Marathon Trainers

Week of 12/15 (Read 297 times)


    [She says as she stalks his log and rubs her hands together with glee!] Cash, glad you're starting to get ready to think about running. Don't want to rush into these things, ya know. Hope you're managing to stay dry... Ilene said something about mudslides in the burned areas? Yikes... ...
    You know me, I have a problem with commitment.... wink.

      Ended up doing 5.25 tonight as a little progression run on the treadmill. 2 miles @ 8:49, 1 @ 8:34, 2.25 @ 8:20 and that was just the right distance/speed for tonight. Legs weren't ready for the 10 and it turns out I didn't need to switch anyway cuz DH and DS2 are doing the same thing tomorrow. So... 10 on tap for tomorrow with half mile repeats. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze out some at almost 10k pace (7:30).

      Oh Mighty Wing

        Erika - better to do what your body needs then to push it. I hope today's run goes better Cash - you've been committed to us for quite some time now Big grin Dave - sorry it was so bad! I hope today is better!! Yesterday was 2 EZ for me. My IT was talking and so I figured better to push the speed day back. So I'll do it today. I'm supposed to do 1mi w/c and 2x1.5mi at 7/10 effort - which i'm not sure what that is - so this could be interesting. I'm kinda nervous - as this whole speed thing is new to me. But I'm excited! It should be fun!!


          I got two Army folks from VA traveling to my house and neither is Dave, my niece and her husband...sounds like they are traveling forever to get here. VA that really far away or do newlyweds have to stop every hour for kissie kissie?


          Oh Mighty Wing

            Google says it's about 20 hours.


              Its like when men buy lingerie. Who is it really for? Its not to say he won't like the bench.
              So what do men want? DS wanted to get DH a fishing pole, so I let him get it. Does he need one probably not, but fit the budget and wasn't crap. Last year we had the kids do all their shopping at the dollar store..that was funny. We got chips, pop, a watch, and a dog dish...we don't have a dog though. Smile



                Google says it's about 20 hours.
                Geez. That's forever. They have 500 miles when they leave my house. Yuck


                Oh Mighty Wing

                  Geez. That's forever. They have 500 miles when they leave my house. Yuck
                  oh well then it shouldn't take 20 hours! 800 takes me 13h.

                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    umm DC to Mankato is 1126 miles.

                    Hail to The Victors!

                      So, the weather here is taking a definitely downward turn. 3 inches last night, now Winter Storm Watch with ice, sleet and snow for Thursday night/Friday morning. It should definitely make my last 20 mile run(on Saturday AM) interesting. Do I run it indoors on the track? Decisions, decisions. It's weeks like this that I'm glad I live in a college town with access to the track.

                      Hail to The Victors!

                        umm DC to Mankato is 1126 miles.
                        Yeah, I made that trek in college. That's a long, slow trip, especially in VA and WVA, some windy interstates through those mountains (of course, we were on a bus, so it was definitely slow going).

                        Oh Mighty Wing

                          yeah that's slow going!!! Plus with the less than ideal weather it makes it even tougher!


                            yeah that's slow going!!! Plus with the less than ideal weather it makes it even tougher!
                            Not slow enough. Their 80 miles away. Shocked Well they can amuse themselves in the tanning bed until I can pull out of work.


                            Oh Mighty Wing

                              hahaha holy cow! that's lots of driving!
                                I have a cold...this sucks. Finally not too busy to get my runs in, and now Im too sick to do much.