Connecticut Runners

2015 Who's Racing Where - Post 'Em if You Got 'Em (Read 15 times)


delicate flower

    WOO HOO, breaking the tape!  Way to go, Kevin!  Excellent work.




      Even better image from that day...Ntown Kyle kicking in the last 100m of the kids' race - same tongue out style I show when working really hard...

      Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
      We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

        Nice job!  Congratulations!


        Stole the win by a fraction of a second at the line. 17:37. Really nasty conditions out there today, and a little dicey in spots, but given the snow, wind and cold, I'll take this and build on it. Fun race though. Firefighters did it in full gear (masks and tanks and everything). Awesome.


        Hold the Mayo

          Looks like a Mad Crazy Busy racing weekend coming up - 12 races Saturday, and 11 on Sunday. I'll be in Lyme for the Ashlawn Farms Lyme Road Race early Saturday, and then jetting up the road a few miles to Salem for the Salem Road race an hour later.  Sunday brings me to Vernon for the Strong Family Farm Chicken Run.


          What'cha all got ?

          Hip Redux

            Last minute decision to do the Middletown 4 miler, mostly because a friend who lives in town invited me over for food after lol (that's a good reason to run a race, right?)


              Last minute decision to do the Middletown 4 miler, mostly because a friend who lives in town invited me over for food after lol (that's a good reason to run a race, right?)


              Food and friends are both at least on the top 5 list of reasons to race.


              Looks like a pretty awesome weather weekend out there for running. Enjoy!

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

              delicate flower

                Last minute decision to do the Middletown 4 miler, mostly because a friend who lives in town invited me over for food after lol (that's a good reason to run a race, right?)


                WOO HOO give it hell!!!



                I am jealous of everyone who is racing (not jealous of Oski, mind you...'bout damn time she is running again).  Lots of good races and my facebook feed is loaded with all of that stuff.  No racing for me though for two more weeks.  My time is coming.


                Hip Redux

                  I would use the term "racing" loosely.   I am mostly just relieving my wallet of all the race fees I couldn't spend last year.  lol


                    Representing CT in NY today - 35:27 for 1OA at Kingston Classic 10k. Absolutely beautiful day, and a really nice fast course.

                    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                    delicate flower

                      Another race, another win, eh Kevin!?    Congratulations!!


                        Another race, another win, eh Kevin!?    Congratulations!!


                        Heh, thanks. Jon Sinclair and Greg Meyer (both former winners of this race in under 29 minutes) are shaking their heads at what it's become I'm sure, but you can't control who shows up. The best part for me is that 2nd and 3rd were 19 and 21 years old. That makes me smile.


                        And bonus, if you want to see a short but embarrassing youtube post-race interview...:

                        Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                        We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                          Really nice.  This will be my target for the upcoming Old Wethersfield 10K.


                          Representing CT in NY today - 35:27 for 1OA at Kingston Classic 10k. Absolutely beautiful day, and a really nice fast course.

                            Yond! Great job at Boston! Wow!

                            Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                            We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                              Thank you Kevin.  Really great race!  Will do it again next year.


                              Yond! Great job at Boston! Wow!

                                Well, I know there's been some not so clandestine racing out there...I see your reports. A lot of good ones recently.


                                Anybody doing Bridgeport HR next weekend? Ridiculously flat 5k (only way it could be more flat is on a track). I'll be there. Running has been a little up and down lately, but hope to put in a good effort.


                                Memorial day weekend has about 1000 races to pick from. Who else is doing what?

                                Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                                We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes