Marathon Trainers

Week of 11/10 (Read 242 times)


    Bugs, I'm a program manager. Almost exactly like the civilian equivalent except I work on military stuff.
    So basically you do nothing but make other people do real work while you wait for your next number? Big grin Hey, I got a friend that just landed in Afghanistan. What can I send him????



      Bugs, you must be reading a lot of Nobby lately, suggesting the honey.
      Ya, we've been emailing. Think he feels pity for me.



        So basically you do nothing but make other people do real work while you wait for your next number? Big grin Hey, I got a friend that just landed in Afghanistan. What can I send him????
        Exactly. OK, not quite exactly. Wink Dry gatorade packets that he can put in water bottles (or other flavor drink packets). Hand sanitizer. Baby wipes. Hard candy/gum. Paperback books were always popular.

        I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.

          Bad week. My ankle has felt tender all week. Travelling for work as well. Gonna give it a go tomorrow morning. Going to try to get a medium long run in tomorrow and longer run in the cold on Sunday. Would still like to get a 20 miler in before the marathon, but it wont be this weekend. Next weekend will be my last chance.


            Murphy, Ouch about the ankle. Where does it hurt? Good luck tomorrow. Dave, THANK YOU. Should I send him a mid-eastern hooker? Wink GO BRAIN GO! Big grin



              Hi Shan ! Boy Genius decided last night it would be a good idea to include deadlifts in his weight training after teaching spin. Used bad form. Hurt lower back. The day before we do Butterfly stroke in swim class. Butterfly is all about arching the lower back over and over. Today's swim hurt. At least it made me forget about the calf. It is 10 30 at night, and it is 84 degrees out side in mid November. Hot 39 mile an hour winds blowing in from the deserts. Normal would be cool 5 mile per hour winds blowing in off the Ocean. We call it earthquake weather. More earthquakes happen when the weather is abnormally hot.

              Oh Mighty Wing

                oh cash i hope you rest the back today! butterfly is tough enough withou sore parts!! 84 yikes! and earthquakes super yikes!!! murphy take care of that ankle! brian good luck!!!!!


                  Cash, I couldn't do butterfly with or without a sore back. Deadlifts, kettlebell swings, back extensions. All good stuff but it can play hell on middle aged backs Wink Just under 4 miles for me this morning at a nice easy pace. Felt good to be running again. I'll do 6 or so tomorrow but I'm taking it easy for a while. MTA: Good luck tomorrow, Brian!!

                  I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


                  Oh Mighty Wing

                    Dave - don't push it too hard!

                      46 minutes (5.66 miles) on the elliptical today... Day #13 of no running. I tried a few steps on the treadmill afterward, and it felt ok... but just ok. Odd that it seemed to improve quite a bit the first week, but this second week has brought little change. Or maybe I'm just not appreciating the small improvements, such as I've cut way back on the ibuprofen and icing... so I guess that is a good thing to feel ok with little intervention. Hope your ankle is ok Murphy, take it easy. Cash... Roll eyes way to go, jr.

                      Hail to The Victors!

                        Winter arrived in Michigan with a vengeance today. I pretty much had to run my scheduled 19 this week today because of obligations next week dictating the schedule. Man, was it fun and games. 40 degrees, windy and rainy. Then sleety. Then snowy. The rainy and snowy wasn't TOO bad, but the sleety was pretty brutal. The wife said I looked like a drowned rat when I got back in. That was probably the craziest run I've done since I ran into the teeth in a Minnesota blizzard with my friends when I was 17. On the other hand, the weather sure took my mind off of how rough my body felt from miles 16-19, and that was a blessing. ;-)

                          All good stuff but it can play hell on middle aged backs . Dave, who you calling middle aged? I haven't even begun to grow up yet. Erika, can confirm that.

                            OK, I posted earlier and now it's not here... very strange... Cash, I hurt my back showing a client how NOT to do a row with free weights. I said, "Make sure you don't swing the weights like this..OUCH!" I'm not kidding... what a dork am I. Dave, I would just keep taking it easy if I were you. I ran 8 miles today- the longest I've gone since MCM but I need to get on the stick. The 8 miles were a bit fast in humid weather- but so glad to get out there. Good luck Brian! Let us know how you and your Dad do.... I know you'll have a blast. Hang in there Erika, I'm sure it will get better. You're being smart. I don't even know you but I can tell that you're smart. Murphy- hope your ankle feels better. Shan- nice running streak Bugs- going to a chili party tonight. What should I eat so that my jeans will start to fall off of me? Beer? Chips? Sour cream? Smile Jhallum- (is your name Jeremy?)- where are you in MI? DH's family is in Brighton- outside Detriot. Cool weather to run in! I almost wimped out with the rain this morning and posts like yours make me feel like a baby. Smile

                            Hail to The Victors!

                              Jhallum- (is your name Jeremy?)- where are you in MI? DH's family is in Brighton- outside Detriot. Cool weather to run in! I almost wimped out with the rain this morning and posts like yours make me feel like a baby. Smile
                              Yup, my name is Jeremy. I live about 20 miles down the road from Brighton, in Ann Arbor. I certainly didn't expect today to be so memorable. I expected some light rain and some wind early, but not that!
                                Feeling a bit better today. Getting up early to knock out what miles I can. Crappy weather--but need a solid two weeks to get some miles in. If I feel ok, the plan is 40 miles this week, 20 next week then about 8 during taper week. I need to get into the 180's for this marathon. I think I will go walk/run again for Vegas. Wasnt planning on it--but the lost week of training will probably lead me to do it again. I plan on running harder though in between the breaks. Not sure what I did but that ankle calf, has been trouble for a couple weeks. I had been working on concrete in a warehouse climbing around on warehouse racks and stuff. Im sure that didnt help.