if I couldn't do 14+. Soon turned my goal into 16, then into 18, and then finally did 20, with the end faster. I'm very happy about it.

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.



       You are wise.



      I often defriend people if they don't communicate with me on it,  I don't like snobby stalkers. Funny think was I defriend marathon junkie, then he friend me two other times, I accepted, then he removed me. Ya Erica, stay away from it.



      You are amazing. You must eat all day long to run so much.



        I don't know about wise, Bugs. Makes me feel grizzled to hear that! I make plenty of stoopid mistakes, but some things just can't be pushed without finding a limit sooner or later.

        Perry is a nut. But I'd sure like to be able to run like him. Nice accidental 20 there, dude.

        I made it home... not a bad run but not exactly pleasant. Glad I had a long-sleeved shirt in my bag. I was cold and tired all day so didn't know how this would go. Ended up with good paces, legs felt fine and I had a nice tailwind (not strong, but would've been cold going the other way!), but overcast grey skies, sprinkly breezy... just a generally kind of blah icky day. Glad the run went well... 8.1 miles @ 8:17 avg pace. Miles 3, 4 & 5 were 8:06, 8:06 and 8:04 so that was cool. DH was supposed to pick me up after an hour, so at 7.7 miles (1:03) I stopped and looked around for him. No show. So... kept going and then saw DS2 coming in the truck. It seems someone never left the office and had to call in a backup. I had him drop me off at the end of the road to finish up and walk my cool down.


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          Glad to hear you didn't freeze to death, didn't get abandoned, and had a good run Smile

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.




            How do you get your car back after driving to work and then running home?


            Starting out thinking 14 and then going 20 sounds like something Pam would do.


            I  thought about running today.  That is about as far as it got.  Taught spin,  just didnt have the energy to run afterwards.



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              A lot of it was that I was wound up watching the updates on the 24 hour world championship going on right now.

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                I like facebook for certain things, but I'm way too old to worry about people friending me or unfriending me. Although, I don't think anyone has defriended me?   Does that meant that people like me?  Smile  For reals?

                And as for running 20 miles on a whim, I think Perry needs a hobby or something to keep him busy.  Wink 

                Seriously, awesome, Perry.  A little crazy but that's why we love you.   Smile   

                 I'm a little tired today so I think I will overuse the smileys  Smile

                My running this week has been a little sucky.   I just have no direction.  I need a goal sooner than Steamtown.  So, there is a 5K this Sunday.  I think I will run it and try to run it fast.  I just have very little experience with 5Ks, other than fun runs when I first started running.   Do I need to not run on Saturday to rest up?  That seems extreme.  I feel like I can run at least 5 easy miles on Saturday.

                And then the morning of the race, I'm thinking 2 miles warmup and then some strides.  I guess... just not sure.

                Since I've started running marathons, I've only done a few 5Ks and they were all; go out super fast and then hold on  for dear life.  I want to see if I can run this one well.

                We'll see.... I just got invited to a concert Saturday night that I really want to go, but that's what derailed me last weekend.

                Cash, try not to be too hard on yourself.   I know you want to run more and the spinning isn't the same.  But you know you're doing some amazing cardio with all of that spinning.   I most definitely want to take one of your classes some day.    Pictures were promised, but never delivered.  Smile

                Ok, have a good one all.  Hope to get some miles in today before heading to work at the school.

                Oh, and Murphy, keep up the good work!!

                Erika-  congratulations on your DS graduation!   

                Hi Bugs!    Hang in there with the RP struggles.   



                  Tis the season for shorter races, and I think they are great fun.



                  we all have days like that!


                  Sort of a re-arrange of miles for me this week. I want to cut-back next week because I have Fargo Half coming up, but needed to cut-back this week. So I'm running shorter runs but more of them and more easy stuff. Should be around 50 miles. Decided on the two week taper for Grandmas, just because I felt the best in the marathon when I did that.


                  Up'd my calories to 2000 a day. No junk allowed, more protein. I feel pretty good, but man I do nothing but eat and eat.


                    Awesome 20 miler there Perry!! Like you DB has inspired me to run a bit more than planned though not until tomorrow.

                    Glad your son showed up and you didn't freeze to death Erika. 

                    Good luck with the changes your making to your diet Bugs. I expect to see some nice improvement in the pipes soon!

                    Good luck at your 5k Kimmie!!

                    Good luck Amanda on Sunday!!! I'll miss ya. Who knows maybe I can get Ken to drop me and a chair off at the finish line. IF so just wake me up with a holler as your coming into the finish Wink

                    Hey Cash, hope I'm not stealing your energy. IF so I'll make sure to return it Sunday AFTER 9 am Wink

                    Btw guys I've got a change in racing plans. I'll be doing a 24 hour race in NJ starting tomorrow at 9 am. Won't be even close to what DB just accomplished but hope to have fun and get some miles in. LIke I told Amanda my training starts tomorrow!!

                    Have a great weekend everyone!

                    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                      Good Luck RMo5!!!!!

                      On the road again...

                        I expect to hear great things from the races happening this week-end.  Run well.

                        Got in a little over 4 miles this morning, but it wasn't as easy as I'd hoped.  Temps were pushing 80 already and I went a little faster than a true easy pace for me.  I think I was motivated to get done.  Still hoping to be near 35 miles for the week after my long run tomorrow.

                        I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.



                          Kimmie, for information on how to run 5k's, ask Bugs. She runs a bunch of them, is good at that distance, and likes them. I hate 5k's, but I've got this masochistic urge to improve at that distance. I've shaved 10 seconds off my PR time so far this year, and really would like to get a sub-22. Once I see that 21:59, I can put it to rest and never run another but I really want that sub-22!! Silly, I know.


                          Cash, we carpool in the morning most days since DS1 always seems to have DH's truck. Yesterday I just drove down to his office (about a mile down the hill from me), gave him the keys, changed into running stuff and took off. If he has the car and I start from here (my office) he just has to come by sometime before 5 and pick up my bag and work stuff. Works pretty well. I try to do it at least once a week. I can choose a slightly longer (9.8 miles) hillier route (passing my parents' house at mile 3), or a slightly shorter (9 miles) less-hilly route along the expressway. Both routes are on bikepaths. I chose the less-hilly route last night because I wasn't feeling up to all the hills, but the traffic is much worse going that way.


                          That Dopple Bock is amazing, ended up finishing 12th I think. Jurek was 2nd. Those guys just rock. (Goooo Pam!)


                          Sure would've been nice to have today's weather yesterday! Clear and sunny, temps to 60 or better this afternoon. But... it's a gym day for me. Oh well. It'll be nice for the Track & Field Regionals being held at our high school starting this afternoon. DS1 is in the 400m prelims today, but he hasn't run much since hurting his ankle in last Saturday's soccer game, so we'll see how it goes.

                            Yeah, what Dopple Bock did was amazing. And to run those last 3 miles the fastest is ridiculous.


                            I love reading reports on people running ultras. It would be awesome to be able to do one someday. Not likely in the cards. I need to get a firm grasp on what it takes to finish a marathon strongly.


                            The Burning River 100 starts near where I grew up. The 'Castle' where it starts at is at the base of the area sled riding hill and in the park we'd always bike to when I was a bit older.


                                I DO LOVE THEM. I need to fit one in one of these weekends.

                              Kimmie, for information on how to run 5k's, ask Bugs.



                                Bugs, I just sent you an email.  I hope I still have the right email address.